Weight Loss Exercise

Potassium and Weight Loss

Did you know that potassium is classified as a metal? Strange as it sounds, your body needs this metal – it’s an essential mineral that occurs in abundance in your body. Roughly 95% of your body’s potassium is stored within your cells. It’s called an electrolyte, like sodium, calcium, magnesium and chloride, because it conducts electricity when dissolved in water.

Potassium and Electrolyte Balance

It’s very important for our bodies to maintain the correct amount of potassium. A deficiency can manifest itself as muscle weakness, fatigue, irritability, confusion or heart problems. Potassium is often loss through sweat, which is why athletes drink electrolyte balancing drinks – to replace loss potassium and other electrolytes. The same is true of alcohol consumption, so down a sports drink after a night of drinking too.

This mineral can have a big impact on your weight through indirect means. It won’t cause fat to magically melt away, but it will support some bodily processes that your body must go through for weight loss.

One thing potassium does is contribute to healthy muscles. Healthy muscles are able to contract correctly, heal after injuries, and grow with the correct exercise techniques. This is important because muscles are 24 hour calorie burning machines. The more you engage your muscles, the stronger and bigger they’ll become – making them burn more and more calories whether you’re actively trying to or not. Muscles take up a lot of energy (calories) just to survive. Fill your body with more muscle mass, and fat will naturally start being reduced.

Another thing potassium will do is assist your body in converting food into energy. Potassium is important to the health of your cells. Inside your cells, an organelle called mitochondria is busy combining your food’s nutrients with oxygen, thus converting it into energy. Potassium helps keep this process running smoothly. With the increased energy, you’ll find you have better workouts and more energy to keep up with your weight loss goals.

Potassium and Water Weight

Potassium also helps to balance sodium levels. This helps a great deal if you have problems with water weight.

There are many differences in expert opinions about just how much potassium you need on a daily basis. There’s no number set in stone, but aim for around 3500 mg a day. In most American’s existing diets, only 2000 mg of potassium is provided. Although it doesn’t seem like too big of a deal, it means most American’s are slightly deficient in potassium and may be suffering from minor ill effects of that deficiency.

Luckily, it’s easy to increase the amount of potassium you’re consuming by adding more healthy foods to your diet. Potassium is found in large quantities in many fruits and vegatables. Look to swiss chard, mushrooms, spinach, celery, romaine lettuce, squash, basil, tomatoes, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, bananas, oatmeal, peanuts and yogurt to name a bunch.

Whenever possible, avoid cooking or adding water to foods when you’re eating them for the purpose of increasing potassium levels. Doing so will reduce potassium intake. If you think you’re not getting enough potassium because you like to cook your potassium rich foods, consider drinking parsley tea, which extracts large amounts of potassium from the parsley, leaving it in the hot water.

And although potassium does so many great things for you and will help with weight loss, it’s important that you don’t go overboard. You can go too far, and taking too much potassium could put you in danger. Excess amounts can cause hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia may cause stomach irritation and possibly trigger a heart attack because it causes irregular heartbeat. It’s hard to overdose on food and supplement sources, though. It usually only becomes a danger if you take potassium salts or if you’re naturally prone to develop hyperkalemia.

Potassium is a great tool to help you reach your weight loss goals. It’s simple to obtain too, as you simply have to eat a variety of healthy foods, which should have been the first commitment you made when deciding to lose weight anyway.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Should You Consult a Doctor for Weight Loss?

The first rule when you decide you want to lose weight is to go have a talk with your doctor. Let him or her decide if you need to lose weight, how much, what plan you should follow, what supplements – if any – you should take, and when you should come back for follow-up visits to make sure everything is proceeding as planned.

It will also be helpful if you bring a list of any medications you are taking, as well as any over-the-counter supplements, herbal products, Ayurvedic products, spices for health purposes, and a brief summary of your medical history. It will be important for your doctor to know if you have had any surgery, or if you have heart problems, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, etc. Your doctor will probably know all – or most – of this, but it won’t hurt to put everything done on one piece of paper. Remember to date it and keep a copy for yourself.

It’s especially important to list ALL medications you are taking because sometimes they can contribute to weight gain. Especially if your weight gain is recent, and coincides with the commencement of some new medications.

One test your doctor may want to take is a thyroid test to make sure your thyroid is functioning properly. Have you also become more tired than normal? Note anything in your life that may have changed about the time the weight gain started.

Emotional factors can be a big factor in weight gain. Have elements of your lifestyle changed drastically? Have you moved to a new city, changed jobs, got married, got divorced, and had a child? All of these factors can contribute to a change in your health and weight.

Weight gain does usually come down to “calories in versus calories out”, but sometimes there are other medically related factors that can cause you to put on extra weight.

