Weight Loss Exercise

Healthy Foods to Help You Gain Weight

Overweight and obesity problems plague two-thirds of the American population, but there are also people who have exactly the opposite problem – they are much too thin. Some people are underweight due to medical conditions or eating disorders, while others are just naturally thin. If you are someone who needs to put on some extra pounds, your goal would be to increase your calorie intake every day by eating healthy foods to gain weight and build a more muscled physique.

Being underweight can be a problem but it doesn’t mean that you want to become fat and flabby. You need healthy foods and exercise to help you build strong muscles and a bigger body. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fats; they may make you gain weight quickly but are bad for your health. The following foods will help you gain weight and increase muscle mass while providing the calories, vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Healthy Foods to Help You Gain Weight

Healthy Foods to Help You Gain Weight

Healthy Foods to Help You Gain Weight

Pasta and Other Carbohydrate Sources – Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and should provide up to 65% of your total caloric intake. One cup of cooked pasta contains approximately 200 calories. Pasta topped with marinara sauce and shredded cheese is a great source of carbohydrates, protein, calcium and lycopene.

Other excellent sources of carbohydrates are bagels, potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes and yams. If you are trying to gain weight, you need plenty of carbohydrate-rich foods to supply your body with energy. Provide your body with enough carbohydrates for energy, otherwise it will break down muscle tissue and use it for energy.

Dried Fruits – Raisins and dried berries, apricots, pineapple, cranberries and mango are packed with calories, vitamins and minerals. Dried fruits, without the water content, are more calorie-dense than fresh fruits. A half-cup of raisins has over 200 calories while a cup of fresh grapes has only about 60 calories. Snack on raisins and other dried fruits to help you gain weight more quickly.

Nuts and Seeds – Nuts and seeds are some of the healthiest foods to gain weight. Polyunsaturated fats in nuts and seeds provide healthy calories. Walnuts, almonds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and pecans offer a variety of flavors for a delicious, nutritious and calorie-dense snack.

Lean Meats and Other Protein Sources – Your body needs quality protein to build muscle mass. If you want to gain weight and maintain or add more muscles, you need high-protein foods such as lean meats, poultry, eggs, salmon, tuna, cottage cheese and tofu.

Avocado – Avocados are nutrient-dense and calorie-dense. A single avocado provides over 200 calories of nutrition. Avocados are rich in healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, B vitamins, and folic acid. Enjoy this wholesome fruit in sandwiches, salads and guacomole.

Healthy Fats and Oils – One of the quickest ways to boost your calorie intake is by adding extra fat to your food. Choose healthy fats and oils, and stay away from saturated fats. Olive oil, canola oil, flaxseed oil, and grape seed oil are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on your pasta, salads, vegetables and other foods to gain weight in a healthy and natural way.

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Weight Loss Exercise


Most beginner dieters, weightlifters, heck any fitness person is impatient to get started and skip the most important step – setting smart goals. As a result, they soon lose focus and motivation. The first burst of energy that starts us on the road to building a great body soon fades away, especially since most beginners quickly wear themselves thin by overtraining. If you do not have clear goals to keep up your motivation at this point, you can easily lose your way.

Creating SMART Goals

So take some time right now to write down your goals. Like any goals that you might set in work or life, your goals in bodybuilding should be S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Let’s look at what each of these smart goals parts means in terms of bodybuilding workouts.

SMART Goal – Specific



A specific smart goals is one that clearly says what you want to accomplish, along with how, when and where you will do it. ‘Get a great body’ is not a specific goal. ‘Go to the gym 4 days a week after work and train to build muscle mass’ is a more specific goal.

Even better, say exactly which muscles you will work on which days, and note down your routine. The routine for your bodybuilding workouts will change as you make progress but the overall goal of going to the gym 4 days a week to build muscle mass will remain the same.

SMART Goal –  Measurable

When you are working toward smart goals, it is very important to have some way to measure your progress.

