Weight Loss Exercise

Foods to Avoid for Better Health

Today I want to write about the foods to avoid for better health. So yesterday, just as a recap I wrote about the five things you should eat. Meat, veggies, fruit, milk, water. I know that these are the staples of what we should eat but I know that as a core we do not tend to eat just those things.

But here is the thing, eat those foods as the basis of your daily diet. Everything else is extra and not as good.

So I want to make a short list of what to avoid or not eat as much of. These may seem obvious but the point is that what we put in our mouth is often not well though through.

Foods to Avoid for Better Health

Foods to Avoid for Better Health

Foods to Avoid for Better Health

1. Bread – I know that this is a very broad one but bread, although offering some carbs and nutrients is not a core food to me. I eat it but I also do try to avoid it (breadsticks anyone?). This is not the worst food but your body can turn this into fat fairly quickly as the calories are pretty dense.

2. Rice and Potatoes – Another complex carb these two are the basis of most people dinners. You have a piece of meat, a vegetable, and a half a plate of mashed potatoes or rice. Both of these do have some nutrients but because of the carbs per once of food the calories will add up quick and be stored as fat in your body

3. Fried Foods – Frying food in many parts of the world is a constant and normal type of cooking. Fried chicken, fried fish, french fries, deep fried snickers bars. There are a couple problems with these fried foods and these are the loss of nutrients in the frying process and the gobs of calories in fat added needlessly to the food.

4. Pop or Soda – Apparently what I call pop in Canada is called soda in America. Anyway these are of course empty calories and I am as guilty as many for this. I have a can a coke a day which is the equivalent number of calories as a regular meal. There is no redeeming value in sodas, no nutrients, contain caffeine, and they work as a diuretic robbing your body of water.

5. Sweet or fried Snacks – This should be obvious to everyone so it was an easy one for this list. Sugar turns to fat easily, no nutrients, blood sugar peaks and valleys. These snacky foods that can fill a pantry easily are not at all good, mostly very bad and should be avoided.

So lets have a caveat here. I take shots at the food above and we all know why we should avoid it but they are around and we still want to eat them right? I am a real person and I do eat all of the above but the fact is that we need to realize the importance of good eating and the result of bad eating. I would not expect anyone to completely take all of the above out of their eating plans but at the same time you have to be careful.

This leads me into what I want to write about tomorrow which is sacrificing food habits and how to avoid it.

Hope this list of foods to avoid for better health just helps you think about things as they are today.

Weight Loss Exercise

Breads and Vegetables evil or good?

Breads and Vegetables? What do these have in common? Not much. The reason that we want to consider these two staples of a diet is for opposite reasons.

Breads are a nightmare for many people trying to cut down on the carbs in their diet. There is good reason to cut the carbs as most people are taking in to many carbs in the first place. In saying that cutting down carbs is good I am not writing about a zero carb policy like with the Atkins diet but instead just talking about cutting a quarter or half of your carbs out and not replacing them and thus you will have cut your calorie intake quite substantially. Bread as any diabetic can tell you is a very addictive food. To most people the cutting of bread from their diet is one of the biggest sacrifices they can make and once it is out of your diet for a week or two you will feel better and will not have those cravings anymore. I know this from experience as I have a bagel every morning (equivalent to 5 slices of bread) and for a week I went without and felt badly in the morning but by the next week I was not missing it at all.

Vegetables are also carbs but are much better for you and in the typical North American diet most of us would be very short of the six or so servings that we should have. The advantages to increasing your vegetables are threefold. First vegetables are fairly high in Water and fiber which helps your body to keep everything running smooth. Secondly vegetables are a great source for most of your vitamins and minerals and thirdly vegetables are filling and will keep you from getting up after your mealto grab something sweet.

Diet Pills

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Revealed!. . Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one of the easiest methods to lose weight I've ever met. Everything is done for you. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a diet program that comes with a generator meal plan. Therefore it makes the process of fat loss very effectively. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not specifically a diet low in fat or low carb. The system works by changing the type of calories you eat to confuse the body's metabolism into burning fat at a higher rate.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a clear straight-forward system includes many useful suggestions to help you get a grip on how what you eat affects you. Fat Loss 4 Idiots will show you clearly how to make permanent changes to the types of foods you eat and the recurring patterns of how you eat will help you lose fat once and for all. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a little similar to this concept, as you do not eat the same foods over every day. You keep some staples, but switch things to keep your metabolism to burn more fat. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is based on the transfer of calories technical breakthrough. Instead of counting calories, you pass the types and proportions of calories you eat at different meals on a cycle of 11 days.

Lose weight fast diets you tried before did not work for the long term, but what you do. Lose 9 pounds in 11 days with the new fat loss 4 idiots diet plan. This is not a regular diet program because you even eat 4 meals in. Start a garden and grow some of your own vegetables for your Fat Loss 4 Idiots program. Start with a walk, park farther from your shop or office. As you progress, take more time to walk or jog.

Eating the right way can also make you lose weight. This diet plan shows you which foods to eat and how often to eat. Eating four meals at two and a half hour apart regulates hormones, prevents you from feeling hungry, increase your energy and helps you lose weight.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots offers to help you lose up to 9 pounds in 11 days. Much of this is probably the weight of water (because it is difficult for the body to lose as much fat at the same time unless you are very obese). Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a completely different approach based on calorie shifting. This means that your body is given different types of calories each day. which modifies your metabolism and forces the fat loss faster to produce. Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet program is a supply line that was launched in 2005 when it was still called the weight loss 4 idiots. The program has had numerous following that it became one of the most popular food during this year.