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What Can You Do About Those Wrinkles?

Wrinkles? it’s like a four letter word to most people. It’s a sign of aging and we all get them eventually. But why, for some people, do the wrinkles come so much later in life? And why do others get wrinkles way before you think they should? This article will take a look at what can cause wrinkles and what you can do, if anything, about them.

Wrinkles are the result of reduced collagen production. A majority of your connective tissue is made up of collagen and it’s responsible for the elasticity of your skin. When you don’t produce as much collagen, you end up with wrinkles.

It’s true that as we age we naturally produce less collagen. So no matter what, you will end up with wrinkled skin. The key is to make that date far into the future, not now.

Don’t smoke.
This is huge. Have you ever compared the faces of smokers to non-smokers. I’m sure you noticed which group had more wrinkles. Not only will stopping smoking help you to live longer it will help you to live longer with fewer wrinkles.

Stay out of the sun.
Too much sun over the years adds what looks like years to your face and the rest of your skin. Don’t be one of those darkly tanned, leathery-skinned people who move south after retirement and still worship the sun, in-between visits to their dermatologist. Sun worshipping is no longer cool. At the very least use sunscreen! I would also add that you should wear sunglasses outside to avoid squinting. Prolonged squinting brings out the wrinkles around the eyes and the forehead.

Live where there is less pollution and wind.
Wind can take it’s toll on your skin and so can smog and other air contaminants. Of course, it’s not practical to up and move, but if you have the opportunity to pick where you live, keep these factors in mind.

Avoid harsh chemicals and really hot water.
Hot water zaps the moisture out of your skin. Harsh chemicals in soaps and face cleaners can do the same thing. Know your ingredients and what those ingredients can do. Bottom line – if your skin doesn’t feel and look good after you clean it, change your cleaner.

Relax and enjoy life.
While I don’t have concrete proof on this one, I do believe if you can learn to relax and enjoy your life, your skin will reflect this. If you worry constantly and always have a negative attitude, imagine how this can make your face look after awhile.

Antioxidants and healthy eating.
Eating food rich in antioxidants such as tomatoes, blueberries, and green tea is beneficial to your health, and if you add antioxidant creams to your skin, all the better.

Use vitamin A.
Again on the subject of creams, use one that contains Vitamin A, also known as Retinol. Vitamin A helps keep your skin moist and it also has some antioxidant properties.

As you can see, there are many positive steps you can take to hold off those wrinkles a little longer. Some of these are lifestyle choices, such as not smoking, living in a clean air environment, and enjoying life. Throw in sunscreen, Vitamin A and antioxidants as well and your skin should look it’s best.

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