Weight Loss Exercise

Keep Kids Healthy and Active This Summer

It’s summertime and the sweating comes easy for children. Whether they are enjoying a pickup game of basketball or competing at a sports camp, how does a parent know the appropriate amount of liquid refreshment to offer?

Part of the mystery lies in whether the child’s body produces a lot of salt while engaged in a difficult workout.

Staying Hydrated During Exercise

Keep Kids Healthy and Active This Summer

Brendon McDermott

Staying hydrated and avoiding heat illness are two areas Dr. Brendon McDermott at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga understands, and he is often asked about his research in this area. McDermott, Assistant Professor, Clinical Coordinator for Graduate Athletic Training Program and Co-Director of the Applied Physiology Laboratory has one overarching goal: to prevent heat related deaths, particularly in athletes.

One of McDermott’s current studies focuses on student athletes who cramp during intense movement, creating an extra layer of exercise performance frustration. There are two prevailing theories about the cause of cramps. Some researchers believe those who produce higher amounts of salt when they sweat harbor an electrolyte imbalance which initiates a cramp, while others blame neuromuscular fatigue. By measuring the sweat and salt outputs of students who cramp compared to a control group who doesn’t, with common factors like age, weight, and similar levels of activity, McDermott hopes to unravel this painful mystery.

Even if your child has not complained of cramping while exercising, there are some tips to keep in mind. Hydration guidelines have evolved for the average person, but who exactly is the average person? Each body reacts differently and replenishment needs depend upon the individual, according to McDermott.

How To Figure Out Sweat Rates

“Sweat rate is very simple to calculate: weigh yourself before exercise, with as little clothing as possible; exercise for a half an hour and don’t drink or use the bathroom for that half hour; weigh yourself again, wearing the same amount of clothing to see how much you’ve lost,” McDermott said.

To get a true picture of sweat rate, this test should be done in the cold, in the heat, at different intensities of exercise. It will then be easier to gauge whether your child is a heavy or light sweater.

If that sounds like a lot of work there’s a quicker way to assess hydration needs, and it’s focused on the delicate matter of, ahem, passing a different kind of water.

“You can monitor your urine color. It should have a light yellow tinge to it. Lemonade is much better than apple juice. And if you’re delving into the iced tea realm, it’s time to drink. It’s normal to have darker urine in the morning,” McDermott said. “As for frequency, some people are camels, other people urinate frequently.”

McDermott explains body size is not the main factor in sweat production. During his training for an Olympic marathon, accurate measurements showed Alberto Salazar lost nearly 10 pounds of water an hour. He only weighed 145 pounds.

“When you’re talking about a football lineman who loses 10 pounds of water, that may not be so bad, but for someone who is 145 pounds, that’s a huge percentage,” McDermott said. “If someone is losing 10 pounds of water per hour and they are told to replenish with 16 ounces of water, that’s one pound, and one-tenth of what you are losing in an hour—that’s insufficient.”

Similarly, young children at sports camps, especially those who wear heavy pads for long periods of time, can be at risk. Water is not enough to replenish what some athletes lose in sodium and calories, so many reach for full strength sports drinks.

Hydration tips for kids

1. Those involved with physical activity should assess their personal sweat rate
2. The goal is to replace what is lost (no more, no less)
3. Activity longer than one hour most likely requires fluids, electrolytes, and carbohydrates in liquid or solid food forms
4. Exercisers should begin exercise well hydrated
5. Fluids should be readily accessible during activity
6. Following activity, it is important to rehydrate as soon as possible (within 30 minutes)
7. Cool temperature rehydration fluids encourage fluid consumption in the heat
8. Monitor hydration status by checking urine production and color

It’s important for everyone to be well hydrated before exercise begins, but too much water could lead to hyponatremia.

“In the most severe case of hyponatremia, those who have taken the advice to drink as much as they can tolerate during a marathon, they drink at every rest stop, and there have been cases where people have gained up to twelve pounds after running a marathon in order to avoid dehydration,” McDermott said.

