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How Not to Eat Bread, Potatoes and Pasta

One of the biggest obstacles when starting the Paleo diet is in knowing that you can’t eat any more bread, rice and pasta. How are you going to manage? Well there are some simple switches you can make.

Instead of feeling deprived by having to change your food choices, you should welcome this new change instead. View it as a way to get creative and discover some great new foods that you can eat.

Who doesn’t eat bread, rice, potatoes and pasta at least once or twice a week? They are a good way to add bulk to any meal and are filling as well. This is very true as all of these foods are high in carbohydrates and low in fibre. While they may fill you up they don’t add much in the way of nutritional value!

Keep in mind too the principle of the Paleo diet is to eat natural and raw fruits and vegetables. Bread is a manufactured food full of additives and preservatives and the same is true of pasta. Potatoes were not eaten by our ancestors as they did not know how to cook them. They were thought to be inedible in their raw state.

One easy substitution can be made by using spaghetti squash as noodles for pasta dishes. Spaghetti squash is easy to cook, delicious and low in calories. You should find that even your kids won’t mind eating spaghetti squash.

Instead of potatoes cook up cauliflower and then mash it. Mashed cauliflower resembles mashed potatoes but has a lighter texture. Serve it with your next roast beef and nobody may even notice the difference.

For stews and meals with sauces serve red or green sliced cabbage instead of noodles, rice or potatoes. The cabbage is high in fibre and low in fat and keeps you feeling full for a long time.

When it comes to summer time eating a burger on a bun is accepted by everyone. On the Paleo diet you will want to cut out the bun! Makes you feel like you are stripping the burger naked! But there are other ways to dress up your burger that won’t have you feeling as though you are missing out on something.

Substitute your bun for lettuce leaves and wrap your burger up in it. You are still holding your burger in something but you are making a healthier choice. Plus you are not ruining your Paleo Diet.

When it comes to eating breakfast toast seems to go with just about everything. Try eating your eggs with tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms instead. You will feel full and you may just find that you didn’t miss the toast at all!

By being a little creative you can learn to live without bread, potatoes and pasta. Your body will thank you for putting less high carb food into it and your weight loss efforts will be rewarded.

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Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

When following the Paleo Diet you will see that all sugary foods are banned. Even though this might be hard for some people, eliminating sugar from your diet is a good thing!

Yes, sugar does taste good but it also contains fats and huge amounts of calories. Not good for anyone wanting to lose weight! Sugar is addictive and you will find that the more you eat, the more your body will crave sugar.

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Your body cannot handle all this sugar and will store excess sugar as fat. This fat shows up on your hips, thighs, buttocks and stomach.

As well as food cravings sugar is responsible for making you feel tired. If you eat too much sugar you may find that you wake up tired. You don’t feel refreshed at all. You can get rid of this tiredness but eating more sugar but then the cycle starts over again. You feel better from the sugar high but your body crashes leaving you feeling extremely hungry and fatigued.

Breaking the Sugar Cycle

So how do you break this cycle, how do you eliminate sugar from your diet? Well the obvious way is by eliminating as much sugar as possible from your diet.

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Cutting back on soft drinks, processed foods, crackers, muffins and cookies is a good start. You should also be careful about choosing fruits which are high in sugar. If you are trying to lose weight only eat one or two pieces of fruit per day.

People who eat high amounts of sugar have been found to have high triglyceride levels, plus their good (HDL) cholesterol levels are low. Low HDL levels are a cause for heart attacks.

The amount of sugar that you can safely eat is around 8 teaspoons per day, or 100 calories for women and 150 calories from sugar for men. This amount of sugar can be found in one can of soda!

The best way to eliminate sugar from your diet is to take one step at a time. Start by replacing those soft drinks with herbal tea or water. Water will actually help flush out toxins from your body and jump start your weight loss efforts.

Start eating regularly and allow yourself small snacks in between each meal. Sugar is known to curb your hunger quickly, so not allowing yourself to suffer from those hunger attacks is key. By keeping your body full with nourishing healthy foods you can overcome your sugar cravings and eliminating sugar from your diet within a few days.

If you do decide to quit sugar totally the first two to three days will be the hardest to get through. Your body will crave something sweet so make sure you have snacks such as nuts or berries on hand to eat.

Stress is another cause of sugar cravings and if you find yourself wanting to eat when stressed then it is time to deal with the cause of your stress. Taking the time to find out the root cause and handling it is the only way to remove stress from your life. As well as making you crave sugar stress can cause all kinds of health issues including heart attacks and death!

By following the Paleo diet you will only be consuming sugar that is found naturally in foods. By eliminating sugar from your diet you should experience a sharp drop in your weight quite quickly.

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Paleo Diet Food – What to Eat on the Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet is a super healthy diet plan which contains no grains, no dairy and is gluten free and free from junk and processed foods. If you are worried about what types of food to eat, there is no need, you have plenty of choices plus they are all extremely healthy.

Meat Sources

When it comes to choosing meat for your Paleo diet you want to look for lean cuts of meat. The following selections are good examples:

* Rabbit

* Goat

* Lean beef

* Extra lean ground beef

* Veal

* Flank

* Lamb

* Chuck steak

* Lean pork chops

* