Weight Loss Exercise

Drinking Green Drinks

With summer in full swing, I am thinking about drinking green drinks. I’ve turned to juicing expert and founder of Juice Generation in NYC and Cooler Cleanse, Eric Helms, for the best ways to drink your greens and have them taste great. Packed with essential vitamins, nutrients, incorporating “green drinks” into your diet will keep you feeling and looking great this summer.

The Benefits of Drinking Green Drinks

Drinking Green Drinks

Drinking Green Drinks

Dark green vegetables contain a rainbow of vitamins and minerals essential for the cleansing functions of the kidneys and liver. Dark, leafy greens also give the system loads of water-soluble fiber to sweep toxins out. These greens are highly alkalizing to your cells—countering the damage done by the corrosive acidic waste products from meat, sugar, dairy and other common foods.

Helms says, “Customers are typically intimidated by the idea of a green drink” and that he and his team are constantly thinking of new ways to encourage customers to give green a chance.

Green Drink Recipes

Hale To Kale– from the menu at Juice Generation’s new Equinox location in NYC

Ingredients of Hale to Kale

  • 2 handfuls of kale
  • 1 apple
  • 1/4 lemon
  • 8oz watermelon juice

Instructions for Hale to Kale

Bunch up kale and push through juicer with apple.  Follow with watermelon and lemon. Scrape off the foam and serve over ice. Makes 12oz serving.


Supa Dupa Greens

  • Handful (3 oz) spinach
  • 2 medium stalks (3 oz) of celery
  • Small handful (1/2 oz) parsley, long stems removed
  • 3 medium stalks (3 oz) green kale
  • 2 Bartlett pears, cored and quartered
  • 1 lemon, cut and peeled
  • 1 cucumber, cut into pieces small enough to fit through a juicer

Instructions for Supa Dupa Greens

Process all the ingredients through the juicer. Run any wet pulp back through the juicer. Scrape off the foam and serve over ice. For variation, add dandelion greens or watercress.

Drinking green drinks this summer is a great way to supplement your diet with lots of micronutrients.

Weight Loss Exercise

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Want your body to look and look and feel like you’ve been to a spa for a week? You can get the same effects at home without spending thousands of dollars. Cleanse your body out with a fast that will flush out the pollutants that are making your body sluggish – and when your internal organs are working properly, your outside organ (skin) will begin to glow and become clear of blemishes in a short amount of time.

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Water only fast –  Limiting your diet to drinking only water for a few hours or a couple of days can produce benefits like lowering your blood pressure and releasing harmful toxins from your body so that your organs can better filter what you consume.

Natural foods fast – By eating only natural foods and eliminating alcohol, sugars, saturated fats, caffeine and cigarettes, your system will begin to naturally begin the detoxification process.

Cleansing supplement packages – These packages come with everything you need to thoroughly cleanse your system. They usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs and fiber.

Herbal cleanse – Herbs such as burdock, milk thistle and dandelion root can be used to cleanse the liver, which is one of the main filtering organs in your body.

Fiber cleanse – A good, natural fiber cleanse generally includes eating high fiber foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Among the best foods for a cleansing diet are cabbage, broccoli, beets and seaweed.

Exercise is a way that you can help the toxins pass through your body quickly. It’s also necessary to build muscle and keep from losing what muscle you’ve got. When you fast, the body turns to its stored glucose and fat for energy. When those resources are depleted, the body turns to muscle.

If you choose a body fast program as a weight loss tool or to cleanse your body of toxins, pay attention to the mental aspect of the program. Try to reduce stress from your life as much as you can. You may also want to clear your house of aerosol products that may contain environmental hazards and try to purchase organically-grown fruits and vegetables.

Body fast plans have been used for centuries to cleanse the body, restore health, prevent diseases, gain spiritual awareness and promote longevity. Modern-day researchers have found that detoxifying our bodies may also help us to be more mentally acute. Fasting may even help prevent the onslaught of Alzheimer’s disease – and for that, alone, it’s worth taking a look at. So cleanse your body out with a fast

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Diet Pills

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