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Remedies For Tinnitus Or Ringing In The Ears

There are almost as many remedies for tinnitus as there are causes of this debilitating condition. Tinnitus is very common and while it may be a temporary condition associated with ear infections or other problems that can easily be cured, it is sometimes more serious.

While it is often called ‘ringing in the ears’ it is not always experienced as a ringing sound. It may be a hissing or buzzing sound. It may be in both ears or just one. It may be more noticeable at certain times of day. Sometimes there is pain in the ear and sometimes there is not.

What Causes Tinnitus?

The first thing to understand is that having tinnitus does not usually mean that you are going deaf. While it is sometimes associated with hearing loss, there are many other causes too. These include:

  • ear infections
  • high blood pressure
  • low blood pressure
  • allergies
  • ear wax buildup
  • thyroid problems
  • stress

As you can imagine, many of these conditions are easy to treat and the tinnitus will usually go away as soon as the problem is solved. Some of them, like high blood pressure, can have serious consequences if untreated, so you should see a doctor to establish the cause and remedies for tinnitus and any underlying problems in your case.

Remedies For Tinnitus Or Ringing In The Ears

Remedies For Tinnitus

Occasionally the tinnitus will be linked to something that is harder to treat, such as a head injury or Menieres disease, which is an inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing. People with Menieres disease will have dizzy spells, sometimes falling over. There can also be periods of uncontrollable eye movement, nausea and excessive sweating.

Because there are so many different causes, clearly there will be many different remedies for tinnitus too. Here are some of the natural remedies that have worked for some people.

Massage And Manipulation as a Tinnitus Remedy

Head and neck massage has helped some people. Cranio-sacral therapy and acupuncture are other forms of treatment that may relieve the pressure in and around the ear.

Vitamins And Minerals as a Tinnitus Remedy

Mineral deficiencies can cause tinnitus, especially deficiencies in magnesium, potassium or zinc. Vitamin deficiencies may affect the circulatory system and contribute to the problem too. However, overdose of some of these nutrients can cause problems too, so do not take high doses without being tested for deficiency. Taking a good daily multi vitamin and mineral supplement should be enough, along with a healthy diet containing plenty of vegetables.

Herbal Remedies For Tinnitus

Gingko Biloba extract is often used by herbal medicine practitioners to treat tinnitus and other conditions that may be associated with it, including headaches, dizziness, depression and concentration problems. Black cohosh may be recommended where the tinnitus is associated with the nerves in the ear. Hawthorn may be helpful where there are circulation problems or blood pressure issues. However, do not be tempted to self prescribe.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

This is a form of counseling which teaches sufferers to stop paying so much attention to the noise in the ears. This has been tested on war veterans and found to be very helpful in cases where other treatments have not solved the problem. Hypnosis is another therapy that can stop tinnitus from bothering us so much. Although these treatments that work with the mind are not exactly remedies for tinnitus, they can make a huge difference to someone whose life is being made miserable by this annoying and sometimes disabling condition.

Weight Loss Exercise

Should You Consult a Doctor for Weight Loss?

The first rule when you decide you want to lose weight is to go have a talk with your doctor. Let him or her decide if you need to lose weight, how much, what plan you should follow, what supplements – if any – you should take, and when you should come back for follow-up visits to make sure everything is proceeding as planned.

It will also be helpful if you bring a list of any medications you are taking, as well as any over-the-counter supplements, herbal products, Ayurvedic products, spices for health purposes, and a brief summary of your medical history. It will be important for your doctor to know if you have had any surgery, or if you have heart problems, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, etc. Your doctor will probably know all – or most – of this, but it won’t hurt to put everything done on one piece of paper. Remember to date it and keep a copy for yourself.

It’s especially important to list ALL medications you are taking because sometimes they can contribute to weight gain. Especially if your weight gain is recent, and coincides with the commencement of some new medications.

One test your doctor may want to take is a thyroid test to make sure your thyroid is functioning properly. Have you also become more tired than normal? Note anything in your life that may have changed about the time the weight gain started.

