Weight Loss Exercise

How the Dickens Technique Can Change Your Life

There is a concept called the Dickens Technique, it is used extensively by Tony Robbins to change peoples lives and comes from NLP (neuro Linguistic programming) principles.

The Dickens technique gets its name and process from the character of Scrooge in Charles Dickens book A Christmas Carol. I am sure you remember the story where Scrooge was a miserable guy and he changed after he saw how his actions and way he thought now would absolutely create sadness and lack in the future. In seeing this he of course realized that there was no way to continue and that he had to change.

Well the Dickens technique does exactly this as well. You find a limiting belief, see what the future would be like, look at not having this limiting belief and see how the future would look instead, and then you will make that change.

The trouble often is that we know we should change a belief because it is a good thing to do, but good things to do will not create a very sustained emotional change in us. Instead we need to have a great emotional reason to change for the new belief to be permanent.

Using an example here is an idea of exactly how to use the Dickens Technique

How The Dickens Technique Works

How the Dickens Technique Can Change Your Life

Tony Robbins Uses the Dickens Technique a lot

1. You know that, or you have see information that says that you need to do weight based exercise every week. You don’t really like the idea of going to the trouble of joining a gym, ;earning about the exercises you need to do, and carving out the time from your busy schedule to workout.

2. First look at what would happen if you continued as you are without doing the weight workouts. You look 6 months out with out doing the weights and you are basically as strong as now, you aren’t too worried, you look out a year from now and see that you would have the same aches and pains as you do now, no big deal. You look out 10 years from now though and see that through degenerative issues you may have trouble walking up hills, your weak core leads to back problems, your lack of muscle mass leads to a hunched over posture and a sore neck, and finally you also see that you would be much less vibrant as a person.

3. That limiting belief doesn’t do you any good. Get rid of the thought of it and instead switch to a less limiting belief. You don’t have to commit to being a gym rat every day, that would be a difficult way to get started (here I am using my own limiting beliefs on you, not fair but anyway…).

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4. Now you look at what would be the effect if you just went to the gym once or twice a week. In 6 months you would be transformed. You would be stronger and more aware of how your body works and feels. In one year you have a better physique and are able to work better for longer at work with better concentration, very aware of the effect of food on your body, and also able to leap tall buildings in a single bound (well maybe not yet). Finally 10 years out you can see that instead of being weakened you are stronger than anyone your own age. You walk with confidence and strength thanks to a strong core. And whenever you want to go out and have fun there are no limits that you need to impose on your self, you physically do what you want when you want.

5. Now, critical point, make sure you can feel that way right now. Not that you are super strong right now but instead identify yourself as being at that starting place between the you now and that you in the future. You can use the future you to tell the present time you. Do the work! Make the changes necessary! Get started now because the future you is waiting 6 months, 1 year, and even 10 years out to do the work up front.

How Does the Dickens Technique Really Help?

This Dickens technique may seem a little bit like self-hypnosis, and in fact it is. You are reprogramming the way you feel about something to make sure that you know the consequences of your limiting belief.

Now that I have given you a very concrete example I think it is up to you. Journal your beliefs, I know that most people either free form their journaling to what they want or how the past went but you can also add this in. Ask yourself what irritates you. What you wish you could do. Even ask yourself what is really important that you have been holding back on because it is wrong or stupid.

Quite often we don’t recognise our limiting beliefs and they cause us lots of trouble. People stay poor, sad, jealous, guilty, and unfulfilled because what they have done in the past was to live small. If you get rid of some of those limiting beliefs that you have you can start to build your life up starting now.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to begin a weightlifting routine

So you have decided it is time to begin a weightlifting routine. That pale, hollow chest and those skinny arms are to be transformed. Congratulations! You can get started right away – at least, right after you read these golden rules so that you know what you should and should not do.

Health check
If you are over 40, overweight, seriously unfit or have any health issues, then it is a good idea to check with your doctor before you begin a weightlifting routine. This does not mean that you cannot go ahead, just get clearance first. Your doctor may want to run some checks or suggest that you begin at a certain level.

