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FDA give 10 Tips for Medicine and Sick Kids

As a father of two school aged kids that are always getting sick with whatever sickness is going around the school I am always concerned about medications for the kids. The FDA came out with a top 10 list of things to think about when giving meds to kids.

10 Tips for Medicine and Sick Kids

When it comes to taking medicines, kids aren’t just small adults. When using nonprescription medicines, here are 10 ways to be sure you’re giving your children the right medicine and the right amount.

  1. Read and follow the label directions every time. Pay special attention to usage directions and warnings. If you notice any new symptoms or unexpected side effects in your child or the medicine doesn’t appear to be working, talk to your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
  2. Know how much medicine to give and when. Read and follow the label.
  3. Know the abbreviations for tablespoon (tbsp.) and teaspoon (tsp.). You should also know: milligram (mg.), milliliter (mL.), and ounce (oz.).
  4. Use the correct dosing device. If the label says two teaspoons and you’re using a dosing cup with ounces only, don’t guess – get the proper measuring device. Don’t substitute another item, such as a kitchen spoon.
  5. Never play doctor. Twice the recommended dose is not appropriate just because your child seems twice as sick as last time. When in doubt about your child’s condition, call your doctor.
  6. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional before giving two medicines at the same time to avoid a possible overdose or an unwanted interaction.
  7. Follow age and weight limit recommendations. If the label says don’t give to children under a certain age or weight, don’t do it. Call your doctor.
  8. Always use the child-resistant cap and re-lock the cap after each use. Be especially careful with iron-containing vitamins or supplements, which have been a source of accidental poisoning deaths in children under three.
  9. Follow the “KEEP OUT OF REACH” warning. Today’s medicines are often flavored to mask the taste of the medicine, which is all the more reason to keep all drugs out of the sight and reach of children.
  10. Always check the package and the medicine itself for signs of tampering. Don’t buy or use any medicine from a package that shows cuts, tears, slices, or other imperfections. Report anything suspicious to the pharmacist or store manager.

I know that most of this list is obvious but there are other things to think about as well and that is taste (as listed above) and drug interactions (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Acetaminophen)

Aspirin – Never give aspirin to kids as it can cause problems like Reyes syndrome. Baby aspirin as we have all heard of is not actually for babies but is actually just a small aspirin for adults.

Acetaminophen – is fine for kids to treat pain or a fever but is not good for too long. Make sure that you are dosing right as it can be hard on the kids liver if you give them too much.

Ibuprofen – is fine also for kids although again watch the dosing as it can be a problem as well if you exceed the dose

Finally it is critical not to mix the Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen with kids, or even with adults for that matter as these pain relievers can cause serious health problems when mixed together.

I think mostly for kids when they are sick the most important thing is to make sure that they sleep, have a warm bath if they are cold and a cold compress on their head or neck and a cool bath if they are hot. And always make sure they take in lots of liquids. Although kids are really good at letting you know how they feel (mine are anyway) they usually get over colds and the flu pretty quickly and easily.



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Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

When following the Paleo Diet you will see that all sugary foods are banned. Even though this might be hard for some people, eliminating sugar from your diet is a good thing!

Yes, sugar does taste good but it also contains fats and huge amounts of calories. Not good for anyone wanting to lose weight! Sugar is addictive and you will find that the more you eat, the more your body will crave sugar.

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Your body cannot handle all this sugar and will store excess sugar as fat. This fat shows up on your hips, thighs, buttocks and stomach.

As well as food cravings sugar is responsible for making you feel tired. If you eat too much sugar you may find that you wake up tired. You don’t feel refreshed at all. You can get rid of this tiredness but eating more sugar but then the cycle starts over again. You feel better from the sugar high but your body crashes leaving you feeling extremely hungry and fatigued.

Breaking the Sugar Cycle

So how do you break this cycle, how do you eliminate sugar from your diet? Well the obvious way is by eliminating as much sugar as possible from your diet.

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Cutting back on soft drinks, processed foods, crackers, muffins and cookies is a good start. You should also be careful about choosing fruits which are high in sugar. If you are trying to lose weight only eat one or two pieces of fruit per day.

People who eat high amounts of sugar have been found to have high triglyceride levels, plus their good (HDL) cholesterol levels are low. Low HDL levels are a cause for heart attacks.

The amount of sugar that you can safely eat is around 8 teaspoons per day, or 100 calories for women and 150 calories from sugar for men. This amount of sugar can be found in one can of soda!

The best way to eliminate sugar from your diet is to take one step at a time. Start by replacing those soft drinks with herbal tea or water. Water will actually help flush out toxins from your body and jump start your weight loss efforts.

Start eating regularly and allow yourself small snacks in between each meal. Sugar is known to curb your hunger quickly, so not allowing yourself to suffer from those hunger attacks is key. By keeping your body full with nourishing healthy foods you can overcome your sugar cravings and eliminating sugar from your diet within a few days.

If you do decide to quit sugar totally the first two to three days will be the hardest to get through. Your body will crave something sweet so make sure you have snacks such as nuts or berries on hand to eat.

Stress is another cause of sugar cravings and if you find yourself wanting to eat when stressed then it is time to deal with the cause of your stress. Taking the time to find out the root cause and handling it is the only way to remove stress from your life. As well as making you crave sugar stress can cause all kinds of health issues including heart attacks and death!

By following the Paleo diet you will only be consuming sugar that is found naturally in foods. By eliminating sugar from your diet you should experience a sharp drop in your weight quite quickly.

