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Organic Lip Gloss

Organic lip gloss is a natural alternative that is becoming more popular. Regular lip products contain many synthetic and harmful chemicals. Although the gloss is applied to the lips, people do not realize that they are eating it throughout the day and are actually ingesting all of the harmful chemicals inside the gloss. Organic products are eco-friendly and safer. Multiple manufacturers have started to make organic lip products, so there are many choices in great shades.

What is Organic Lip Gloss Made Of

Organic Lip Gloss

Organic Lip Gloss

An organic lip gloss is usually made with ingredients that have not had any contact with pesticides. In addition, most organic products will not have synthetic ingredients derived in laboratories. Many lip glosses on the market which are not labeled organic have petrolatum. They have ingredients derived from petroleum which have been linked to cancers. In addition, traditional lip products may have alcohols, aluminum and silicon. All of these chemicals have been linked to cancers and other health problems.

Instead of harmful chemicals, organic lip gloss may have natural oils like sunflower oil or beeswax. You can also find gloss with jojoba oil or lavender oil. Some products will have vitamin E which is essential for the human body and provides moisturizing benefits. You may also find glosses with shea butter, vitamin C and other natural ingredients. These vitamins and oils are not linked to cancers or other health problems.

FDA Not Regulating Harmful Lip Gloss Products

Unfortunately, the FDA has not stopped companies from putting harmful things into lip products and does not oversee these processes well. They have been criticized for years for allowing lead in lipsticks and other products. However, this has not stopped companies from continuing to place toxic chemicals in cosmetics. Lead, aluminum and cadmium are a small sample of the toxic metals that end up in your cosmetics. This is why choosing organic products is important for your health. Since the industry does not regulate traditional products well, it is up to the consumer to research and evaluate all of the makeup options.

Organic lip gloss is a safer alternative that can still look beautiful on your lips. Many people falsely believe that organic products are not available in multiple colors. All of the colors you can find in traditional lip products can also be found with organic ones. Also, there are different delicious flavors available. In addition, they will last just as long as traditional glosses without you placing dangerous synthetics and chemicals on your lips. Organic lip gloss is easy enough to get if you look.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Could this be your answer?

I laughed out loud when I first looked at this terrible looking diet website. I initially I looked at the Fat Loss For Idiots website and wondered if the diet could be as terrible as the site looked but after clicking through a bunch of pages of information and seeing some very interesting ideas I found that the program was only $39.

As a fitness and health pro I know that there are no magic answers to weight loss so I was of course really skeptical but after looking at the amazing success people have had, and quickly in losing weight with Fat Loss 4 Idiots I have to admit that this is the best and easiest way that you can lose weight fast


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Weight Loss Exercise

Antibacterial Cleaners: Can They Do More Harm Than Good?

The chances are that you probably own antibacterial cleaners, whether they are in the form of hand soap or cleaners for your kitchen and bathroom. But are these cleaners actually doing more harm than good?

Why Do We Need to Kill Bacteria?

It’s true that some bacteria can cause disease, illness and food poisoning. Many antibacterial cleaners promise to kill around 99% of bacteria, which helps to explain why they are so popular. After all, we all want to protect ourselves and our family from getting ill.

So Why Are Antibacterial Cleaners Bad for Our Health?

Antibacterial Cleaners: Can They Do More Harm Than Good?Unfortunately, antibacterial cleaners aren’t as good for us as they may seem. In the short term, their ingredients are known to irritate the skin (this is more of a problem with those that have been developed for cleaning purposes).

The FDA is currently looking into one of the major ingredients of antibacterial soaps: triclosan. Although the evidence isn’t yet clear, it suggests it may have a harmful effect on humans (especially children). In the past, the FDA has also stated that there are no extra health benefits to using antibacterial soaps over regular soap and water.

Another long term result of using antibacterial products is that they make bacteria more resistant. This means that, over time, these antibacterial products will no longer be able to kill the germs they set out to kill in the first place.

The truth is that you don’t need to make your home sterile to protect yourself and your family. Bacteria is all around us, and being exposed to small amounts of it is what our body needs in order to build up its defenses against stronger bacteria. Studies have shown that sterile environments in childhood can actually lead to more allergies and other problems later in life.

The American Medical Associated (AMA) has warned against extensive use of such antibacterial cleaners for these reasons. When it comes to killing germs, simple measures like washing your hands often (with traditional rather than antibacterial cleaners) are a good way to protect against germs.

Weight Loss Exercise

What is Lapband Surgery

Lets start this post on what is lapband surgery by just letting me say that I hate the idea of surgery to fix overweight problems unless all diet and exercise options have been exhausted.

This is my second article on Lapband surgery as I wrote another lap band surgery article last year that talked about it as well

Looking at other diet and exercise options is critical as our bodies will always seem to find a way around the invasive ways that we try to change things.  People overeat after gastric bypass as we have seen lots of times on The Biggest Loser, hormone production decreases when we take steroids or HGH. But lapband surgery is becoming more popular and in a recent trip to LA I saw a lot of billboards so here is the FDA info on it.

What is Lapband Surgery

Lapband surgery

Lapband Surgery Basics

What is it? The Lapband surgery is a surgically implanted device that helps adults, who are at least 18 years old, eat less and lose weight. The Lap Band surgery consists of a silicone band, tubing, and an access port. The inner surface of the silicone band is inflatable and is connected by the tubing to the access port.

How does it work? The band is placed around the upper part of the stomach during a surgical procedure. The band is connected to an access port that is placed close to the skin. Later, the surgeon can adjust the band (adding or removing fluid) by piercing the access port through the skin with a needle. The band creates a small stomach pouch that can hold only a small amount of food. The narrowed opening between the stomach pouch and the rest of the stomach controls how fast food passes from the pouch to the lower part of the stomach. Inflating the band (adding saline) makes the opening smaller, causing food to pass slower. Deflating the band (removing saline) makes the opening larger, permitting food to pass faster. The band limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time and increases the time it takes for food to be digested, helping people to eat less.

When is it used? The Lapband surgery  is used for weight loss in obese adults who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30-40, with one or more obesity-related medical conditions (such as Type II diabetes and hypertension), and when non-surgical weight loss methods (such as supervised diet, exercise, and behavior modification) have not been successful. Patients must be willing to make major changes in their eating habits and lifestyle.

What will it accomplish? The Lapband surgery will help patients lose weight and maintain the weight loss, and it may help improve their health. In a U.S. study of patients with a BMI between 30-40, 80% of patients lost at least 30% of their excess weight and kept it off for one year. There were some patients who lost no weight and others who lost over 80% of their excess weight. The quality of life for patients enrolled in the study improved significantly.

When should it not be used? It should not be used for someone who is a poor candidate for surgery, has certain stomach or intestinal disorders, has to take aspirin frequently, or is addicted to alcohol or drugs. It should not be used if someone is not able or willing to follow dietary and other recommendations.

Is Lapband Surgery Safe?

A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Surgery found up to 76 percent of Lap-Band patients developed complications over three years. In some cases, excessive vomiting caused stomach acid to erode the band. Last year, Allergan, the largest U.S. manufacturer of gastric bands recalled 152,000 defective bands.

Whether you are at a point where lapband is an option or not is up to you and a doctor. Let me caution you again though that it is important to look at any lapband surgery or gastric bypass as just an option after you have exhausted any diet and exercise options.