Another important list to take with you is a list of any questions you may have for your doctor. You may want to ask the following things:

* What is my ideal weight for my bone structure and height?
* Do I really need to lose weight, or shift my weight from fat to muscle mass?
* Could my health problems be causing my weight gain?
* What other problems might I have due to my increased weight?
* Explain the different weight loss medication options to me?
* What about weight loss surgery?

Another good item to take with you is a food journal. Keep a food journal for the two weeks before your appointment, writing down everything you eat, when you eat it, if you were really hungry or succumbing to a craving, was it an emotional hunger or real hunger, did you eat sitting down at a table or cramming the food in your mouth straight from the refrigerator? Don’t worry about what you write, just be brutally honest because it’s for your health that you need to address these issues.

What are your cultural comfort foods? Do you eat at fast food restaurants often? Do you always feel that you have to “clean your plate because there are children starving in Africa”? What kind of programming and triggers lead to your eating?

If you already have a certain diet in mind, such as the Atkins Program, or the Mediterranean Diet, bring the details with you so you doctor can check it out. It’s amazing how many different diet programs there are and it’s even more amazing how uninformed a lot of doctors are about what’s available.

Good luck! Keep your goal in mind, work with your doctor, and remember to include some exercise each day.

Article word count: 625

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Fat Loss

Who wouldn’t like to appear slim and lean? Everyone wants to shed excess fat that not only makes you feel bulky but you get prone to a number of harmful diseases apart from trouble in performing basic daily work, like High Blood pressure, diabetes, tiredness, fatigue, heart problems, obesity etc. you are not confident as you are always aware about your bumpy shape. If you are fat and want to loose weight by effectively reducing undesireable inches of your body you require to work a little hard to ultimately obtain a tined and lean shape. Fat loss is a great question for which you might have searched endlessly for a suitable reply either in various health magazines, health newspapers, through friend circle, Fat Loss advertisements, seeking various dieticians or the most useful choice is online help meaning surfing on the Internet for a perfect Fat Loss remedy as it is greatly laden with helpful and valuable information as to how to achieve appropriate fat loss results. After receiving a large number of answers you wisely select one that suits you absolutely well and gives you the desired results within a limited period. You might get confused when it comes to choose an ideal fat loss solution; here is a small list that might assist you to loose surplus fat successfully. 6. Morning walk: This is the most effective and easy method to loose fat. As your power levels are quite elevated in the morning time, a brisk walk during early hours makes you feel fresh as you take in clean oxygen, your energy levels are largely motivated to the point that you feel fresh throughout the day, your metabolism rate is largely raised that helps in digestion and lastly all this results in a perfect fat loss. But then you wish to walk briskly in a peaceful location like garden or Joggers Park where you can even jog for a while and at least for half an hour regularly. 7. Diet: Diet doesn’t mean to go hungry or to skip a meal, it is really the appropriate method to remain fit and healthy. It all relies on how you eat and what you eat. Dietd be normal,balanced and nutritious including all the necessary healthy food tuff with l ots of greens and uncooked food. EAT a protein rich meal with a glass of milk for breakfast so that you feel full till mid afternoon, if you feel hungry you can munch on a fruit or a bowl of salad. Afternoon lunch should be light without any oily stuff with a glass of buttermilk as it is extremely good for your skin and health, finally in the evenings have a bowl of soup with some light fat free munchies. You can take lots of fresh fruits to control your desire. You can even consult a good dietician for a diet plan that may assist you to reduce fat. 8. Exercise or Yoga: This is the excellent way to reduce fat and be fit, a Gym may assist you to carry out proper weight loss regimes and you remain in shape and tough, or yoga for forty five minutes help you in a great way. Yoga cleans you within and brings glow in your skin. 9. Fat Loss pills or powders: This assists you greatly but may result in side effects like constipation, nausea, you feel tired and drowsy and a prolonged use of tablets may lead to strokes as well. Fat Loss pills need to be taken with proper guidance and under prohibited administration of experts which gives you effective fat loss results. 10. Diet Plans: A perfect method to reduce fat successfully is by sincerely leading a diet plan. These may vary from seven day plan to eleven day plan, but has proven great results to attain fat loss. These diet plans direct and control your eating habits. The entire session is explained in detail with regular controlled eating habits. The diet increases your metabolism rate and you feel clean and active while you are on such diet plans. You can escape the tedious work-outs or dull fast walks, you need not bother to consume a pill too, a diet plan makes all and shows you preferred results for fat loss. You can loose up to 9 lbs in about 11 days! And this a confirmed fact With all this you can attain the most wished waist line and a absolutely slim body that everybody will be stunned to see amazing results in your body.