Finally, drinking when you feel parched is not a good way to gauge hydration needs, because the thirst mechanism does not kick in until a person is two percent dehydrated.

“It’s okay if you are a healthy person who is used to working out in the summertime—it’s a great way to prevent hyponatremia,” McDermott advised. “But if you are a competitive athlete, you’d be behind the game and trying to play catch up. Think again about those like Alberto Salazar. If they drink to thirst, they’re two percent behind plus they must replace ten pounds an hour.”

In addition to his responsibilities at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Dr. Brendon McDermott serves on the medical and science advisory board of the Korey Stringer Institute, founded by Kelci Stringer to “minimize sudden death in sport for any reason, beginning with exertional heat stroke.” Kelci’s husband Korey Stringer, a Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman, died from exertional heat stroke in 2001.


Keep Kids Healthy and Active This Summer

Weight Loss Exercise

Tips To Lose Weight

Are you looking for tips to lose weight? These tips to lose weight fast will help you. Keep in mind, however, that if you want to lose weight and keep it off that you have to change your lifestyle. That means following these tips consistently. It can be difficult to change life-long habits. Starting out is usually the hardest part. Once you develop healthier patterns, they too can become habits!

5 Tips to lose weight

1. Eat Healthier Fats

Tips To Lose Weight

tips to lose weight

The latest research on tips to lose weight say that it’s not so much fat itself that is the problem when it comes to health and weight loss, but the kind of fat. In general, it’s a good idea to avoid trans fats, which are found in many junk foods, margarine, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and baked goods such as cakes, cookies and donuts (you can find healthier, organic versions of these products).


Saturated fats, which are found in animal products are fine to eat in small quantities, especially if they are natural or organic.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are now called “healthy fats” contain essential fatty acids, especially Omega-3. These are found in almonds and other nuts, avocados, coconut and olive oils and flaxseed oil.

So, as a rule,the best tips to lose weight are that it’s best to avoid trans fats as much as possible, consume limited amounts of saturated fats (note -some people still label saturated fats as “bad fats” but there is compelling research that shows that many cultures have consumed animal products for centuries with virtually no obesity or degenerative diseases -see Weston Price Foundation for more information; the problem today is that most animal products are from factory farms, which use many questionable additives), and large amounts of healthy fats.

One Healthy Diet program is the Fat Loss for Idiots plan. Check out my Review of it

2. Exercise Intelligently

Besides diet the best tips to lose weight are that you need to exercise. The problem many people have with exercise is that they start out very enthusiastically and then, when that initial burst of energy wears out, they quit. If this is your tendency, you should remember that the real key to a successful exercise program is consistency. It’s far better, for example, to walk for forty-five minutes every day and stick with it than to be a “weekend warrior” and do strenuous exercise inconsistently. Don’t try to do too much, but make sure you get regular exercise at least three times per week.

Tom Venuto who created Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is a great resource for this. You can read the review of his book here.

3. Pay Attention to What You Drink

Water and fluid intake can be at least as important as food when it comes to tips to lose weight. The best thing to drink is pure water. After that, stick to pure juices (in moderation; many juices like apple are healthy, but contain lots of sugar; even natural sugar can be fattening in large quantities), green tea, which has antioxidants that may help with weight loss, and herbal teas.

Avoid soda as much as possible, even diet sodas –most artificial sweeteners have potential health risks. One glass of wine or beer every day is fine for most people and may actually have health benefits. Beyond this, however, alcohol can be fattening and of course can contribute to other health problems.

4. Get Some Sleep!

While we all know that you need exercise to lose weight fast, oddly enough, sleep can also help. Recent research has shown a correlation between sleep deprivation and obesity. Apparently lack of sleep causes an imbalance in the body which inhibits the burning of fat. So if you have sleeping problems, you should address this. Regular exercise can help with this. Avoid caffeine or stimulants beyond the mid-afternoon. Certain herbal teas, such as chamomile and skullcap can also help with sleep.

