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My Experience with Chlorella

My latest health food supplement is Chlorella. I have heard of Chlorella for about a year now and started looking around for it and reading up about it for the last couple months. Finally a couple of weeks ago I picked up bottle of 150 tablet of 500mg of Chlorella.

If you know nothing about it, Chlorella is a single cell fresh water algae that is sold as tablets or just powder. There are a lot of reasons that people are taking it these days that I will point out below but most important probably is what Chlorella contains. Although popular as a supplement here in North America Chlorella is actually used as a food source in Japan.

What is in Chlorella?

chlorellaChlorella is It is an attractive potential food source because it is high in protein and other essential nutrients; when dried, it is about 45% protein, 20% fat, 20% carbohydrate, 5% fibre, and 10% minerals and vitamins.

Chorella contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. as well as the minerals magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. Also Chlorella has a balance of all the essential amino acids as well as being really rich in Chlorophyll.

For most people the initial dose of Chlorella as a supplement is about 1 and a half grams a day for the first week and then increasing that to about 3 grams a day after the initial week.

Why take Chlorella?

When I first heard about Chlorella I ws a little surprised at the lack of claims about this algae. It seeme that people would jut say that it was good, it gave them energy, it was a complete food, and that it was a vegetarian option for protein.

I guess all of this is true but there are also some great anecdotal and scientific evidence that this is indeed the newest popular superfood because it is linked to such great healing claims.  The main reason I have wanted to take this superfood is for the detoxification benefits. I figure always that the cleaner and more efficient your body is then the better it will work for you.

Here are some of the claims with links to them as to why Chlorella is really a great superfood to add to your diet.

Detoxification – Chlorella has an amazing ability to bind with toxins like chemicals and heavy metals, and move them swiftly out of the body.

Digestion – Chlorella promotes the production of healthy flora, bacteria and probiotics throughout the digestive system. This is essential for good digestion and overall health, and also makes chlorella effective for fighting candida and yeast

Cancer – Chlorella is known for its remarkable cancer-fighting benefits, possibly because it is rich in natural carotenoids, which can prevent oxidation

Fibromyalgia – Many have reported chlorella reduces pain associated with fibromyalgia. In one study

Heart Disease – Studies have demonstrated that chlorella can improve triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels, and may also benefit those with high blood pressure

My Chlorella Experience So Far

I have now been taking Chlorella for about two weeks now and it seems to be fine. One of the problems that you run into in the first week are “Cleansing like symptoms” by that I mean some diarrhea, lots of gas and bloating, but no other real problems. No hot flushes or anything.

This week has been good. I feel like my energy is up but the trouble with any natural food supplement is that you hae no idea if it is the pill or the lifestyle changes that you are doing that are helping you or hurting you. I can not tell if I am losing any heavy metals out of my system but the fact is that I seem to feel quite good lately and I will have to wait a few weeks to see if there are any good effects from the Chlorella.

One thing that seems to be critically important when shopping for Chlorella is to make sure that it has broken cell walls. Chlorella is a single cell algae but the cell wall is very hard and is very hard for your body to break down and use so making sure that it is taken care of for you is important to get the health benefits.

So as far as whether you should be taking this superfood or not, I think the jury is still out in my house. I know that any kind of pure food is going to help anyone but the fact is that it is far better if you eat a non-clean diet to straighten that our first.

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables as well as drinking lots of water, and of course avoiding processed foods as much as possible are going to make a bigger difference to your health and lifestyle. But, if you are interested in trying Chlorella out I hae looked around and it seems to be about $30 for a months supply of Chlorella pills.

If you do end up trying Chlorella or if you have used it in the past then post a quick comment. I would love to hear what other people have to say about it.

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Does the Lifestrength Bracelet Work?

Many years ago I had a crazy idea about wearing an elastic band to absorb the kinetic energy from the atmosphere. It was all just a joke at the time but the guys I worked with did it as well and we talked about how much more energy we had from wearing plain elastic bands.

Well today the past just came back

My wife and daughter bought me a Lifestrength wristband and this simple elastic band is supposed to help with lots of things. I doubt that it will work but if it does I will be very happy to be surprised.

