Weight Loss Exercise

Why Tracking Is Key To Weight Loss Success

You may have tried various fad diets to try to lose weight, and all of them yielded the same results; you failed miserably. This is probably due to the fact that you went on a diet that you couldn’t maintain for the long-term. To lose weight, you need to undertake a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet. It’s more effective if you can just adjust your current lifestyle by making it healthier in several key areas.

One of the main ways you can start practicing this is by tracking the amount of calories you take in and burn on a daily basis to get a better understanding of why your old lifestyle caused you to put on weight.

Here are some reasons why tracking is one of the main keys to weight loss success:

Tracking can help you stay motivated on your weight loss journey as it is a systematic way for you to keep track of what you are eating. By tracking your calories, you will be less tempted to stray from your healthy eating plan, since if you want, you can always allocate calories for a special treat that you love, or if you overeat at a particular meal, you can compensate during another meal by eating fewer calories. This way, you will see results and stay motivated.

Tracking your calorie intake helps you change your eating habits, as you can learn portion control and learn to swap high-calorie options with lower calorie ones. Since you have a set amount of calories per day, you will be very careful with how much of the high-calorie foods you let enter your mouth.

Tracking the amount of calories you burn with your fitness endeavors will help you budget how much extra you can eat to stay on your goal, and at the same time give you a boost of encouragement every day when you see how many calories you have burned from your efforts. You will be more motivated to push yourself during workouts this way. More intense workouts mean more calories burned!

Tracking your weight loss or body measurements are a great motivation tool; when you can see the progress you’ve made in black and white, you will be very motivated to keep on going and achieve your goals. Sometimes subtle changes can be hard to see in the mirror. But when you see them on paper, you’ll know that you’re getting somewhere.

So as you can see, there are many benefits that you can get if you start tracking your calories and your progress in your weight loss. And don’t forget to make the most of the various websites and apps out there to help you keep track.



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How To Track Your Bodyfat Percentage

You may have already heard that tracking your bodyfat percentage is one of the best ways to track your weight loss progress, as this way you can be certain that you are losing fat and not water or muscle.

There are several methods available for you to ascertain your bodyfat percentage; some can be done at home, while others require you to spend money and use big equipment. Here are some of the most effective:

Best Ways to Track Bodyfat Percentage

US Navy Bodyfat Measurement

US Navy Bodyfat Measurement

Skin Fold Calipers – You can purchase these calipers, pinch the fat on your body, and place the pinched area in between two calipers to measure your body fat percentage. This method is pretty dependable and repeatable; however if you are more than 40 pounds overweight, you may not be able to use this caliper method since the pinched fat may not be able to fit between the calipers.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) – A BIA scale sends tiny electrical currents through the body and records the resistance that the body offers to this current. This resistance is then used to determine the percentage of body fat in the person’s body. This is the simplest way to measure your body fat, and the scales are usually not too expensive. However, the accuracy of this method is questionable and it also depends on how well your body is hydrated when you step on the scale.

The US Navy Method – This means using body measurements to determine body fat percentage. This is the cheapest way to get your body fat measurement, since all you need is a body tape measure or a cloth measuring tape. For men, you measure the waist, neck, and height; for women, the measurements taken are of the hips, neck, and height. While this is an easy at-home method that anyone can use, its accuracy is highly questionable.

Hydrostatic Weighing and DEXA Scans – Hydrostatic weighing is the traditional gold standard of determining one’s body fat percentage, where the person is submerged in a special type of water tank. The DEXA scan, however, is somewhat of a ”new gold standardâ?, where the person just lies down and the scanner determines the amount and distribution of fat in the body. Both these methods are generally not practical, since hydrostatic weighing is uncomfortable and both these methods cost around $150 to $300 every time you perform them, which is quite pricey.

In a nutshell, there are the many different methods you can use to track your body fat. However, for daily or weekly measurements at home, there are only three methods you can use, as detailed above.

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Natural Cures for Migraines

You may find that natural cures for migraines can work as well if not better than pharmaceutical products. Natural cures for migraines involve physical, psychological as well as nutritional aspects. While typical medicine does work, people are starting to give more interest to alternative cures and medicine. These may work in conjunction with the medicine you are currently taking for headaches.

Natural cures also work mostly in the prevention of migraines. They help reduce both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.

Natural Cures for Migraines, Of Diets, Herbs and Therapies

* Biofeedback

Biofeedback is essentially a procedure where you are made aware of the different processes going on inside your body. Different equipment and sensors are placed on your body. Measurements such as brain activity, temperature, heart rate and blood pressure are all displayed for you to see. The theory is you can control these parameters since you are aware of the different levels they are in. Relaxation techniques along with focusing can bring pain levels down when you suffer from migraines.

* Spa and Physical Therapies

Breathing exercises and spas all aim to relax the body and help in proper circulation of blood. They can relieve you of the pain caused by migraines as well as prevent them from occurring. Acupuncture and acupressure work to apply pressure or stimulus at pressure points in the body. While they are not steeped in medical research, these treatments have been documented to provide symptomatic relief of migraines and headaches.

Overall these natural cures for migraines can greatly reduce stress and tension which can be one of the triggers of migraines.

* Herbal Cures

Feverfew and butterbur are considered as analgesics and natural cures for migraines which are effective in treating headaches. They have shown promise in migraines as well. Food and vegetables which are rich in magnesium and calcium such as kale and spinach have also been found to be effective in migraine prevention.

Aromatherapy using essential oils such as mint, peppermint and eucalyptus also relax the body and can aid in the reduction of migraine intensity.

* Migraine Diet/Log Book

A natural way to prevent migraine is to determine what causes migraines in the first place. Specific foods and stress events can cause migraines. These can differ from person to person. When a migraine attack happens try to think of what you were doing and what you were eating at the time. This can help you link your own migraine triggers. Once you know what causes migraines, you can work to avoid these.

Natural Cures for Migraines: Safety and Efficacy

It is best to consult a medical professional before undertaking any therapy for migraines. Adverse reactions are a concern, especially if you are allergic to a certain substance. There are also side effects associated with some herbs, but sticking to recommended dosages can help you avoid these problems. Ask your doctor as well so you can be cleared to undergo or take these natural cures.

With proper guidance these natural cures for migraines can help you get rid of your headaches for good.

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