Weight Loss Exercise

Quick Ways to Gain Weight

Most people are desperate to lose a few extra pounds, but there are also many people who are more interested in finding quick ways to gain weight. Being thin is not a good thing, because underweight people often have weaker immune systems, get sick easily, and recover more slowly from an illness. If you don’t want to look thin and malnourished, here’s what you can do to fill out your body in a healthy way.

High-calorie diet to Gain Weight

Quick Ways to Gain Weight

Let’s face it. You can’t gain weight if you don’t eat enough. The fastest way to gain weight is to include calorie-dense foods in your diet. In order to gain one pound per week, you need to consume about 500 calories more than you burn per day. Stay healthy by choosing high-calorie foods that are rich in nutrients.

  • Include healthy fats and oils in your diet. On a weight basis, fats and oils pack twice the number of calories found in carbohydrates and proteins. A tablespoon of fat or oil contains about 100 to 120 calories. Add healthy oils such as olive oil to salads, pasta, grilled meats and vegetables. Canola and sesame oil are also good choices. Nuts and seeds provide calories and heart-healthy oils as well.
  • Eat bigger portions. By eating more of your regular food, you’ll automatically consume more calories, which is a quick way to gain weight. Use a bigger plate so you can pile on more food. Try having second or third helpings.
  • Snack more often. Keep high-calorie foods such as nuts and dried fruits handy so you can snack on them between meals. Nuts provide about 160 to 200 calories per ounce. One-half cup of raisins has about 250 calories. Other high-calorie but less healthy snack options include cookies, chocolates candies, and corn chips. Frequent snacking is a quick way to gain weight.
  • Drink high-calorie beverages. Liquid sources can also add hundreds of calories to your total daily intake. Fruit juices, protein shakes and smoothies provide essential nutrients and calories. Avoid soft drinks; their calories come from sugars and are devoid of nutrition.

Exercise Regularly to Gain Weight

If you think that exercise is only for those who want to lose weight, you’re in for a big surprise. Regular exercise is a quick and healthy way to gain weight. A trainer can recommend exercises that will help you gain weight more quickly. Strength training exercises build muscles and help fill out your body. Extended periods of cardio exercise burn fat, so you may want to limit your cardio workout to no more than 20 minutes at a time.

The best exercises to gain weight are the ones that work multiple muscle groups. These exercises are called compound exercises. Examples of compound exercises are Squats, Deadlifts, Bench presses, and military presses. Doing lower rep sets (5-8 reps) for four or five sets would help to build muscle and your weight as well.

Physical exercise also has a way of increasing your appetite. When you eat more, you’ll gain weight more quickly.

Get enough rest to Gain Weight

You need to sleep and rest in order to allow your body to repair and rebuild itself. Muscle weight gain takes place while you sleep. Give your body sufficient rest so that it can develop muscle and mass.

Eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are the quickest ways to gain weight while staying healthy.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Jump Start Your Weight Loss Plan With a Colon Cleanse

Colon cleanse has been used for centuries to detoxify the system, bringing health back to the digestive and immune systems. Now, there’s a new reason for using colon cleansing ? obesity. The statistics are overwhelming about how we’re mainly a nation of overweight and unhealthy adults, not just because of overeating, but because of what we eat our body systems have become sluggish and toxic.

Starving and Diet Pills are Not the Way

Diet pills and stringent diet plans only make matters worse. Most dieters gain back the weight they lost soon after the plan ? and put on a few more pounds besides. When dieters begin a weight loss plan, they usually want quick results without starving themselves, but most diets work by “deprivation,” which means that we quickly tire of it.

When your digestive system is working properly, there’s no need to deprive yourself of the foods you want. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it by eating lots of sugar and carbohydrates that will only clog your system more. When you use colon cleanse on a regular basis to adjust your immune and digestive system, you’ll eventually restore it to a normal state of being ? and eating foods that are healthy for you will keep it that way.

The Problem of Constipation

Jump Start Your Weight Loss Plan With a Colon Cleanse

Colon in Digestive System

Constipation is a way of life for some people, and when it occurs we usually reach for a quick fix like a laxative pill that makes our systems even more toxic. A complete cleansing of the colon, however, reaches the core problem of the constipation – cleansing our system of the bacteria that caused the problem in the first place and letting the colon start over with a “clean slate.”

As we binge on unhealthy foods such as pizza, lots of salt and fried foods, our colon becomes a haven for dangerous substances such as mucoid plaque. If the colon isn’t cleansed on a regular basis (most proponents of colon cleanse recommend at least twice a year) the colon becomes clogged and bloating and unwanted pounds appear as a result.

Advantages of Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing on a regular basis doesn’t only help you lose weight – your immune system will also improve, helping you fight off diseases more easily. Your sleep patterns will improve, getting rid of insomnia and late night trips to the refrigerator. As a result of the colon cleanse, you’ll also enjoy a renewed energy level and be able to exercise without feeling that you’re on your last lap.

There are many colon cleansing products on the market today. If you’re considering the colon cleansing method for losing weight and restoring your digestive and immune systems, lots of online research is readily available.

Keep in mind that colon cleanse isn’t a one-time, quick fix for losing weight. How often you cleanse mainly depends on your eating habits (healthy or not) and how long it takes to restore your system to normal.

Weight Loss Exercise

Natural Cleanse for Health

Using the natural cleanse for health method to rid the body of dangerous bacteria and toxins is the ultimate weight loss plan that you can easily follow for the rest of your life. When you follow a natural cleansing program for your body, it restores the digestive tract, immune system and even your mind to the healthy state it should maintain for keeping weight off and living a healthy lifestyle.

Natural Cleanse for Health

Natural Cleanse for Health

Natural Cleanse for Health

So many maladies plague us as a result of how we live our lives today. Unwanted pounds and obesity are only two of the problems – others include sluggish dietary and immune systems that lead to health problems that could ruin our lives and the lives of those we care about. Most of these difficulties result from the way we live, but merely changing our habits won’t do the job. Periodically cleansing your body can prepare it for ultimate weight loss and ultimate health and isn’t that what we all wish for?

A true body cleanse isn’t merely taking a laxative to clean out your colon. Here are some steps you have to take if you want to thoroughly cleanse your body of toxins and achieve the ultimate weight loss and health potential

Here is how to do a Natural Cleanse for Health

  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. They’re natural cleansers for the body — high in fiber and they contain no toxins that tend to contaminate the body.
  • Stay away from foods that contain artificial ingredients. These ingredients act as toxins to clog the body. Almost every non-natural food contains artificial elements, so stick to natural foods during your detoxification plan.
  • Drink plenty of water. Water will help to flush dangerous toxins from your system and revitalize the body in a way that nothing else can.
  • Eat low fat and low carbohydrate foods after the complete body cleanse. These types of foods will help your body to remain relatively free of toxins.

The natural cleanse for health program to lose weight will also benefit your body in ways other than ridding it of toxins.

Extra benefits include:

  • Lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Detoxification can help lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure, thus preventing future heart attacks or strokes.
  • Dry skin or acne will improve. If you suffer from chronic dry skin or acne, you’ll see definite improvements in these conditions when you detoxify your body using the natural cleanse program.
  • Aging. All of us want to age as slowly as we can. When you eradicate the toxins in your body, the natural aging process will slow down and your body will be rejuvenated.

A natural cleanse for health program is simple to follow and you’ll see and feel positive results immediately.