What is a Lifestrength Bracelet ?

Lifestrength bracelet are made out of silicone and are infused with a bunch of stuff that is supposed to increase the amount of negative ions that your body absorbs and gets rid of the positive ions that are polluting your body.

  • Micro Particles – minerals are crushed into microscopic particles and then charged with infrared particles
  • Minerals and Crystals – 7 different types of crystals are made of of Ion Technology that is supposed to contribute anions around you
  • Mineral Infusion – Minerals that are infused into the band itself will increase the number of anions around you

So this is what the guys at Lifestrength say and is seems very strange as you read it but as you go through the site you see that lots of people are using these bracelets. I have to say that there are some stories that are very inspirational.  If you look around you will also see lots of athletes, both amateur and pro wearing these Lifestrength bracelets.

Basically all of this with the bracelets, all of the benefits of the Lifestrength Bracelet is due to anions.

Dr Oz, the TV doctor guy, also says that the power of negative Ions are very important for feeling better.

How will a Lifestrength Bracelet Make me Feel?

So what are the claims? What should the Lifestrength Bracelet do to help me? Well according to the company:

Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy,” says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain

In the manual that came with my wristband is says that the benefits of anions is huge and even cites government studies saying that the anions help reduce anti-oxidizing, emotions, immune system, anti-aging, respiratory system, improve sleep, and mental alertness.

So today is my first day with the bracelet. so far I do feel calmer but of course it is Saturday and a tough week so I am relaxing a bit. What I would like to do is wear this Lifestrength Bracelet for the next few weeks and kind of forget about it and then look back and see what kind of effect it has had on me.

Have you bought one of these wristbands yet? If you have what has your experience been?


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Liquid Vitamin Supplements

Liquid vitamin supplements were never heard of just a few years ago. In the past, tablets and pills were the ideal way to take supplements. Although they were considered to be great, they wouldn’t get into the bloodstream of the body fast enough, with some people just passing them through the body without reaping the benefits. With the market craving more and manufacturers looking for ways to make vitamins better, they decided to turn to liquid vitamins.

I know what you are probably thinking. Why take Liquid Vitamin Supplements instead of eating food. Well these are just supplements not an actually food, or a meal replacement, not a food to live on.

Why Take Liquid Vitamin Supplements?

Although fruit and vegetables contain the right amounts of minerals and nutrients, it’s nearly impossible to live off them alone. Even though they contain the right amount, it’s also impossible to eat the right amount that our bodies need on a daily basis. While some may choose to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, the human stomach simply isn’t big enough to contain all of the fruits and vegetables that an individual needs on a daily basis.

Liquid Vitamin Supplements

Liquid Vitamin Supplements

To get the right amount of minerals and nutrients, you’ll need to take vitamin supplements. Supplements have long time been the ideal way to supply your body with the minerals and nutrients it needs. Although pill and tablet vitamins can give you what you need, they don’t deliver the vital nutrients your body needs quick enough. Liquid vitamin supplementsgets into your bloodstream and your body fast, proving to be effective in a fraction of the time.

Liquid Vitamin Supplements As A Meal Replacement?

Liquid vitamin supplements can also help you to improve your health and live a better life. Even though you may be on a healthy diet, there will always come a time when you aren’t able to eat a healthy meal. Busy lifestyles can make it hard to get the food you need, which is where supplements really come in handy. No matter how busy your day may get – you can always take liquid supplements wherever you are.

Another ideal fact about liquid vitamin supplements are the fact that they contain everything you need. With pills and capsules, your body will normally absorb around 20% of the nutrients found in the supplements. Liquid vitamin supplements on the other hand are easily absorbed by your body, and move to your vital areas faster. Due to them being liquid, they are much easier to digest than pills or tablets. Therefore, pills and tablets are becoming replaced by liquid supplements.

If you’ve been looking for the best vitamin supplements for your body, you should be looking at liquid supplements. There are many manufacturers available, each one offering you cutting edge vitamins for your body and your health. You can take them the say way that you take pills and tablets, with your meals. This way, you’ll get the protein and other sources you need from food – and the essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs from liquid vitamin supplements.

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