Weight Loss Exercise

How to Lift Weights Properly for Strength Training

Ever wonder how to lift weights properly? Lifting weights is the best way to build muscle mass, gain strength, and improve your physique. However, strength training puts a lot of stress and pressure on your body especially when you begin working with heavy weights. Regardless of whether you are lifting heavy or lighter weights, it is vital to do so correctly. Before doing any strength training exercise, it is important to learn how to lift weights properly.

Always warm up before you begin your strength training exercises. Walking or jogging on a treadmill is a good way to limber up your muscles to avoid injury. There should always be a gym instructor or fitness professional present when you exercise. A gym instructor can show you how to do each exercise properly, what equipment to use, and how to use it.

How to Lift Weights Properly

How to Lift Weights Properly for Strength Training

How to Lift Weights Properly

Knowing how to lift weights properly will reduce the risk of injury and provide a more effective workout. The following tips are applicable when doing strength training exercises:

  • Choose a weight that allows you to perform 12 to 15 repetitions when you start out. Add more weights as you gain strength.
  • Control the weight and lift slowly from the original position. Return to the starting position slowly. Although you may be tempted to do so, do not allow the weight to drop quickly to the starting position. The downward motion is just as important as the upward motion. Both are necessary parts of lifting and will work your muscles in both directions.
  • When lifting, use your muscles to complete the motion and not momentum. Do not arch your back or rock your body to get the weights up. If you have to swing your body to lift weights, you may be trying to lift too much weight. Reduce the load and learn how to lift weights properly.
  • Move the weights through the full range of motion for the exercise. You should feel your muscles stretching and contracting fully with each repetition.
  • Don’t forget to breathe continuously while lifting. As you lift the weight, exhale through your mouth. Inhale through your nose as you lower the weight. A lot of people hold their breath when lifting weights. This is a dangerous practice as it can cause your blood pressure to spike.
  • Use a spotter when doing exercises where you may accidentally drop a barbell or dumbbell on yourself. Part of knowing how to lift weights properly includes making sure there’s another person close by to monitor you when you are working with free weights. You’ll be able to push yourself harder if you have a spotter who can help make sure you do not injure yourself as you make that final rep.

You always have to remember to be careful, mindful and focussed when lifting weights properly. Strength training can transform your body when done right.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Looking back and forward

Just wanted to shoot out a quick email today to give you a maybe tough but really important weekend task.

After a long Summer of fun and vacations I am back online and at the gym hard and heavy. Personally I have been looking this Summer at what works, what motivates people and what makes the difference between success and failure. And wanted to share a bit of that with you today.

Looking back and forwardYou probably know exactly what I am talking about. You start a workout plan, or a diet, or a job search and after a few days you lose interest. It is not only disappointing but I think it weighs down on you the next time you try something new or challenging and right off the bat wonder if YOU can in fact achieve.

How I once Quit Smoking

I remember back when I smoked cigarettes it was the same thing. You try to quit and after a few days nothing seems to have changed and you lose interest. Eventually some trigger in your brain switches and you succeed. It happened to me w2hen I quit smoking, that was a lot of years ago but just want to tell a bit about that story.

I would quit and start, cut down and start, research the best methods and quit and start. Nothing worked and I hated myself for failing. The real change that came was when I just decided that quitting was not important but changing my life was.

So here we are entering the weekend after labor day and I have to wonder if you are looking back on your Summer like me and getting ready for the fall and Christmas (107 shopping days left).

What You Have to Do Now

So maybe this weekend, or even today look longer out. I am sure you do not want to get in shape or lose weight for a dress, some clothes, or to run through the malls faster and more effectively. Look deep down instead, what is your real motivator? Once you have a motivator then sacrifice is not sacrifice. Skipping a chocolate bar, going to a gym, grabbing a smoothie instead of a hamburger is a lot easier.

I started my blog and these posts years ago just to help people get in better shape and it has turned from trying to help 100 people to now being something that consumes me. I know why I do this and wake up in the morning wondering how I can affect the lives of more people. I want to know how I can help you. But first, look deep and see what you really want.

Weight Loss Exercise

Exercises for Women Using Hand Weights

Hand weights for women are a great way to get a good weight workout. Women can develop osteoporosis or bone loss as they age. Fortunately, resistance training or strength training can help prevent osteoporosis. It is not necessary to lift heavy weights to keep the bones and joints strong. Exercises with hand weights for women will result in stronger bones and muscles.

Hand Weights For Women

Exercises for Women Using Hand Weights

Hand Weights For Women

Women who are just starting their strength training program can exercise with light hand weights or dumbbells weighing between 2 to 5 pounds. As your strength develops, you can gradually increase the weight to between 5 and 20 pounds. When working with lighter hand weights, women can do 10 to 15 repetitions. As you increase the poundage, you can do 8 to 12 reps. This will help prevent injury while you build your muscles and bones.

Proper Form

Women who are exercising with hand weights should always maintain proper form and technique. This is true regardless of the poundage. Your back should be straight and the stomach should be pulled in. When standing, remember not to lock your knees. Work with hand weights that are appropriate for you. If you have to swing your body for momentum when lifting the weight, it means your weights are too heavy.

Exercises with Hand Weights for Women

Women can do exercises with small hand weights to improve muscle tone and built stronger bones and joints. Here are some workout routines using small hand weights for women.

Walking Lunge

Women can do the walking lunge to tone and develop the hamstrings, quads and glutes. This exercise also tones the inner thighs and legs.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and arms straight down holding the weights. Step your right foot forward and bend both knees. Keep your upper body straight and point your left knee down. Keep your arms and weights at your sides. Straighten your legs and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Overhead Tricep Extension

This exercise is done while holding a dumbbell between both hands. The exercise may be done while standing or sitting down. With elbows bent, hold a dumbbell vertically behind your head. Keep your elbows squeezed toward your head. Slowly lift the dumbbell over your head without moving your elbows forward. Lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat.

Biceps Curl

The biceps curl requires hand weights and allows women to exercise the upper arms or biceps. The exercise can be done while standing or sitting. Hold a hand weight or dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang straight down at your sides. While keeping your elbows close to your side, lift the dumbbell up to your shoulder. Slowly lower the hand weight back to the starting position. Repeat.

There are many other exercises with hand weights for women, such as fly, hammer curl, shoulder lift, preacher curl, and many more. Don’t forget to do some stretching before and after strength training exercises using your hand weights for women to reduce the risk of injury.