Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise As Power Source

This day and age it can be very difficult indeed to go to the gym. Life is very hectic and busy, which will create a serious challenge for remaining consistent with exercise each day. Exercise is however, just what we all need to reduce stress, and give the body the extra energy it needs to carry out normal living.

The best results of exercise are achieved through the use of refined techniques, functional exercises, cardio, the right nutrition, variety, awareness, consistency, and motivation over a period of time.

Use Proper From While Doing Exercise

Use Proper From While Doing Exercise

Use Proper From While Doing Exercise

The refined techniques mean correct form to isolate muscles or to target areas of the body. Efficiency is need to ensure stimulation of the muscles. With weight lift training, which is also known as resistance training, you’ll need to eliminate any type of momentum.

It is also important to move the weight about using a full range of motion. Full range of motion causes the muscle to contract for the right amount of time and help to ensure the right length of the tendons. The goal here is to strengthen the joints of your body by stimulating the muscles.

Cadence is also helpful, as it is a term that refers to the rate in which the resistance or the weight moves. The best results with cadence are gained by slow movements which will cause the muscle to contract for a longer period of time. You can mix in a series of fast and slow cadence, which is very beneficial with sports type training.

Using the correct angles will achieve muscle isolation in target areas and help to decrease the risk of injuries, which is great for those using heavy weights.

Doing Functional Exercise Helps

Functional type exercise is a popular technique that will stimulate the core and torso of your body while you work on another muscle group at the same time. As an example, when you perform a dumbell press while lying on an exercise ball.

Your abdominal muscles and the core muscles will contract to hold your body into this position, while your chest and tricep muscles will push the dumbells up. This type of exercise and challenge will cause maximum stimulation to your body and keep the workout interesting and refreshing.

Cardio is another exercise that is great for the heart and lungs. The total number of calories you burn is very important along with maintaining the right heart rate. The formula for your heart rate is 220 minus your age times 60 for the lower number, then 220 minus you age and times 80 for the upper number.

This is also known as fat burning zone. Cardio will also de-toxify the body and help to strengthen the immune system along with other benefits. The muscles will contract and pass the lymph along, which will allow the immune system to clear away dead cells and bring new ones in.

Be Sure to Warm Up Before Exercise

Anytime you exercise, warming up is very important, as it will prepare your body for the more demanding workout of cardio. You should always allow 15 – 30 minutes prior to weight lifting and 10 – 15 minutes prior to cardio exercises. You should also stretch as well, as this will help get the blood flowing through your musles and get them limber as well.

An ideal schedule for working out is to warm up then follow with cardio. You can lift weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then cardio only on Tuesday and Thursday. Even though you may think your schedule is simply too busy to maintain a schedule for working out, you’ll find that adding exercise will actually add more time, as you’ll have a lot more energy in your normal everyday life. You can think of exercise as the batteries that will help to give your life power.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Supplements and Weights for Older People

I know that I always preach that exercise, diet, and simple vitamin supplements can help people stay healthy and now I see that yet another study shows that older people can get healthier by taking some carbs and protein before getting exercise, this is also a good idea for anyone getting in shape.

Also the type of exercise that older people do is critically important.

Improving health in older people

A carefully framed combination of moderate exercise and nutritional supplements could help older people maintain an active lifestyle for longer.

A Manchester Metropolitan University study has found that taking carbohydrate and protein supplements just before and just after low-resistance exercise could boost muscle performance and slow muscle wastage in people over retirement age.

Moreover, this combination appears to deliver greater fitness benefits than undertaking heavy-resistance training with or without changing one’s nutritional habits.

Supplements and Weights for Older PeopleThis was the first-ever study of the combination of structured exercise and nutritional supplements to focus wholly on older people. Undertaken as part of the SPARC (Strategic Promotion of Ageing Research Capacity) initiative, the findings will be discussed at this year’s BA Festival of Science in Liverpool on Thursday 11th September. SPARC is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

This groundbreaking study involved a carefully selected sample of around 60 healthy, independent-living adults aged 65 and over.

The volunteers were randomly divided into groups who underwent different 12 week programmes of physical exercise and nutritional supplementation. Everyone was then re-assessed at the end of the programme.

Some groups undertook low-resistance exercise once a week; others undertook high-resistance exercise twice a week. Within each group, some of the volunteers took protein and carbohydrate supplements while others did not.

Results of Supplements for Older Weight lifters

When all the participants were re-assessed at the end of the 12 week programme, it was observed that muscle size and strength had increased in all groups.However, the results suggested that older people would derive the most benefits if they took appropriate supplements coupled with low-intensity exercise.

“Maintaining muscle performance and arresting muscle wastage can offer older people real improvements in their quality of life,” says Dr Gladys Pearson, who led the research. “Though we still need to assess precisely what level of exercise gives the best results, we believe we’ve shown that regular low-resistance exercise complemented by the right nutritional supplements could boost the well-being of the UK’s ageing population.”

Dr Pearson and her team now aim to look at the effectiveness of novel combinations of strength training and nutritional supplementation as a way of speeding recovery and improving mobility for old and young orthopaedic surgery patients.

Supplements and Weights for Older People, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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Weight Loss Exercise

Exercises for Women Using Hand Weights

Hand weights for women are a great way to get a good weight workout. Women can develop osteoporosis or bone loss as they age. Fortunately, resistance training or strength training can help prevent osteoporosis. It is not necessary to lift heavy weights to keep the bones and joints strong. Exercises with hand weights for women will result in stronger bones and muscles.

Hand Weights For Women

Exercises for Women Using Hand Weights

Hand Weights For Women

Women who are just starting their strength training program can exercise with light hand weights or dumbbells weighing between 2 to 5 pounds. As your strength develops, you can gradually increase the weight to between 5 and 20 pounds. When working with lighter hand weights, women can do 10 to 15 repetitions. As you increase the poundage, you can do 8 to 12 reps. This will help prevent injury while you build your muscles and bones.

Proper Form

Women who are exercising with hand weights should always maintain proper form and technique. This is true regardless of the poundage. Your back should be straight and the stomach should be pulled in. When standing, remember not to lock your knees. Work with hand weights that are appropriate for you. If you have to swing your body for momentum when lifting the weight, it means your weights are too heavy.

Exercises with Hand Weights for Women

Women can do exercises with small hand weights to improve muscle tone and built stronger bones and joints. Here are some workout routines using small hand weights for women.

Walking Lunge

Women can do the walking lunge to tone and develop the hamstrings, quads and glutes. This exercise also tones the inner thighs and legs.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and arms straight down holding the weights. Step your right foot forward and bend both knees. Keep your upper body straight and point your left knee down. Keep your arms and weights at your sides. Straighten your legs and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Overhead Tricep Extension

This exercise is done while holding a dumbbell between both hands. The exercise may be done while standing or sitting down. With elbows bent, hold a dumbbell vertically behind your head. Keep your elbows squeezed toward your head. Slowly lift the dumbbell over your head without moving your elbows forward. Lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat.

Biceps Curl

The biceps curl requires hand weights and allows women to exercise the upper arms or biceps. The exercise can be done while standing or sitting. Hold a hand weight or dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang straight down at your sides. While keeping your elbows close to your side, lift the dumbbell up to your shoulder. Slowly lower the hand weight back to the starting position. Repeat.

There are many other exercises with hand weights for women, such as fly, hammer curl, shoulder lift, preacher curl, and many more. Don’t forget to do some stretching before and after strength training exercises using your hand weights for women to reduce the risk of injury.