Emotional factors can be a big factor in weight gain. Have elements of your lifestyle changed drastically? Have you moved to a new city, changed jobs, got married, got divorced, and had a child? All of these factors can contribute to a change in your health and weight.

Weight gain does usually come down to “calories in versus calories out”, but sometimes there are other medically related factors that can cause you to put on extra weight.

Another important list to take with you is a list of any questions you may have for your doctor. You may want to ask the following things:

* What is my ideal weight for my bone structure and height?
* Do I really need to lose weight, or shift my weight from fat to muscle mass?
* Could my health problems be causing my weight gain?
* What other problems might I have due to my increased weight?
* Explain the different weight loss medication options to me?
* What about weight loss surgery?

Another good item to take with you is a food journal. Keep a food journal for the two weeks before your appointment, writing down everything you eat, when you eat it, if you were really hungry or succumbing to a craving, was it an emotional hunger or real hunger, did you eat sitting down at a table or cramming the food in your mouth straight from the refrigerator? Don’t worry about what you write, just be brutally honest because it’s for your health that you need to address these issues.

What are your cultural comfort foods? Do you eat at fast food restaurants often? Do you always feel that you have to “clean your plate because there are children starving in Africa”? What kind of programming and triggers lead to your eating?

If you already have a certain diet in mind, such as the Atkins Program, or the Mediterranean Diet, bring the details with you so you doctor can check it out. It’s amazing how many different diet programs there are and it’s even more amazing how uninformed a lot of doctors are about what’s available.

Good luck! Keep your goal in mind, work with your doctor, and remember to include some exercise each day.

Article word count: 625

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Natural Thyroid Storm Treatments

Natural Thyroid Storm Treatments

Natural thyroid storm treatments

Thyroid Storm is a severe condition which affects only a small percentage of people with hyperthyroidism but there are Natural thyroid storm treatments. In fact, only about 1 to 2% of people with hyperthyroidism develop thyroid storm. However, for those people who do develop this condition, this is considered an emergency situation that requires immediate intervention.

One can understand the reasoning behind this by looking at the symptoms of thyroid storm. People with this condition are likely to experience an increased heart rate which exceeds 200 beats per minute, along with palpitations, increased blood pressure, chest pain, and/or shortness of breath. So while I’m an advocate of treating conditions through holistic methods, the first thing someone needs to do with this condition is to go to the emergency room and receive medical intervention to manage the symptoms. Once the symptoms are under control, one can then begin a natural thyroid treatment protocol to help restore the person’s health back to normal, which I’ll discuss shortly.

How Are The Symptoms Of Thyroid Storm Managed?

Because the symptoms of thyroid storm are severe, frequently a combination of different drugs are used. This can include anti-thyroid drugs, beta blockers, and/or a blockade iodine drug. If an infection is contributing to thyroid storm, then this will need to be addressed as well.

Once again, it is not advised to use nutritional supplements or herbal remedies to treat this condition. While there are some effective supplements and herbs to help with hyperthyroidism, they will take some time to “kick in”. When someone has thyroid storm, they need to have the symptoms under control quickly, as if someone has a pulse rate of 200 beats a minute, this is a life-threatening situation and needs to be addressed right away. And most herbs won’t act quick enough to manage the symptoms.

