Weight Loss Exercise

The Best Quit Smoking Aids

The best quit smoking aids will help you to stop smoking by reducing your withdrawal symptoms when you stop. Some work by replacing the nicotine that you get when you smoke, others address the psychological side of cigarette dependency, and some are prescription meds that you can get from a doctor. We’ll look at many of these in this article to help you figure out what would be the best quit smoking aids for you.

Nicotine Replacement

When we smoke cigarettes or cigars, the substance that we become physically addicted to is the nicotine in them. Nicotine is a poison, but in small quantities it gives us a mild ‘rush’ like many other drugs. Our body becomes accustomed to it and quickly begins to depend on it. Quitting can give us symptoms like irritability and cravings which can be reduced or even avoided completely by the use of nicotine replacement therapies.

The best quit smoking aids using nicotine replacement include nicotine patches, nasal spray, inhalers or tubes, gum and nasal spray. These all work but they may suit different people. Patches release nicotine in a slow, steady dose. The others give you a burst of nicotine when you most need it, more like having a cigarette. Gum and lozenges may be a good choice for somebody who is concerned about a tendency to overeat.

Prescription Meds

In consultation with your doctor you might decide to take medication to reduce the withdrawal symptoms and help you quit. There a now a couple of meds available that have been shown to be among the best quit smoking aids.

Buproprion hydrochloride is an anti-depressant that has been approved for use for people who are quitting smoking. It helps with the irritability and depression that are often associated with quitting. Buproprion hydrochloride is marketed under the names Zyban and Wellbutrin in the USA.

Varenicline tartrate is marketed as Chantix. It has been shown to mimic the effects of nicotine in the brain, reducing cravings. It also stops a person from getting a nicotine rush if they smoke while they are taking it, by blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain, so you are less likely to continue smoking.

Other Stop Smoking Aids

If you prefer to choose natural remedies, then acupuncture or hypnosis may be the best quit smoking aids for you. It is not known exactly how acupuncture works, but many people have found that it does. Hypnosis can help strengthen your determination to quit – which is probably the most important factor when you are trying to stop smoking.

You may also want to investigate herbal tobacco replacements including herbal cigarettes. These should not be used long term because any kind of smoke is thought to be bad for the lungs, but they can help you through those times in the early days of quitting when you feel that you must inhale something.

Imagine if you could easily use the same method that allowed Paul Peyton, a heavy smoker for more than 14 years, ? to permanently quit overnight… Wouldn’t that be wonderful?Well, guess what – you can. In fact, ANYONE can do it.

But first, you need to understand where you’ve gone wrong in the past… Treating just the physical addiction to smoking. But it can only be removed completely by using targeted psychotherapeutic techniques. NOT by ignoring it and hoping it will go away. And CERTAINLY NOT by throwing even more nicotine at it, in the form of patches or gum. You MUST deal with BOTH parts of your addiction the right way, or you will keep getting those cravings forever…

Specific, step by step instructions ? we show you exactly what to do, so nothing is left to chance. You choose the timeframe ? implement the method at your own pace, as you feel comfortable. Tried and tested method ? this cutting-edge method has been successfully used to cure thousands of happy ex-smokers. Permanently removes your mental dependence at the subconscious level ? resulting in a permanent end to mental cravings.
Check out PermaQuit now.

There are many kinds of help that you can get when you have made the decision to stop smoking but the most important question is whether you are really determined to quit. It has to matter to you. So the first thing to do right now is to sit down and write a list of all the reasons that you want to quit. Think of at least 10-15, more if you can. The best quit smoking aids in the world cannot help somebody who is only quitting because somebody else wants them to.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery

There are several options for weight loss or bariatric surgery and one of them is gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. This type of surgery is often recommended for patients with a BMI higher than 40. Patients who are extremely obese can undergo vertical sleeve gastrectomy, as it is also called, to allow them to reach a safer weight, after which they can have another bariatric surgery such as gastric bypass. A gastric sleeve operation is done laparoscopically or using small incisions, removing up to 85% of the stomach to reduce food intake.

How it Works

Using small incisions, the bariatric surgeon removes two-thirds or up to 85% of the patient’s stomach, so that the remaining stomach is in the shape of a tube or banana. Staples can be used to create a smaller stomach, which typically has a capacity of about 200 ml. With a smaller stomach, the patient can take in only small quantities of food.

