General Weight Loss Tips

Spicy Honey Chicken

We’re high-tailing it back to West Virginia this morning for our first Thanksgiving of the season. It’s like pulling teeth to get anyone in my family to let me cook, but I’ve got a few recipes I’m itching to try out. What are you making? Any new twists on traditional recipes?

This isn’t a traditional Thanksgiving recipe, but after making it last week, I’m starting to think it should be. I see this on a cozy winter evening, when you want something hearty, savory and a little sweet.

I followed this recipe almost exactly from The Girl Who Ate Everything. The only exception was the vinegar, I used pear infused balsamic. Not because I’m trying to make this recipe gourmet, but because I used all of my regular vinegar to pickle my silver.

Please make this one, it’s kind of amazing. And then tell me about it, so that I can live vicariously until I make it again.

I took this photo with my giant natural light bulbs around 8pm. Those bulbs are the best!

I found these organic, boneless, skinless chicken thighs on sale. I never thought I’d be a thigh-woman, seeing as how I’ve always gone for the breasts, but these thighs are tender and juicy! Take that for what you will.

Roll your chicken in the dry rub. To me, a dry rub is significant. It says that you’re about to make something delicious and you’re taking it very seriously.

Spray a little garlic infused olive oil on your griddle. Sadly, I’m all out of infused oils. I love infused oils. This is a hint to my husband. (note: olive oil burns at a high heat. I recommend a canola or vegetable oil to prevent excess smoke.)

Do you have a cast iron griddle? It’s the best thing ever. Grilled food year round! I’m forever in debt to the fine folks who gave this to us just for getting married. And to let you know how much I love this thing, I’ve used it on our glass-top stove for over a year now without any problems. I took the risk for you and will never look back.

castirongriddleIf you add it to your holiday wish-list, I guarantee it will be the best, most used gift you get. I love hyperbole!

Let the chicken cook on one side for 4-5 minutes before turning. I did us all a favor and deleted the photos of half-cooked chicken.

Look at those grill marks!

Brush your chicken with the honey and vinegar mixture right before the chicken is done. Don’t forget to reserve about 2 T of the honey for later.

This is the vinegar that I used. I picked this up only because it said “Made in Italy” which like the dry rub, says to the world, I take my cooking seriously. I like to make a lot of assumptions about what makes me look like a serious cook.

Now it’s time to pour on the honey glaze. I worked hard to get this food porn shot. Whoever you serve this to will forever love you. And then you can start singing The Wind Beneath My Wings, “It must have been cold there in my shadow“. That’s how this chicken will change your life.


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General Weight Loss Tips

Easy Dinner: Rosemary Pot Roast and Hasselback Potatoes

There are three reasons why I love this dinner, it’s quick easy and delicious. I put the pot roast in the crock pot around 10 am and let it cook on low for about eight hours. It turned out incredibly flavorful and tender. I love rosemary, so that helps.

Here’s what I did (if you can even call this a recipe), I placed a medium sized chuck roast in the crock pot. Sprinkled liberally with sea salt, pepper and rosemary on both sides. Drizzled with olive oil and add about 1-2 inches of water. Set on low, until the last hour and a half and then I bumped it up to high heat. There’s a little trick to tender pot roast: let it cook until it’s fork tender. If the meat doesn’t break apart easily, it still needs time to cook.

The Hasselback potatoes were easy too: set your oven temp. to 425 degrees. Wash potatoes thoroughly and then cut thin slits careful not to cut in half. Place garlic in the slits in you like. I used Garlic Gold on top (an olive oil and garlic mixture) with some sea salt. Let bake until tender about 40-45 minutes. I had these baking while I worked out, which was a nice reward. I topped with a little butter after they came out of the oven.

The thing I love about these potatoes is that there isn’t any room for over eating. I made enough for us (and another for lunch today) and that’s it. The problem I have with mashed potatoes is that I could eat them until I turn into an actual potato.

Add some raw spinach, almonds and dressing on your plate and you’re set!

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Diet Pills

Advantages and disadvantages of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Program

Do you want to learn more about the Fat Loss 4 Idiots very popular program for weight loss? The thing I personally found the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program is that you can lose a few pounds simply by following a diet. You do not need to exercise. You've probably heard that it is not possible to lose weight without regular exercise, but it is likely that the same people who told you this has yet to discover the Idiot Proof Diet Plan. That said, here's a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this system online.

So what is so special about this program can work for almost everyone who tries?

The particularity of Fat Loss 4 Idiots makes it different from other diet programs online is their way of shifting calories.

Most people know all about diet low in calories that are popular. The truth is that diets low in calories usually only for a few weeks. During the first weeks of these programs, you will lose weight, and then you will probably regain all the weight you've tried so hard to lose. Why this happens so regularly? The human body maintains its energy as fat. If something like this could threaten our deposits of fat, the body will slow down our metabolism. When our metabolism is slow, our ability to burn fat is considerably reduced.

On the other side of this problem is the high heat problem. When you eat many foods that are high in calories, your metabolism is not able to burn all the calories as fast as you take them in. While some of the calories will be converted to energy, the rest of the calories stored in fat cells of the body.

The displacement method is a calorie feeding method in which you must eat a variety of foods depending on the number of calories each food. You eat a variety of both low-calorie foods and foods high in calories at each meal. In doing so, your body will keep your metabolic rate up. Another plus for fat loss 4 Idiots program is that instead of two large meals you eat four small meals each day.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan has drawbacks and advantages. The main advantage of this program is that you do not have to buy special foods or dietary supplements to lose weight. With this program you do eat ordinary food – you just have to make sure you regulate the amount of calories you intake each day.

The program's main drawback is that it does not help you build or tone your muscles. Leaner muscles help keep the process of rapid weight loss stay. The program does not require exercise, but it's a good idea to at least a little cardiovascular exercise a few times a week. You will be able to lose weight with Fat Loss 4 Idiots, but exercise can help speed the process along! It can be as simple as going for a walk 3-4 times a week. It can really multiply your results.