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How to Choose Milk

Got milk? Yes! Confusingly many different kinds, in fact, from organic to omega-3-fortified.

Though we’re drinking less milk than 30 years ago — women down about 19 gallons per year, mostly in cereal — it’s still an ideal way to get your calcium: One glass packs a quarter of the daily 1,000-milligram requirement (you should get 1,200 if you’re 51 or older).

Federal dietary guidelines suggest sticking to skim and low-fat milk to keep saturated fat levels down. OK, but how do you choose from there? We got the scoop on the new cartons in the dairy case.

Organic Milk

How to choose Milk

How to choose Milk

Must-know info: This milk comes from cows raised organically, meaning they eat feed grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Some experts advocate for organic milk because they believe that the synthetic growth hormone given to many conventionally raised cattle can cause health problems, from early puberty to cancer.

Still, a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found no significant difference in the level of hormones in organic and conventional milk.

“I don’t think there’s enough conclusive evidence that shows organic milk is healthier or safer than conventional, and both are packed with key nutrients,” says Elisa Zied, author of “Nutrition at Your Fingertips.”

Should you buy it? Sure, if eating (and drinking!) an organic diet is important to you. The jury’s out on its nutritional perks, though. True — research has shown that organic milk can be higher than the regular kind in omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and conjugated linoleic acid (a type of fat that may help lower cholesterol levels and boost bone formation).

But whether that’s true of the white stuff in your glass depends on such factors as where the cows who provided that milk were grazing. Plus, skim and low-fat milks are low in all kinds of fats — including heart-healthy omega-3s.

Ultra-pasteurized Milk

Must-know info: Designed to keep dairy products fresh for longer, ultra-pasteurized milk is heated to a higher temperature than regular, pasteurized milk (280 degrees Fahrenheit versus the usual 161), says Cary P. Frye, vice president of regulatory and scientific affairs for the International Dairy Foods Association. That means your milk can safely stay unopened in the fridge for up to 60 days (instead of 21).

Organic milk is often ultra-pasteurized, since it typically travels greater distances to stores; some non-organic brands also choose to pasteurize milk this way.

When it’s packaged in specially sterilized containers, then sealed to block light and air, you get shelf-stable milk (like Parmalat, or Borden’s shelf-stable line); it can sit unopened in your pantry for up to a year. Once opened, both kinds should be refrigerated and used within 7 to 12 days — a day or two longer than pasteurized milk.

Should you buy it? Milk that’s ultra-pasteurized isn’t any safer or more nutritious, but it could be a good pick if you’re slow to start a carton or like to buy in bulk. The shelf-stable kind is an excellent pantry staple (though some find it has a slightly burnt taste).

Fortified Milk

Must-know info: These “value-added” milks pack extra nutrients beyond the usual vitamins A and D, such as vitamin C, omega-3s, and fiber. Skim “plus” or “deluxe” milk contains milk powder, which adds calcium and protein (and more calories per glass), as well as whiteners or stabilizers to make it look and taste more like whole.

Should you buy it? Though it’s better to get nutrients from the source (say, fish for omega-3s), these milks can help fill the void. Fortified skim milk is a smart pick if you don’t like low-fat milk but want to avoid the fat and calories in whole.

Lactose-free Milk

Must-know info: Lactose-free milk is a godsend for those who can’t digest the sugar (lactose) in dairy. As many as 6% of Americans have some degree of lactose intolerance, meaning they may feel gassy, crampy, or nauseated, or have diarrhea, if they eat or drink dairy products.

Should you buy it? If you’re lactose-intolerant, this milk can help you get the calcium and vitamin D you need without gastric distress.

Alterna milks made simple

Rice, soy, and other nondairy milk is more common than ever, giving vegans, the lactose intolerant, and those with no special dietary needs an alternate pour for their cereal.

If you’re swapping one in for regular milk, make sure it’s fortified with calcium and vitamin D (unless it’s soy milk, which has the same amount of both nutrients as cow’s milk).

If you’re vegan, look for B12, too. Shoot for milks that say “unsweetened” — even plain varieties may contain extra sugar. Here, serving suggestions from Dreena Burton, author of “Let Them Eat Vegan”:

• Soy milk is a bit higher in healthy unsaturated fats than other nondairy milks, so it has a richer flavor ideal for creamy, savory sauces.

• Rice milk has a natural sweetness perfect for baked goods. (Tip: Use flavored rice milk and reduce the recipe’s sugar.)

• Coconut milk boasts a clean, fresh flavor that perks up plain old oatmeal, and it contains a special type of saturated fat that, studies suggest, raises your “good” (HDL) cholesterol, but not the “bad” (LDL) kind.

• Almond milk gives smoothies a nutty taste. One serving has half your daily requirement of vitamin E.