Who is a Good Candidate for Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery?

Although the procedure is relatively new, gastric sleeve surgery is now one of the recommended weight loss procedures for patients with BMI higher than 40. The procedure can also be offered to individuals with BMI between 35 and 39 who have obesity-related health disorders such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It can also be offered to those who find it difficult or impossible to make the follow-up visits required by a procedure like gastric banding, which leaves a foreign object in the patient’s digestive system.

How Effective is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Most patients who have gastric sleeve surgery experience a weight loss of 50% to 80% of their body weight within 6 months to one year after surgery. Within two years, patients can lose an average of 60% of excess weight. One of the benefits of this bariatric procedure is that patients experience an improvement in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Patients with diabetes and sleep apnea also show an improvement in their condition.

Comparison of Gastric Sleeve and Other Weight Loss Procedures

Unlike gastric bypass procedure, gastric sleeve surgery allows normal food digestion and absorption of nutrients, yet weight loss is about the same as that experienced by gastric bypass patients. In addition, the procedure is not as risky as a gastric bypass.

Gastric sleeve patients are also able to lose weight more quickly than those who have gastric band surgery. Being a relatively new procedure, however, there is limited data on long-term weight loss with gastric sleeve surgery compared to other procedures like gastric bypass.

Successful Weight Loss

People who have gastric sleeve surgery must make certain lifestyle changes in order to continue supporting weight loss. It’s true that the procedure creates a smaller stomach and forces you to eat less, but you will still have to exercise and eat a sensible diet in order to remain healthy and continue losing excess weight. Eating larger amounts of food can gradually stretch the stomach and make it bigger, thereby negating the effects of the weight loss procedure. Patients must commit to a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits.

Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery

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Weight Loss Plan: What’s a Quick Way to Lose Weight?

The best way to lose weight is to do it gradually but if you are like most people you will want to shed extra pounds as quickly as possible. Your goal may be to look fabulous at a reunion or wedding. Crash diets and fad diets that allow you to lose 21 pounds in 21 days can be very tempting but these diets do not work for long-term weight loss. If you are looking for a quick way to lose weight, it should be done safely and in the right way.

Plan Ahead

Quick and dramatic weight loss like the ones you see on TV must be supervised by a physician. At home, you can safely lose 2 to 4 pounds a week with a healthy diet and exercise. It’s important to keep in mind that you can’t lose weight overnight. Plan ahead and allow enough time for your body to shed those extra pounds. Your weight loss plan should be something that you can continue to follow even after the special event.

Eat Less, Exercise More

The formula for losing weight is very simple: burn more calories than you eat. A deficit of 500 calories per day results in a loss of up to 2 pounds of fat per week. For faster weight loss, you will have to eat less and exercise more. However, food intake for women should not go below 1,200 calories a day. Men should consume at least 1,400 calories per day.

Eat the Right Foods

A quick way to lose weight is to eat mainly fruits and vegetables. Most fruits and vegetables are low in calories while being high in fiber that makes you feel full more quickly. To control calories, eat low-fat protein sources such as skinless chicken breast, fish, lean meats, and nonfat dairy products. Minimize your carbohydrate intake and consume small quantities of healthy fats. Olive oil, walnuts, almonds, and salmon are excellent sources of healthy fats that your body needs.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you lose weight quickly. The water fills up some of the space in your stomach and makes you feel full. You also need plenty of water to keep your body healthy and functioning at its best. It also helps flush out toxins and waste products from the body.

Exercise for Quick Weight Loss

Cardio exercise burns more calories and offers a quick way to lose weight. If you haven’t been exercising much lately, start with a 15-minute walk everyday and gradually increase the time to 45-60 minutes. To get the most benefit, you should do cardio workouts for at least 30 minutes.

Strength training is also important if you want to lose weight quickly. It works out your major muscle groups and increases muscle mass which increases your metabolism and allows your body to burn more calories.

Avoid Fad Diets

Many people hate to exercise and often turn to fad diets or crash diets when they want to lose weight fast. Fad diets that promote the use of laxatives, pills, and fasting allow you to lose more than 2-3 pounds per week but they are dangerous and do not work for permanent weight loss. To maintain your ideal weight, combine a healthy diet with regular exercise.

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Weight Loss Plan: Whats a Quick Way to Lose Weight?

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