Natural Thyroid Storm Treatment Methods

Once you have successfully managed the symptoms of thyroid storm, you can then begin a Natural thyroid storm treatments protocol to help restore your health back to normal. When I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease, which is an autoimmune hyperthyroid condition, I followed a natural thyroid treatment protocol which eventually did eliminate my symptoms, normalized my thyroid blood tests and other tests I had obtained. So for those who have been told that there is no cure for hyperthyroidism or Graves’ Disease, and have been advised to either take anti-thyroid drugs or receive radioactive iodine treatment, you might want to consult with a natural endocrine doctor. The problem is that most endocrinologists and other types of medical doctors don’t know how to do anything other than prescribe drugs, perform surgery, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, as not everyone with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease can be cured, and sometimes drugs and other medical procedures are necessary. I without question was skeptical when I was first diagnosed with Graves’ Disease. Even though I’m a holistic practitioner, I still was concerned as to whether Natural thyroid storm treatments would work. All I know is that at the time I wanted to do everything I could to avoid receiving radioactive iodine therapy, and fortunately everything worked out well. However, I’d be lying if I told you if it was an easy process, as it did take some time to restore my health back to normal, and so anyone looking for a quick and easy cure will be very disappointed.

Natural Thyroid Storm Treatments for Cause Of Your Condition

Natural thyroid storm treatments methods are effective because they try to get to the actual cause of the disorder, rather than just manage the symptoms. On the other hand, conventional medical treatment methods for hyperthyroidism aim at controlling the symptoms. For example, when I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism by my primary care physician, I was prescribed a beta blocker to help with the increased heart rate and palpitations I was experiencing. Then I went to see an endocrinologist, where I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease and then was told by her to take anti-thyroid drugs and a beta blocker. I personally didn’t take any anti-thyroid medication or beta blockers, but I’m sure if I followed her full recommendations I eventually would have been on the path to receiving radioactive iodine therapy.

What’s important to understand is that in most cases of thyroid storm, hyperthyroidism, and Graves’ Disease, the thyroid gland itself isn’t the actual cause of the problem. Another area of the body is almost always responsible for the hyperthyroid condition. For example, in Graves’ Disease, the immune system is obviously compromised, yet no attempt is made to eliminate the autoimmune response. But even in cases when someone isn’t afflicted with an autoimmune thyroid condition, the thyroid gland itself is rarely the cause of the problem.

Seeking The Advice For Natural Treatments for Thyroid Storm

If you are interested in using Natural thyroid storm treatments methods to help restore your health back to normal, the first thing I recommend is to speak with a competent holistic doctor who focuses on endocrine disorders. This way you can find out if you’re a good candidate for care, and if so, the doctor will then recommend a natural thyroid treatment protocol. Before doing this they most likely will recommend one or more additional tests in addition to the thyroid blood tests you probably have already received. For example, if they suspect a problem with your adrenal glands, they probably will recommend an Adrenal Stress Index test. If they think you might have a hormone imbalance, then they might recommend a male or female hormone panel. Or they might test you for certain nutritional deficiencies.

Once they have determined the actual cause of your thyroid condition, they once again will recommend a Natural thyroid storm treatments protocol which potentially can restore your health back to normal. As I mentioned earlier, such a protocol isn’t easy to follow, as it most likely will involve some extreme changes in your lifestyle, including eating well, getting sufficient sleep, doing a better job of managing stress, etc. You most likely will also be advised to take certain nutritional supplements and/or herbs. And while it does take a good amount of time to restore someone’s health back to normal, the good news is that in most cases it doesn’t take long to see some positive changes. When I began my natural thyroid treatment protocol I began seeing some really positive changes in my symptoms after only a few weeks of care, although it took a number of months before my lab results normalized.

Don’t use Natural thyroid storm treatments in an emergency!

In summary, if you have thyroid storm, you need to go to the emergency room and get this treated immediately. Using Natural thyroid storm treatments methods in this case is not a good idea. On the other hand, once you have the hyperthyroid symptoms under control, following a natural thyroid treatment protocol can potentially restore your health back to normal. At this point it’s a good idea to seek the advice of a competent natural endocrine doctor to find out if you’re a good candidate so you can begin the road to recovery.

Dr. Eric Osansky is a licensed doctor who used natural thyroid storm treatments methods to cure his condition when he was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease. For more information on how to use Natural Graves’ Disease Treatment methods to restore your health back to normal, including a free 46-page guide on how to use natural treatment methods to restore your health back to normal, please visit his website at

Do you have problems that you think that natural thyroid storm treatments could help?

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