• Oat milk adds a light, milky creaminess (and filling, heart-healthy soluble fiber) to mashed potatoes.

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The Most Important Vitamins for Men

Many men can get the nutrients they need through their daily diet, but some men can benefit from nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals. In addition, men have nutritional requirements that are different from those required for women, children, and seniors. When choosing vitamins for men, it is best to look for supplements that are specifically designed for men.

While it’s true that both men and women need vitamins and minerals, the recommended daily allowance may differ. This is another reason why men should take vitamin supplements that are formulated for them. The right vitamins in the right quantities can help protect men against heart disease, prostate cancer, hormonal imbalance and bone loss.

Vitamin D for Men

Vitamin D is essential for the proper absorption of calcium during digestion. It also helps protect the body against toxic by-products of high-fat diets. Rich sources of Vitamin D include fortified milk, beans, nuts and lean meats.

Vitamin C for Men

The antioxidant vitamin C helps eliminate free radicals that can damage healthy cells in the body, causing inflammation and chronic illnesses. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, the protein found in skin, tendons, blood vessels and ligaments. It is also important for healing wounds and keeping the skin and gums healthy. Vitamin C also helps increase sperm count. Men require more Vitamin C than women do.

Vitamin E for Men

The Most Important Vitamins for Men

Important Vitamins for Men

Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant. It provides protection against heart disease by preventing the production of plaques that can clog the arteries. Along with Vitamin C, Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins for men, especially those who workout a lot. It helps reduce muscle damage after strenuous exercise, and also protects against cancer and heart disease.
Vitamin B complex

B vitamins are also important for men

Vitamin B3 or niacin helps regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) supports the adrenal glands and are necessary for the production of hormones. Men also need Vitamin B9 or folic acid. It improves blood circulation to the brain and body, helps prevent dementia and memory loss, and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

B vitamins are abundantly present in many foods such as meat, shellfish, liver, eggs and dairy products. However, vegetarians may need Vitamin B supplements. Multivitamin supplements for men often contain B vitamins, so men who take multivitamins regularly probably get enough B vitamins.

In conclusion, men who eat a healthy and balanced diet often get all the vitamins and minerals they need. Natural foods are the best sources of vitamins for men. However, athletes and men who are physically active may find it in their best interests to take vitamin supplements in order to boost their energy levels and improve overall health.

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Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery

There are several options for weight loss or bariatric surgery and one of them is gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. This type of surgery is often recommended for patients with a BMI higher than 40. Patients who are extremely obese can undergo vertical sleeve gastrectomy, as it is also called, to allow them to reach a safer weight, after which they can have another bariatric surgery such as gastric bypass. A gastric sleeve operation is done laparoscopically or using small incisions, removing up to 85% of the stomach to reduce food intake.

How it Works

Using small incisions, the bariatric surgeon removes two-thirds or up to 85% of the patient’s stomach, so that the remaining stomach is in the shape of a tube or banana. Staples can be used to create a smaller stomach, which typically has a capacity of about 200 ml. With a smaller stomach, the patient can take in only small quantities of food.

Who is a Good Candidate for Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery?

Although the procedure is relatively new, gastric sleeve surgery is now one of the recommended weight loss procedures for patients with BMI higher than 40. The procedure can also be offered to individuals with BMI between 35 and 39 who have obesity-related health disorders such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It can also be offered to those who find it difficult or impossible to make the follow-up visits required by a procedure like gastric banding, which leaves a foreign object in the patient’s digestive system.

How Effective is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Most patients who have gastric sleeve surgery experience a weight loss of 50% to 80% of their body weight within 6 months to one year after surgery. Within two years, patients can lose an average of 60% of excess weight. One of the benefits of this bariatric procedure is that patients experience an improvement in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Patients with diabetes and sleep apnea also show an improvement in their condition.

Comparison of Gastric Sleeve and Other Weight Loss Procedures

Unlike gastric bypass procedure, gastric sleeve surgery allows normal food digestion and absorption of nutrients, yet weight loss is about the same as that experienced by gastric bypass patients. In addition, the procedure is not as risky as a gastric bypass.

Gastric sleeve patients are also able to lose weight more quickly than those who have gastric band surgery. Being a relatively new procedure, however, there is limited data on long-term weight loss with gastric sleeve surgery compared to other procedures like gastric bypass.

Successful Weight Loss

People who have gastric sleeve surgery must make certain lifestyle changes in order to continue supporting weight loss. It’s true that the procedure creates a smaller stomach and forces you to eat less, but you will still have to exercise and eat a sensible diet in order to remain healthy and continue losing excess weight. Eating larger amounts of food can gradually stretch the stomach and make it bigger, thereby negating the effects of the weight loss procedure. Patients must commit to a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits.

Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery

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