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Remedies For Tinnitus Or Ringing In The Ears

There are almost as many remedies for tinnitus as there are causes of this debilitating condition. Tinnitus is very common and while it may be a temporary condition associated with ear infections or other problems that can easily be cured, it is sometimes more serious.

While it is often called ‘ringing in the ears’ it is not always experienced as a ringing sound. It may be a hissing or buzzing sound. It may be in both ears or just one. It may be more noticeable at certain times of day. Sometimes there is pain in the ear and sometimes there is not.

What Causes Tinnitus?

The first thing to understand is that having tinnitus does not usually mean that you are going deaf. While it is sometimes associated with hearing loss, there are many other causes too. These include:

  • ear infections
  • high blood pressure
  • low blood pressure
  • allergies
  • ear wax buildup
  • thyroid problems
  • stress

As you can imagine, many of these conditions are easy to treat and the tinnitus will usually go away as soon as the problem is solved. Some of them, like high blood pressure, can have serious consequences if untreated, so you should see a doctor to establish the cause and remedies for tinnitus and any underlying problems in your case.

Remedies For Tinnitus Or Ringing In The Ears

Remedies For Tinnitus

Occasionally the tinnitus will be linked to something that is harder to treat, such as a head injury or Menieres disease, which is an inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing. People with Menieres disease will have dizzy spells, sometimes falling over. There can also be periods of uncontrollable eye movement, nausea and excessive sweating.

Because there are so many different causes, clearly there will be many different remedies for tinnitus too. Here are some of the natural remedies that have worked for some people.

Massage And Manipulation as a Tinnitus Remedy

Head and neck massage has helped some people. Cranio-sacral therapy and acupuncture are other forms of treatment that may relieve the pressure in and around the ear.

Vitamins And Minerals as a Tinnitus Remedy

Mineral deficiencies can cause tinnitus, especially deficiencies in magnesium, potassium or zinc. Vitamin deficiencies may affect the circulatory system and contribute to the problem too. However, overdose of some of these nutrients can cause problems too, so do not take high doses without being tested for deficiency. Taking a good daily multi vitamin and mineral supplement should be enough, along with a healthy diet containing plenty of vegetables.

Herbal Remedies For Tinnitus

Gingko Biloba extract is often used by herbal medicine practitioners to treat tinnitus and other conditions that may be associated with it, including headaches, dizziness, depression and concentration problems. Black cohosh may be recommended where the tinnitus is associated with the nerves in the ear. Hawthorn may be helpful where there are circulation problems or blood pressure issues. However, do not be tempted to self prescribe.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

This is a form of counseling which teaches sufferers to stop paying so much attention to the noise in the ears. This has been tested on war veterans and found to be very helpful in cases where other treatments have not solved the problem. Hypnosis is another therapy that can stop tinnitus from bothering us so much. Although these treatments that work with the mind are not exactly remedies for tinnitus, they can make a huge difference to someone whose life is being made miserable by this annoying and sometimes disabling condition.

Diet Pills

Natural appetite suppressant – they are safe?

Many diet pills herbal have a long history of use and of claimed health benefits. A herb or botanical, is a plant or part of a plant that is used for its aroma, flavor, and / or their therapeutic properties. Even if they are "natural" products made from plants are not necessarily safe or without harmful effects. They come from factories in May, but many plants are considered harmful and toxic.
  Unlike inhibitors of prescription appetite, most products based on plants are not tested to certify their safety before marketing. Their effectiveness is however drawn to their use for centuries. The active ingredients in many medicines and herbal supplements are still unknown or no clear understanding how they work.
  Some supplements herbal were found contaminated with metals, unlabeled drugs, microorganisms or other substances. This is where common sense come into use – order supplements herbal only reputable and well established manufacturers. They use sophisticated methods for extracting the active ingredients and laboratory tests for purity and efficacy of their products. This ensures the quality of the product.
  Like most products of plants are not clinically tested, they may cause some health problems. It may be unwise to make products based on plants if you have any of these medical problems / conditions:
  ? Hypertension
  ? Thyroid problems
  ? Parkinson's disease
  ? Problems with blood clotting
  ? Diabetes
  ? Heart disease
  ? Epilepsy
  ? Depression or psychiatric problems
  ? Liver problems
  ? Enlarged prostate gland
  ? Glaucoma
  ? A history of stroke or organ transplant
  Women who are pregnant or nursing should be especially cautious about using products made from plants, and people who are about to undergo surgery. Always check with your supplier of health care.
  It is also important to consult your doctor before using products based on plants if you are taking medications (whether prescription or nonprescription). Some products made from plants are known to interact with medications in order to May pose a risk to your health.
  The health risks associated with natural appetite suppressant, as most of them contain stimulants such as active ingredient. Ephedra was a popular herbal supplement until it was banned by the FDA because of potentially serious side effects. Another important group of pills herbal caffeine or caffeine-like substances (taurine and guarana). The main problem with them is that they are ineffective – have you heard of someone who has lost weight by drinking large quantities of coffee?
  All this is true for most natural appetite suppressant, but nevertheless there are some products that have proven their safety and efficacy in clinical trials. Another well established natural product, which underwent detailed clinical trials Proactol. It acts primarily as a fat blocker, but also possess properties appetite suppression.
  It is clear that the appetite suppressant herbal can be dangerous if taken without making your research carefully. However, these supplements can be of great help when trying to lose weight and compared to anti-prescription appetite, they can save you big money, not to mention they are much more sure.