General Weight Loss Tips

It Chooses You

Good morning! Did you guys get any snow yesterday? So far we just have a dusting, it’s mostly cold and windy. Is it bad that I’m hoping for at least one big snow this winter?

Yesterday’s breakfast was so good. I had one of Jeanne’s eggs fried in butter, a couple of slices of peach ham, a clementine and a small slice of banana bread. I ended up not eating more than a bite of the banana bread because I got overzealous with reheating it in the microwave. I think a loaf of banana bread is in my future.

Lunch was really late in the day so I kept it small. A shared chicken burrito, half of an avocado, and salsa.

Dinner took forever to cook, but it was so worth it. I made tandoori chicken burgers with yogurt cucumber sauce and naan. I topped the burgers with cucumber, red onion and cilantro. It was amazing. The chicken patties were tender and had a lot of Indian spice flavor to them. I also really liked the cumin in the cucumber sauce.

I didn’t get a good photo of the burgers because it was 9pm and I didn’t feel like pulling out the natural lights, but these were amazing. I’ll definitely be making them again. You can find the recipe for the tandoori chicken burgers here. The only difference for me was the chicken. I used whole chicken breasts and ground them up in the food processor with the spices. The naan recipe is here.

I did not exercise yesterday and can tell it’s going to be hard at first to get back into the swing of things. I woke up early to exercise and then waited for Josh and then just kept putting it off until we were both too tired. I think honestly we were both excited to get back to work and have a normal day that it took second seat to everything else. No excuses today though.

I’m almost done reading It Chooses You by Miranda July. Oh my. It’s so very interested and surprisingly sad and deep. Miranda’s comments about life, time and death feel so familiar to what goes on in my own head that it’s comforting to read the  words from someone else. While writing or trying to write a screen play she decides to seek out the people from the LA Penny Saver for interviews. What she finds is a whole lot of crazy in a world that exists without the internet.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Home Again

Yesterday (tuesday) we were back on our home schedule. We ate at home and did our usual insanity workout. As much as I love to eat out, it gets tiresome and is never as healthy (or as cheap) as eating at home. I like knowing exactly what’s in my food.

Yesterday morning was my usual banana nut muffin (a commenter asked if I make these and the answer is yes) 200 calories

Lunch was a boca burger with whole wheat bun, 1/2 t mayo, dark lettuce, and 1/2 oz. jalapeno cheese. 400 calories.

Dinner was a vegetable burrito: black beans, tomatoes with chili peppers, spinach, avocado. Used lots of cumin on this with a little sea salt on a spinach wrap. 570 calories (the wrap had 340)

snack: muffin with local/organic strawberries, 220 calories

Total calories for the day: 1,390

Exercise: 40 minutes of insanity workout (400-600 calories burned)

I went grocery shopping with a goal and budget in mind: all organic, as much local as possible and under $55 dollars. I spent about $48 on this:

1 pound local ground beef

2 organic avocados

bunch of organic/fair trade bananas

basket of local/organic strawberries

1 package organic/nitrate-free bacon

4 local/organic yams

2 lbs. organic basmati rice

1 package all natural spinach wraps (vegan)

1 bag local/organic spinach

1 bag local/organic lettuce

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