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The Power of Apple Cider Vinegar

I am always looking for new ways to improve my health and Apple Cider Vinegar is the latest for me. The first thing you have to think about is: “what is apple cider vinegar good for?” When I first decided to take this stuff I researched a lot of stuff and found that apple cider vinegar is good for lots of stuff as we will see in this article. Also I had to find out how to take this and even though you may think it is going to taste terrible in fact it is not bad. I just take 2 teaspoons in a glass of water once in the morning and then in the evening before I go to bed.

It is important to be careful if you are going to take Apple Cider Vinegar to actually get the right kind. I got Braggs Raw organic unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (the regular stuff in the store is no use for health benefits) This stuff says that it has “the Mother” which is just a nice way to say the silt, sediment, and enzymes are in the bottle. So shake it up before you pour the teaspoons in your glass (The mother won’t mind)

Michelle Kwon wrote this article about the history and benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. I thought you may be interested in this as well.

In addition to being a tasty, low-calorie dressing, apple cider vinegar could be a miracle elixir for melting away fat, boosting the immune system and even restoring arthritic joints.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an old folk remedy claimed to be beneficial in treating . a list of ailments. It’s thought to guard against osteoporosis, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, heal infection, assist in digestion, and relieve everything from headaches to heartburn and hay fever.

The Power of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is still not known why apple cider vinegar provides benefits. Some proponents say it is due to its enzymes, minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, silicon, trace minerals and pectin. Yet research shows that it actually only contains very slight amounts of these. Others say its natural malic and tartaric acids help fight body toxins and inhibit unfriendly bacteria.

Though nothing has been clinically proven, researchers can’t discount the myriad of accounts of healing that have been collected throughout history. The qualities of apple cider vinegar have been known for thousands of years. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used it as an antibiotic and antiseptic in 400 BC. It was used in Biblical times as a healing agent and is mentioned in the Bible. In Paris in the Middle Ages it was sold from barrels by street vendors as a body deodorant and health drink.

Even Christopher Columbus had it on his voyage to discover America in 1492 in order to prevent scurvy. In 1820, poet Lord Byron made the vinegar and water diet popular. During the US Civil War, soldiers used it as a treatment for pneumonia and indigestion. It was also used to treat wounds during World War 1. For centuries in Japan, Samurai warriors drank it for strength. The vinegar is now officially recognized in Japan as functional food because it is said to stimulate bifidus bacteria in the bowel, contributing to gastrointestinal health.

This conclusion was also reached by popular 1950s author DC Jarvis, who advised those with GI problems to consume a tonic with each meal to destroy harmful bacteria in the gut. His book Folk Medicine praised apple cider vinegar as the solution for ailments including chronic fatigue and fat reduction. He declared that cider vinegar tonic would reduce body fat because it caused fat to be burned instead of stored.

But what about the Apple Cider Vinegar science?

In May, a Newsweek Magazine investigative feature on apple cider vinegar stated that scientific research to support health claims remains scant. But it also reported that one study provides evidence that there may be advantages for diabetics who take vinegar.

Carol Johnston, a nutrition professor at Arizona State University, found that vinegar could help maintain blood-glucose levels. In her research with diabetic patients, those who drank a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meal times had lower blood glucose than those who did not. Her trials observed that some vinegar drinkers consumed fewer calories, slimmed their waist and hip circumferences, and trimmed body fat.

What are the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Though poor eating habits and insufficient exercise are the major causes of weight gain, some research suggests that a prime cause of obesity is insufficient oxidation of the blood, and that cider vinegar may boost the blood’s oxygen. However, the other possible reason for weight loss seems more likely; that in revitalizing the digestive system, digestive disorders including obesity can slowly be eliminated, making the body’s metabolism work better. Two teaspoons of cider vinegar should be taken in a glassful of water before breakfast in the morning and before each meal to prevent over-eating and promote digestion.

Patricia Bragg, whose father was a health food pioneer and whose company is one of the product’s leading producers, extols its benefits in her book, Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System.

She believes that the vinegar helps thin the blood and the body because of its natural acids and enzymes. She even says that people naturally crave and serve cranberry sauce (which contains four different acids) with turkey, applesauce with pork, lemon with fish, and steak with mushrooms because all of these condiments are rich in natural acids.

Animal proteins and fats have a tendency to thicken the blood and be difficult to digest, while cider vinegar and other natural acids help keep the blood healthier and aid elimination which increases weight loss. She’s sold over five million copies of her book that prescribes raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey in a glass of water three times daily for longevity.

How is apple cider vinegar made?

This refers only to unfiltered, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar that has not been distilled. Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples and allowing them to naturally ferment in wooden barrels.

Sugar and yeast is added to start fermentation, which turns the sugars into alcohol, then is converted by acetic acid-forming bacteria into vinegar. Acetic acid gives vinegar its sour taste. It should be a rich, brownish in colour and contain a cobweb-like substance that makes it look cloudy.

Forgo the pasteurized, refined brands that don’t offer the health benefits. It’s unfortunate that popular food trends haven’t recognized raw apple cider vinegar like balsamic vinegar and other highly promoted varieties.

Today, the most popular vinegar in supermarkets is a clear imitation vinegar made from coal tar with no health value.

Consider apple cider vinegar instead, not only for flavouring, pickling and marinating but as a tonic. The first hurdle, though, is getting over the taste! Your first swig of the tonic may take a little while to swallow.

  • The Power of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Power of Apple Cider Vinegar

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