If your goal is going to the gym for bodybuilding workouts 4 days a week, you can easily track that in a diary. But with a goal like ‘get a great body’, there is nothing to measure. So if you want to set goals in terms of the physical result, do it in terms of inches gained or weight that you can lift.

SMART Goal – Attainable

It is important to know when you have reached your smart goals. That way you can plan a reward or celebration, have a sense of achievement and start thinking about your next bodybuilding workouts goal.

This means that the goal itself, as well as your progress toward it, must be something that you can measure and know whether or not you have achieved. So your goal is to go to the gym 4 days a week – but for how long? The rest of your life? If you think that way, you will never be able to congratulate yourself on having achieved the goal. A month would be good for a beginner. Then set a new goal.

SMART Goal –  Realistic

Your smart goals needs to be something that it is possible for you to attain in a reasonable period of time. Remember that goals can change. You do not need to start out with the goal of winning the Mr. Universe contest. If contests are your thing, start with winning your division in a local contest. However, if you believe you can win Mr. Universe, then go for that. It is all a matter of believing you can do it.

SMART Goal – Timely

Whatever type of smart goals you set, it is good to give it a timeframe. Are you going for this year’s contest, next year’s or two years from now? Be specific about how much time you have to achieve your goal, and you will be set for success in any of the beginner bodybuilding workouts that you choose.

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Weight Loss Exercise

8 Simple Steps to Lose Weight

Everyone is looking for the Steps to lose weight. It is a well-known fact that diets are not effective for permanent weight loss. Fad diets may help you lose weight initially but when you reach your ideal weight and end your diet, the pounds you lost often come back with a vengeance. Losing weight takes discipline and hard work but it all boils down to how much you eat and how much you exercise.

There are simple steps you can take to lose weight. If you follow these steps to lose weight religiously, you’ll be able to achieve your goal and keep your body trim and toned.

Steps to Lose Weight

8 Simple Steps to Lose Weight

Steps to Lose Weight

1. Find time to exercise regularly – If you can, make it a point to workout every day. Walk, jog, bike or swim for at least 30 minutes a day. Get your heart rate going with cardio exercise and burn more calories. Strength training is also necessary to develop muscle mass and tone your body.

2. Be sure to eat a healthy breakfast – Never skip breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast provides the nutrients and energy you need to get your work done all morning. It also jump starts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Include protein and some amount of fat in your morning meal. You will feel full longer and avoid over-eating later in the day.

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3. Keep a record of everything you eat – A food journal helps you keep track of how much food you are actually eating. Studies show that people who record their caloric intake consume up to 15% less calories than people who don’t. At the very least, keeping track of your progress will help you stick to your weight loss program.

4. Plan your meals ahead of time – This simple step to lose weight can make or break your weight loss program. Having a meal plan ensures that you are able to consume only the amount of calories allotted for the day. If you have no idea what you’re going to eat for your next meal you’re likely to eat anything you can lay your hands on, and there’s no guarantee that it will be healthy and low-calorie.

5. Control food portions – Make sure you know how much is in one serving of a particular food. By controlling food portions, you will also control the number of calories you consume. This is a simple yet effective step to lose weight.

6. Cut out carbonated drinks and high-calorie beverages – Soft drinks contain a lot of sugar and can make you fat, so eliminate or reduce your intake of carbonated drinks. High-calorie beverages such as sweetened fruit juices, milkshakes, lattes and alcoholic drinks should also be avoided if you want to lose weight quickly.

7. Drink plenty of water – The body needs water for proper metabolism. Drink a glass of water before each meal to help you feel full more quickly and avoid eating too much.

8. Eat wholesome and natural foods – Choose foods that are fresh and as close to their natural state as possible. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, beans, nuts and seeds. Foods that are unprocessed contain more nutrients and fiber to fill you up without adding too many calories to your diet, thus helping you to lose weight.

Following these steps to lose weight will help you to lose weight consistently and easily.

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