Weight Loss Exercise

How to begin a weightlifting routine

So you have decided it is time to begin a weightlifting routine. That pale, hollow chest and those skinny arms are to be transformed. Congratulations! You can get started right away – at least, right after you read these golden rules so that you know what you should and should not do.

Health check
If you are over 40, overweight, seriously unfit or have any health issues, then it is a good idea to check with your doctor before you begin a weightlifting routine. This does not mean that you cannot go ahead, just get clearance first. Your doctor may want to run some checks or suggest that you begin at a certain level.

To begin a weightlifting routine requires certain equipment. Weights, obviously … but if you want to work more than one or two muscle groups it is better to have access to more than just a barbell.

You might want to consider joining a gym to take advantage of the equipment there. The staff will often help you figure out a good weightlifting routine for your current fitness level, too.

Begin a weightlifting routine

Planning Your Workout Schedule

How to begin a weightlifting routine

How to begin a weightlifting routine

Lifting weights to build muscle requires a certain program. You cannot expect to work out once a week and see much benefit. Here is how to plan your schedule:

  • Work out all muscle groups at least once a week.
  • Aim for 3-4 training sessions a week (but you may need to start with just two the first few weeks).
  • Do not work out any muscle group more than 2-3 times a week.
  • Have at least one day off between sessions, where you either do cardio exercise or do not work out at all.

Rest is as important as working out in your routine. The muscles are stressed during the session, and then the body spends the next 24-48 hours repairing and building them. You must give it that time or strength will not have a chance to develop.

Planning to begin a weightlifting routine

When you begin a weightlifting routine it is important to cover all of the muscle groups. Do not ignore the back. All muscles need to be strong to support each other and avoid injury while you are training. These are the main muscle groups and some of the exercises that work them:

Chest: chest press, bench press, pushups.
Shoulders: overhead press, raises
Biceps: curls
Triceps: tricep extensions
Abs: bicycle crunch, reverse crunch
Back: row machine, back extensions

How Much Weight for your Workout?

When it comes to the actual weight that you use, begin a weightlifting routine with light weights so that you can get used to the exercises and concentrate on form (that is, doing the exercises smoothly and safely, with everything in the right place).

After that, for muscle gain, take a weight that means you can only do 3 sets of 4-8 reps with a 1-2 minute rest between sets. Anything more will injure the muscles so the body has to spend all its time repairing, and never gets to build.

If you are more focused on losing body fat, not wanting to build huge muscles but just develop some definition, then take a lighter weight: say one that lets you do 1-3 sets of 10 reps with a half to one minute rest between sets. That means starting out with one set as a beginner, and increasing up to three sets as you become more advanced in your weightlifting routine.

I know that this seems like a lot of broad strokes but when you begin a weightlifting routine you will need this and then the details will come as you get a few workouts in.

Weight Loss Exercise

Advantages of Using Weight Training Machines

Proper nutrition is not the only way to keep the body healthy. Regular exercise and strength training at least twice a week should be done if we want to keep our body in top condition. Weight training can be done with free weights and machines. While many people consider free weights as being for professional bodybuilders, weight training machines can be used by everyone for a similar purpose. Weight training machines are ideal for beginners and rehabilitation patients as well as serious bodybuilders.

When you step into a gym for the first time, you may be overwhelmed by all the complicated exercise machines around you. Weight training machines are designed to exercise specific muscle groups. For example, you can workout your chest, back and shoulders with a lat pull-down machine or chest-press machine. For lower body workouts you could use a leg-press or leg extension machine. A fitness expert can show you how to use a weight training machine for your workout.

Serious bodybuilders say there’s nothing better than free weights when it comes to strength training. However, weight training machines offer many advantages and benefits too.

1. Places you in the correct position

While free weights allow freedom of movement, a weight training machine automatically places you in the correct biomechanical position to accomplish the exercise motion in the proper form. The machine effectively isolates the muscles that you are using, and all you have to do is push or pull the weight. Your movement is restricted because you can only move the weight in one direction.

2. Safe to use

Weight training machines are typically safer to exercise with compared to free weights. The limited range of motion prevents you from using your muscles incorrectly. Weight training machines also eliminate accidents such as dropping a barbell that you are trying to lift.

A weight training machine is ideal for those who have an injury and are undergoing physical rehabilitation through strength training. An exercise machine is also useful if you are working with heavy weights and do not have a spotter.

3. Faster workouts

In general, it takes less time to complete your exercise when working out with a weight training machine rather than free weights. When working with free weights, you have to remove or add plates on a barbell. On a weight training machine, you can quickly adjust the weight by moving a pin or clipping cables to the desired resistance setting. This allows you to go through your exercise routine faster while maintaining an elevated heart rate.

Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Training Accessories

While weight training is very important for overall health and fitness, lifting heavy weights can put a lot of stress on your body. Even when maintaining the correct form and technique, accidents or injury may happen. That is why many strength training instructors recommend the use of weight training accessories. Accessories for strength training can make your workout safer and more comfortable, thus enhancing the effectiveness of your workout.

Lifting Gloves

A good pair of lifting gloves is one of the most basic weight training accessories that you need. Lifting gloves help make your strength training exercises more comfortable. They can help you avoid blisters and calluses. Gloves can also help prevent your sweaty hands from slipping off barbells or dumbbells while lifting.

Gloves for weight training are usually made of leather or synthetic rubber such as neoprene. These materials are breathable and prevent sweat and heat from building up inside the gloves. Lifting gloves that are machine washable are ideal for easy maintenance and hygiene.

Weight Lifting Straps

Another important weight training accessory is weight lifting straps. Straps can help you avoid dropping the barbell. These weight training accessories are worn on the wrist and wrapped around the barbell or dumbbell to help you maintain a good grip on the bar.

Weight lifting straps can be helpful if you experience pain when doing arm curls or if you have sweaty hands. However, some experts discourage overusing weight training straps as your natural grip may grow weaker if you rely too much on them.

Wrist Wraps

Wrist wraps are different from weight lifting straps. Wrist wraps help support the wrist when doing presses, such as bench press or military press. These weight training accessories help prevent wrist or elbow pain that sometimes happens during pressing movements.

Wrist wraps are inexpensive weight training accessories and can help prevent wrist and elbow injuries.

Joint Straps

If you have weak or injured knees or elbows, straps may be able to keep your joints from becoming hyper-extended. Wrap the joint straps around your knees or elbows to prevent injuries. Knee wraps can be helpful when doing squats and are especially helpful for power lifting.

Weight Training Belts

Weight training belts help to protect the lower back as well as the muscles of the entire upper torso. This popular weight training accessory also supports the sides and prevents twisting or bending incorrectly. Weight training belts are particularly helpful when lifting your maximum weights.

Fitness experts discourage frequent use of a weight training belt, especially when lifting weights below your maximum. Limit the use of a belt to your heaviest sets when doing deadlifts or squats. Keep in mind that you do not need this weight training accessory when doing curls or rows.

Proper Use of Weight Training Accessories

Weight training accessories can help make your workout safer and more comfortable. However, you must learn how to use these accessories correctly. Get the advice of a gym instructor on the proper use of strength training equipment and accessories. When used in the right way, weight training accessories can enhance your workout.

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