Weight Loss Exercise

How to Cure Constipation

I got this article from Dr Charles and Lori and the Fat Loss Factor and usually wouldn’t bother publishing it but it is actually a really good article of four easy tips to get rid of constipation. I can vouch for these as they help me as well to stay “regular”

A case of constipation usually means that you’ve had one or fewer bowel-movements in a typical day. This might happen because you’ve just changed your diet from bad food to good food. Your body has to adjust to the different food, so you have to give your body time to get used to it.

Another common cause for constipation is dehydration. If you don’t take in the proper amount of water every day, you will have trouble with your colon being unable to push waste out.

What is so bad about being constipated is all that awful stuff that your body naturally gets rid of stays in side you. This causes discomfort, fatigue, and even weight retention. This condition is like a buildup of poison inside of you: it can cause problems if you let it go too long. So what can you do when you’re constipated to correct the situation? I have some natural and healthy suggestions for this.

Drink more water. You should be taking in about half your body’s weight in fluid ounces of water. This means that if you weigh 230 lbs, you should be drinking 115 ounces of water daily.

Use flaxseed as an additive to your meals. You can mix a tablespoon of it into your food to give you more fiber ( to help get you moving) and Omega 3s as well.

Raw food is important. This means you should eat one piece of fresh fruit or raw veggies. Your system will benefit from the natural ingredients in raw foods that are usually lost when they are cooked.

Begin your day with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix it in water and add some Cayenne. This mixture will stimulate your system and help clear out your colon.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Running for Weight Loss Plan: Beginner’s Guide

Running is one of the best workouts for weight loss. It burns more calories per hour than many other forms of exercise, and you don’t even have to spend a lot of money because all you need is a good pair of running shoes. If you are new to running and would like to shed some extra pounds, the following running for weight loss plan will get you off to a good start.

Getting Started – Running for Weight Loss

Walk and Run

Running is a challenging exercise, so it’s important to begin your fitness routine gradually in order to avoid injury. A combination of walking and running will give your body time to adapt to the training while still burning calories. Start with a brisk 10-minute walk to warm up your body and loosen your muscles. Alternate between running for 1 minute and walking for 1 minute for the next 10 minutes. Finish your workout with a 10-minute walk to cool down.

Gradually increase the duration of the runs and shorten the walks until you are able to run consistently for 10 minutes. Finally, begin to shorten your warm-up and cool-down walks so that you will be running longer periods. Run at a pace that allows you to carry on a conversation. Your goal is to be able to run for 30 minutes at a time in order to maximize calorie burn.

Add Mileage

Running for Weight Loss

Running for Weight Loss

The next stage of your weight loss running plan is to run longer distances. You can easily get bored if you run the same distance day in and day out. Gradually increase your total mileage for the week in order to burn more calories each week and achieve your weight-loss goal.

The rate of mileage increase should not exceed 10% per week. This will give your body time to adapt to the workout without suffering from the added stress on your joints and muscles.


Interval training is one of the best ways to increase the number of calories burned during your workout. When doing intervals, you alternate between sprinting/running and jogging/walking. Fartlek can also be integrated into your running for weight loss plan. Fartlek is an unstructured form of interval training where you sprint 200-400 meters, then run at your normal pace for recovery.

Vary Your Workouts

Your weight loss running plan should provide variety in your types of workout so as to prevent boredom. In addition to intervals, your workout can include tempo runs or running at a challenging but manageable pace. It’s also a good idea to incorporate long, slow runs at least once a week. Running longer distances allows you to burn more calories and shed extra pounds.

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Weight Loss Exercise

BodybuIlding Tips for Faster Results

Men who are into bodybuilding and strength training often wonder if they are doing everything they can to achieve optimum muscle growth. In order to get rock hard abs, big biceps and strong muscles, you have to do a multitude of things for faster and better results. There are things you have to do inside the gym while others need to be done outside. If you want your muscle building program to succeed, pay attention to these bodybuilding tips.

1. Proper diet

Your body needs proteins and other nutrients in order to build muscles. Unless your diet provides the nutrients needed by your body, you will never be able to develop bigger muscles. Your diet is an important factor for bodybuilding success.

2. Sleep and rest

Your body grows big while sleeping and resting, not while you are working out in the gym. When you lift weights, minute tears occur in the muscles. The body rebuilds itself while you sleep, making your muscles bigger and stronger. If you don’t give your body time to rest, your hours at the gym will be totally wasted. Use this bodybuilding tip to give your muscles a chance to grow.

3. Overload your muscles progressively

The human body learns to adapt quickly. If you keep on lifting the same amount of weight for weeks and months, your muscles will become conditioned to handle that much weight and will stop growing. Continually challenge your muscles by increasing the weights you lift or doing more reps. This will push your body to build more muscles.

4. Perform compound exercises

Hit two birds with one stone by doing exercises that stimulate more than one muscle group at a time, such as deadlifts and squats. Compound exercises have a positive effect on the entire skeletal system as well as the muscles.

5. Warm up and stretching

BodybuIlding Tips for Faster Results

BodybuIlding Tips

This bodybuilding tip is often ignored by men who want to get started on their workout right away. Warming up your muscles and stretching surrounding tissues can help prevent injuries. Be sure to stretch before, during, and after your bodybuilding workout.

6. Avoid overtraining

Too much weight lifting can be bad for muscle development. Many men who workout long and hard in the gym end up frustrated because their muscles refuse to grow. You will find many bodybuilding tips telling you to back off if you cannot gain muscle mass because of overtraining. Take a break and let your body rest for a few weeks.

7. Workout with free weights

Serious bodybuilders rely on free weights rather than machines to build muscles and gain weight. The reason is that machines do the work of stabilizing the weights, leaving the stabilizer muscles unchallenged. If you want bigger muscles, exercise with free weights and maintain proper form to develop your stabilizer muscles and support muscle growth.

8. Drink water

Water transports nutrients and helps flush out waste and toxins from the body. Athletes require 8 oz. of water for every 10-12.5 pounds of body weight. This bodybuilding tip may seem simple but it is a very important one.

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