Weight Loss Exercise

Green Detox Smoothie

Just made me a green detox smoothie. This thing tastes great and is really easy to make. I used a handful of washed kale, half a can of pinapple, one banana, and one peeled orange.

Green Detox Smoothie

Green Detox Smoothie

Although this tastes think and great there is a change I will make next time and that is to freeze the pineapple and the banana or maybe use frozen oranges. The consistency is good but it is not as cold as I would have liked. Sadly my daughter does not like bananas or pineapples so this was not a green detox smoothie for her but it is for me.

Benefits of a Green Detox Smoothie

Kale is super high in Vitamin K (1300% of a daily amount), Vitamin A, and Vitamin C as well as having a lot of digestive abilities.

Pineapple of course is great for helping digestion because it cantains Bromelain. as well as being high in Vitamin C and Manganese, and has many Anti-Inflammatory  Benefits.

Add to this the antioxidants in both bananas and oranges and you can see this green detox smoothie really packs a punch all in one big glass.

Green Detox Smoothie

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Diet Pills

2 Day Diet Japan Lingzhi

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Buy 2 Day Diet Japan Lingzhi at Amazon

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General Weight Loss Tips

The Myth of Fattening Food


Fattening Food is often seen as bad when we are trying to lose some weight. The first thing that people will stop eating when trying to drop a few pounds is to cut all fatty food. It is a common belief that any food with fat in it is bad for health,but is it all that bad?.

It’s known as the low-fat craze,and in the early 90’s across america it was all that was important if you wanted to look great and stay slim. If you want to lose weight and look great you would need to cut out low fat foods and the low-fat craze was born in the early 90’s. You see it is thought that fattening foods have more than twice the calories of foods that are high in carbohydrates. To lose weight people would replace the same quantity of fat that they would normally eat with an equal amount of carbs.

By that assumption,they are right but in order to maintain good health certain fats are needed by the body. You right by that assumption but for your body to function well you need those certain fats in your diet. Even some cholesterol is needed for the body to function properly. To be able to properly absorb vitamins A,D,E and K,fat is needed to facilitate their absorbance in the body.  To be able to absorb essential vitamins into the body you need these fats as they help to facilitate the process.These vitamins are all fat soluble.

Dietary fats can clean your arterial walls by removing the plaque that builds up and helps with digestion which intern will improve weight loss. The plaque that builds up inside of your arteries is removed by these essential dietary fats which then helps you to lose weight quicker. Don’t make the mistake and start eating too many of these fats as they should not be consumed in large amounts. Make sure you are eating plenty of vegetables and salads.For example instead of using lots of dressing on your salad try some olive oil instead.

The truth about fats and weight loss is that there’s no correlation. For most americans studies have shown that their waistlines are getting bigger even though they are consuming fewer of their calories from fat then in the past. Americans are now getting fewer of their calories from fatty foods. Why is this so? Because when trying to lose wieght if you eat more calories then you burn you will gain weight.

When someone gives up all fats in their diet they tend to eat larger quantities of carbohydrates and refined sugars which leads to weight gain. Carbohydrates and refined sugars are high in calories and will lead to weight gain and studies have shown that people who cut out fats altogether tend to eat more of these foods. Our bodies will continue to crave fat so it is better to consume some fat rather then give it up altogether.

The amount of dietry fats needed daily is 30% of your total daily calories. .If you don’t know how many grams this is just add up your total calorie intake and 1/3 of that will be your fat intake. You might think that this number is high but if you combined it with a healthy balanced diet and ecercise routine you will stay at a more steady weight. 30% fats might seem high to you but it is what is need to stay healthy. So despite what you might read of hear there are certain fats that are needed for your body and there is no such thing as a “fattening food”. The food that you eat will contribute to you daily calories,how many will consume will either impact on your health in a good or bad way.



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