5. Reduce Stress

Stress also makes it difficult to lose weight fast. This is probably related to the issue of sleep deprivation contributing to obesity. While we tend to think of sleep and relaxation as the opposite of what we need to lose weight, the fact is we need both activity and rest to be at our best and for our body to burn fat.

Tips to lose weight – Remember to do all these things together

So we don’t only need to get enough sleep, but we also need to be able to deal with stress throughout the day. If you have a problem with stress, try yoga or meditation. These also teach proper breathing, which is crucial for overall health, stress reduction and losing weight. So follow these tips to lose weight fast and you will be sure to do a lot better in your weight loss goals.

I really think that to lose weight fast you need to concentrate on all of these things. There are a ton of articles that I have written on weight loss and muscle gain but more often than not it is the time crunch that forces people to look for tips to lose weight.

Tips To Lose Weight

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Weight Loss Exercise

5 Healthy Habits

It is time to talk about healthy habits.When you vow to improve your health you don’t have to instantly become a gym-addict or stop eating everything you love. It really comes down to incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine. Here are five habits that will set you off on a new healthy path.

5 Healthy Habits

Health Habit 1 –Drink More Water – Drinking water is the first great healthy habit, will improve your health for so many reasons! For one, if you’re trying to lose weight then it’s a lot easier if you drink water: (a) because it’ll stop you drinking sugary, calorie-laden drinks and (b) because we often mistake dehydration for hunger, causing us to overeat.

5 Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits

Experts recommend that you should be drinking eight glasses of water a day. This may sound difficult, but it really isn’t. Start by getting into the habit of drinking a full glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. It’ll help you feel more awake and more hydrated after the long night’s sleep. And it’ll get you off on the right foot for drinking enough water throughout the day.

Health Habit 2 –Get Enough Sleep – These days, very few of us actually get the sleep we need. When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re more prone to stress, unhealthy snacking, and turning to caffeine to keep you alert! This really isn’t good for your health.

We’re all different when it comes to how many hours of sleep we need each night. Adults need less and less sleep the older they get. The magic number for you probably lies somewhere in between seven and ten hours a night. Experts also agree that having a routine is crucial when it comes to getting enough sleep. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Then, if it only happens every now and again, you won’t feel so many negative effects of a late night. This healthy habit will make you a lot more effective all the time.

Health Habit 3 –Walk More – If you really want to improve your health then start walking every day. A walk doesn’t just help you get more exercise, it’s also good for the soul. When you walk you’re getting fresh air and spending time away from the usual stresses of everyday life. The healthy habit of walking gives you time to think, and time to clear your head of anything that’s bothering you.

There are a few ways to get more walks into your daily routine. One idea is to go for a 30 minute walk on your lunch break each day. Or you could start walking short distances (under 2 miles) where you’d normally drive. You could even start taking stairs instead of elevators. Anything that boosts the physical activity you’re doing each day will help!

Health Habit 4 -Stretch Try starting each day with a real stretching session. Stretching feels good, and is an excellent way to wake yourself up in the morning by getting your blood flowing. The Mayo Clinic states that stretching can also help to improve your athletic ability and reduce the risk of injury when you exercise. You could take this one step further and incorporate yoga stretches into your routine. You’ll find that your posture improves, you feel more healthy, and focusing becomes easier.

Health Habit 5 –Relax – No matter how much you exercise or watch your diet, you won’t truly improve your health until you learn how to relax! Getting stressed, anxious and angry about things only lowers your immune system and makes you more vulnerable to a whole range of health complications (both physical and mental). Learn to take some time for you. Try getting regular massages, attending a yoga class, learning how to meditate, or unwinding with regular relaxing baths.

Building Healthy Habits into your life

We all have habits and ways of living a good and effective life as well as habits that will hold us back. It is important to always look at our exercise, lifestyle, eating, drinking, resting, and even the people that we do things with to decide what we should be doing or not. Start by incorporating these healthy habits and then find more.

5 Healthy Habits

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