Weight Loss Exercise

Are Eggs Good for You?

Are eggs good for you? Over the last 50 years there have been mixed messages from all levels of the food management chain over whether eggs are good for you or poison to your body. Taking Veganism out of the picture it is interesting to see what is going on within that egg in your fridge

What is in Eggs

Are Eggs Good for You?

Are Eggs Good for You?

Protein – The average egg has an interesting protein profile that can not be overlooked. For many years the best protein that bodybuilders ate to improve muscle was egg protein, this has not been replaced by whey protein but still eggs are good for you in that they have a very balanced amount of amino acids and each egg has 6 grams of protein

Carbohydrates – Eggs have no carbohydrates so they also have no fiber but still for many people on carb restricted diets this is a good choice.

Fat – Eggs are actually high in fat for their weight and size. The average egg has 5 grams of fat which is only about 40 calories from fat but this is almost as many grams as protein. This is a problem for many people although most people are not going to eat too many eggs at one time for this to be a deciding factor whether to eat eggs or not.

Cholesterol – Eggs are very high in Cholesterol and this has been the problem that the health industry has had with Eggs over the years. the average egg has 211 mg of Cholesterol so people that are concerned for good reason that eggs can be a risk to your heart and arteries with the cholesterol leading to high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.

Are Eggs good for you?

The latest scientific study it seems that eggs are bad for you but it is important to look at an egg for what it is, 70 calories with protein and 211mg of cholesterol.

If you eat one egg by itself no problem, if you eat two eggs still no problem. But if you eat 2 eggs with bacon and toast slathered with butter….well every morning eating this will make you very sick.

The most important things to me are habits, consistency, and smart decisions. I love eggs and eat an omelette probably once a week but I would never eat them everyday so really in the end I think that making sure that eggs are a special part of your diet is a fantastic thing but not every day when there are much more healthy choices for an everyday breakfast.

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Weight Loss Exercise

What is the Best Diet Food?

What is the best diet food? Frustrating is an understatement, I know. It can be so incredibly difficult to cut through all the conflicting information you get from the various diet plans out there. What makes this such a difficult task? Well, for starters, most of these diet plans have been created by equally qualified people. This article is about to expose these discrepancies, helping you make an effective, stress-free dieting decision.

We’ve all seen it. One health guru tells you that in order to lose weight and build lean muscle, you’ve got to eat lots of lean protein and very few carbs. A week later, you’re exposed to another health guru (just as renowned as the first) telling you that common sense tells us that we need less and less protein as we get older, that this fact is obvious when you look at the composition of a mother’s milk as her baby gets older (the protein decreases), and that the animals we eat for protein didn’t get their protein by consuming protein, but rather amino acids.

What is the Best Diet Food?

What is the Best Diet Food?

What is the Best Diet Food

Is milk good for you… or terrible? Does veganism create weak, frail people… or absolute powerhouses? Does consuming fat actually make you fat? Depending upon the book you’re currently reading, the “official” answers to these questions can vary wildly.

So here’s what I propose. It is the most common sense approach known to man. Follow results! Try something for a week and monitor your progress. If you’re headed in the right direction, continue. Otherwise, follow the next guru’s advice for a week and see how that works for you.

What is the Best Diet Food – Whatever Works for You

If this level of trial and error doesn’t appeal to you, consider the commonly accepted truth that diet plans that have you consuming fewer calories than you use are going to work every time. That’s just the way the body is designed. Regardless of any of the latest diet trends that may tell you that calories don’t matter, use your own common sense on this one.

Extra calories are stored as body fat. This fat is full of calories (units of energy). If you keep stuffing yourself with more calories than you use, then your body will continue to store them. On the other hand, when you use more calories than you consume, your body will pull from your fat reserves in order to fuel itself. Any diet plans that try to debunk this well-known fact are immediately subject to suspicion from where I stand.

What’s really funny to me about a lot of these genuinely convincing programs is that they try to pitch their diet by claiming that you can eat whatever you want and don’t have to do much exercise. What you eat and how you move your body are ALL that matter when it comes to losing weight. The fresher and more natural your food, the better. And the more you exercise, the better (within reason).

So the answer to What is the Best Diet Food is whatever works for you.

Weight Loss Exercise

With So Many Diet Plans Conflicting With Each Other, Who Can You Trust?

Frustrating is an understatement, I know. It can be so incredibly difficult to cut through all the conflicting information you get from the various diet plans out there. What makes this such a difficult task? Well, for starters, most of these diet plans have been created by equally qualified people. This article is about to expose these discrepancies, helping you make an effective, stress-free dieting decision.

We’ve all seen it. One health guru tells you that in order to lose weight and build lean muscle, you’ve got to eat lots of lean protein and very few carbs. A week later, you’re exposed to another health guru (just as renowned as the first) telling you that common sense tells us that we need less and less protein as we get older, that this fact is obvious when you look at the composition of a mother’s milk as her baby gets older (the protein decreases), and that the animals we eat for protein didn’t get their protein by consuming protein, but rather amino acids.

Is milk good for you… or terrible? Does veganism create weak, frail people… or absolute powerhouses? Does consuming fat actually make you fat? Depending upon the book you’re currently reading, the “official” answers to these questions can vary wildly.

So here’s what I propose. It is the most common sense approach known to man. Follow results! Try something for a week and monitor your progress. If you’re headed in the right direction, continue. Otherwise, follow the next guru’s advice for a week and see how that works for you.

If this level of trial and error doesn’t appeal to you, consider the commonly accepted truth that diet plans that have you consuming fewer calories than you use are going to work every time. That’s just the way the body is designed. Regardless of any of the latest diet trends that may tell you that calories don’t matter, use your own common sense on this one.

Extra calories are stored as body fat. This fat is full of calories (units of energy). If you keep stuffing yourself with more calories than you use, then your body will continue to store them. On the other hand, when you use more calories than you consume, your body will pull from your fat reserves in order to fuel itself. Any diet plans that try to debunk this well-known fact are immediately subject to suspicion from where I stand.

What’s really funny to me about a lot of these genuinely convincing programs is that they try to pitch their diet by claiming that you can eat whatever you want and don’t have to do much exercise. What you eat and how you move your body are ALL that matter when it comes to losing weight. The fresher and more natural your food, the better. And the more you exercise, the better (within reason).