Weight Loss Exercise

Carbohydrates for Energy

There are essentially three types of diets these days. There is the Atkins diet which stresses low to zero carbs. There is the low fat diet which stresses no fats and there is a vegetarian diet which stresses low fat and low protein but allows higher carbohydrates.

Today I would like to demystify the need for carbs. And then in the future we can deal with fats and protein as well as what diet is best.

Where to find Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main component of grains, rice, fruits and vegetables. You essentially need carbohydrates for energy and fibre. When your body is looking for a source of energy it tends to use the simplest form available. The very simplest form of energy is glucose and although this is pure table sugar its next closest form is found in fruits as sucrose. These carbohydrates are called simple carbs because they are easy for your body to break down into energy.

If your body can not find one of these sources of sugar for energy it will move down the food chain and try one of the next most easily available carbs next would be grain based or what we look at as ‘white’ carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, or rice. (Chocolate bars although not an official food group are closer to sugar than veggies or other carbs). Your body will use any of the complex carbs as well as vegetables for fuel before moving to fats or proteins.

Now that we can see where our carbs site in the energy chain it is a good idea to see what happens when we eat one and what happens to our energy from them. When you eat a sugar it immediately increases your blood sugar otherwise known as your insulin level.

What happens when you rely on sugar?

When you blood sugar spikes from sugar, chocolate, or pop you will get a bit of a euphoric feeling from this extra unneeded energy but because it is quick pickup it is also a quick drop for energy and thus you will get a sugar crash 30-45 minutes after the initial energy peak, this is very bad and bad for your body. If on the other hand you only had potatoes or bread or rice for your carbs you would have no nice spikes but no crashes either and would feel after a couple days on a very more even keel, you would feel like you energy is pretty good all the time but never to low or to high. This is the key that we are looking for.

Tomorrow I will write more about bad foods just for a nice way to start minimizing them not to scare people away from them. But now you know energy wise why you would rather get you energy from more complex carbs than simple carbs.

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Diet Pills

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Diets That Increase Metabolism and Burn Fat

The human body is a complex system made up of chemical and electrical reactions at the cellular level that is controlled by hormones that circulate through the blood stream. Our metabolism is the rate at which these reactions occur and is based on the amount of calories we burn at any given time. By simply controlling these reactions we can alter our metabolism either upward or downward and control weight loss and gain. So how do you do this? What is the magic pill that allows us to gain control over our metabolism? Very simply the food we eat has a great bearing on how our body’s engine responds. Put high octane fuel into your system and it will respond in a positive manner. Put sugary sludge into the tank and the whole system slows down and starts storing fuel (fat) for future use. This is where the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet can become an integral part of your weight loss program. The idea behind this diet is to tap into the power of the food you eat to accomplish your weight loss goals. This is not a diet that targets just one type of food or food group such as all the low carb, low fat, high protein, or low calorie diets that are on the market today. The point is all of these types of foods have a place in our diet because the human body needs all these different nutrients to function properly. By eating healthy foods with the right type of calories at certain times during the day you can increase your metabolism and start burning that excess weight. Fat Loss 4 Idiots does just this by calculating the types of foods will work best for your situation because not everyone is the same or has the same weight loss goals. The online diet generator is able to generate menus and food lists from the personal information you put into it. There are no pre-packaged meals to buy as everything you need can be purchased at your local grocery store. Losing weight is about changing your eating patterns and the food you eat to tap into your own internal metabolic engine. Lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, whole foods, and vitamins and minerals all play a part in the weight loss equation. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet helps you achieve this ideal nutritional intake to not only lose weight but to also live a healthier life.

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Weight Loss Diet Solutions

5 Fast and Easy Ways to Lose Weight – Works Everytime

It is very important to lose weight the healthy way, not in a way that would be hazardous to your health in any way. Do not panic, there are ways to make the pounds quickly and safely without the worry of side effects and other potential problems that may occur.

Here are some tips to help you lose weight safely:

# 1 eat 5 meals a day. This will increase your metabolism allowing you to burn more calories on a daily basis. Breakfast should be bigger than the other 4 meals because it gives you your energy for the day, and you should be as hungry later in the day because of light meals and snacks in between.

What I mean by snack is something healthy like an apple, grapefruit, or even a grain cracker. You get the point, simply make wise decisions about your choice of snacks and your choice of meal.

# 2 Think portion size

5 meal is good right? But it is important to eat portions. Look at your hand and make sure you put on your plate is the size of your fist, which is a good size to aim without much to do. This includes meat, fruits and vegetables.

# 3 Eat servings of each food group.

While eating, do not skip meals and do not avoid fats and carbohydrates. There are good fats and bad fats, so obviously you want to eat only good fats. A good fat in olive oil, you can cook with it to add to your diet.

Eat healthy carbohydrates such as potatoes or brown rice instead of white rice or pizza for example.

Drink pure water and clean

Who said that water is not good for you? Water is the king of fluids and it helps us digest food and keeps us hydrated frequently. It is better to drink the purest water possible. Spring water is my choice, but it is for you.

# 4 Eat lots of fiber

Fiber helps move food quickly through the intestines and eating it helps you feel full faster and keeps you full for a while after wards. If you can double your fiber intake, you may lose a few pounds each year just from this one thing.

# 5 The proteins are important

Proteins can take off pounds safely. It provides a stable balance between carbohydrates and insulin so you do not have spikes that can cause you to have low energy and cravings for sweets.

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