Weight Loss Exercise

Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery

There are several options for weight loss or bariatric surgery and one of them is gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. This type of surgery is often recommended for patients with a BMI higher than 40. Patients who are extremely obese can undergo vertical sleeve gastrectomy, as it is also called, to allow them to reach a safer weight, after which they can have another bariatric surgery such as gastric bypass. A gastric sleeve operation is done laparoscopically or using small incisions, removing up to 85% of the stomach to reduce food intake.

How it Works

Using small incisions, the bariatric surgeon removes two-thirds or up to 85% of the patient’s stomach, so that the remaining stomach is in the shape of a tube or banana. Staples can be used to create a smaller stomach, which typically has a capacity of about 200 ml. With a smaller stomach, the patient can take in only small quantities of food.

Who is a Good Candidate for Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery?

Although the procedure is relatively new, gastric sleeve surgery is now one of the recommended weight loss procedures for patients with BMI higher than 40. The procedure can also be offered to individuals with BMI between 35 and 39 who have obesity-related health disorders such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It can also be offered to those who find it difficult or impossible to make the follow-up visits required by a procedure like gastric banding, which leaves a foreign object in the patient’s digestive system.

How Effective is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Most patients who have gastric sleeve surgery experience a weight loss of 50% to 80% of their body weight within 6 months to one year after surgery. Within two years, patients can lose an average of 60% of excess weight. One of the benefits of this bariatric procedure is that patients experience an improvement in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Patients with diabetes and sleep apnea also show an improvement in their condition.

Comparison of Gastric Sleeve and Other Weight Loss Procedures

Unlike gastric bypass procedure, gastric sleeve surgery allows normal food digestion and absorption of nutrients, yet weight loss is about the same as that experienced by gastric bypass patients. In addition, the procedure is not as risky as a gastric bypass.

Gastric sleeve patients are also able to lose weight more quickly than those who have gastric band surgery. Being a relatively new procedure, however, there is limited data on long-term weight loss with gastric sleeve surgery compared to other procedures like gastric bypass.

Successful Weight Loss

People who have gastric sleeve surgery must make certain lifestyle changes in order to continue supporting weight loss. It’s true that the procedure creates a smaller stomach and forces you to eat less, but you will still have to exercise and eat a sensible diet in order to remain healthy and continue losing excess weight. Eating larger amounts of food can gradually stretch the stomach and make it bigger, thereby negating the effects of the weight loss procedure. Patients must commit to a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits.

Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery

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Weight Loss Exercise

Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Diabetes Symptoms in Men is an accurate way to watch your health and to help you to guess whether you have diabetes. Diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels are abnormally high because the body cells are unable to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and utilize it for energy. The condition may arise because the body produces too little or no insulin, or the body may fail to respond to insulin. Diabetes produces a number of symptoms in both men and women. This article discusses the common diabetes symptoms in men.

Common Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Some of the early signs and symptoms of diabetes are similar to the symptoms of other health disorders, making it difficult to recognize the condition. But early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes is vital in order to prevent complications. Diabetes symptoms in men include:

Excessive thirst and urination. One of the most common symptoms of diabetes is excessive thirst. This symptom can be experienced by both men and women. High levels of glucose in the blood causes the kidneys to work double time and draw more water from the blood. This results in thirst and a frequent need to urinate.

Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Unexplained weight loss. If you have not made any changes in your diet or amount of physical activity but find yourself losing weight, you may have diabetes. Diabetes can cause weight loss because the body cells cannot absorb and utilize glucose from the blood effectively.

Constant fatigue. If you feel rundown and tired all the time, you may be displaying one of the diabetes symptoms in men. The body cells’ inability to utilize energy-giving glucose can result in chronic fatigue.

Constant hunger. Some diabetic patients can experience an increase in appetite. This happens if the body increases its production of insulin in order to bring down blood glucose levels. High levels of insulin in the body increases hunger. Some diabetic patients can start eating more and gain weight, but others can still lose weight despite increasing their food intake.

Nerve damage. Consistently high levels of sugar in the blood can damage the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. Nerve damage causes tingling and numbness in the extremities such as the legs, toes, feet, hands and fingers.

Erectile dysfunction. This is one of the most important diabetes symptoms in men. High levels of blood sugar associated with diabetes can damage the nerves and blood vessels of the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction.

Poor healing. Diabetes may affect the immune system, causing recurring infections and difficulty with wound healing.

Vision changes. This diabetes symptom in men and women can happen if the condition is left untreated, and may even lead to blindness. The buildup of glucose can affect the shape of the lens, resulting in vision changes. Diabetes can also damage the blood vessels in the eye.

These are the most common Diabetes symptoms in men to watch out for and of course go to a doctor if you have any concern that this is what you are suffering from.