To begin a weightlifting routine requires certain equipment. Weights, obviously … but if you want to work more than one or two muscle groups it is better to have access to more than just a barbell.

You might want to consider joining a gym to take advantage of the equipment there. The staff will often help you figure out a good weightlifting routine for your current fitness level, too.

Begin a weightlifting routine

Planning Your Workout Schedule

How to begin a weightlifting routine

How to begin a weightlifting routine

Lifting weights to build muscle requires a certain program. You cannot expect to work out once a week and see much benefit. Here is how to plan your schedule:

  • Work out all muscle groups at least once a week.
  • Aim for 3-4 training sessions a week (but you may need to start with just two the first few weeks).
  • Do not work out any muscle group more than 2-3 times a week.
  • Have at least one day off between sessions, where you either do cardio exercise or do not work out at all.

Rest is as important as working out in your routine. The muscles are stressed during the session, and then the body spends the next 24-48 hours repairing and building them. You must give it that time or strength will not have a chance to develop.

Planning to begin a weightlifting routine

When you begin a weightlifting routine it is important to cover all of the muscle groups. Do not ignore the back. All muscles need to be strong to support each other and avoid injury while you are training. These are the main muscle groups and some of the exercises that work them:

Chest: chest press, bench press, pushups.
Shoulders: overhead press, raises
Biceps: curls
Triceps: tricep extensions
Abs: bicycle crunch, reverse crunch
Back: row machine, back extensions

How Much Weight for your Workout?

When it comes to the actual weight that you use, begin a weightlifting routine with light weights so that you can get used to the exercises and concentrate on form (that is, doing the exercises smoothly and safely, with everything in the right place).

After that, for muscle gain, take a weight that means you can only do 3 sets of 4-8 reps with a 1-2 minute rest between sets. Anything more will injure the muscles so the body has to spend all its time repairing, and never gets to build.

If you are more focused on losing body fat, not wanting to build huge muscles but just develop some definition, then take a lighter weight: say one that lets you do 1-3 sets of 10 reps with a half to one minute rest between sets. That means starting out with one set as a beginner, and increasing up to three sets as you become more advanced in your weightlifting routine.

I know that this seems like a lot of broad strokes but when you begin a weightlifting routine you will need this and then the details will come as you get a few workouts in.

Weight Loss Exercise

Joining a Gym

I have written a few articles in the past about joining a gym. To me a gym is just a place that you need to have as a place to help you get in shape. I know that many people can work at home and I myself have done that on and off for a long time but for me, a gym just feels like a great place to look forward to and build myself up.

As I have written before I do have a work gym that I use but just like anyone I can come up with excuses and I probably make it to the gym at work at lunch 3 times a week and then get some kind of exercise one day a week outside of that.

I want more.

Joining a GymI am trialing a 14 day $14 membership at Goodlife Fitness in Airdrie and this afternoon I went to the gym for the orientation and to find out more. I filled out the standard disclaimer and met with Ella, who showed me around and then brought me into a closing room. The thing to remember about a gym at this time of year is that there is a lot of pressure to sell memberships. People don’t join gyms in July, people join gyms in January with the new year.

Ella told me about the great deals that Goodlife Fitness is offering this time of year and then got me all signed up for the 14 day trial. Then I got the chance to get a cardio workout in.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

Even though I do have a work gym in Calgary, I don’t have the opportunity to go on the weekends when it would be easier to find an hour, it is 30 minutes or so from my home in Airdrie (a suburb north of Calgary) each way and for me it just isn’t very convenient to go that far. Second reason I am looking at another gym is to give me that evening opportunity to workout if I can’t make it during the day. Third reason is different equipment and a change of scenery to keep me excited and motivated.

When you do go to a gym to check it out you need to know how it all works. Here is an article I wrote a while back about how the process of joining works.

Have you joined a gym? Are you interested in joining a gym? I know that after belonging to many gyms over the years I have seen and been in all the different types of gyms including lightweight social gyms, cardio style gyms, and even a few hardcore loud gyms with lots of weights and steroids. Now I am looking for something in between. I hope that this Goodlife Fitness gym is the way to go for me


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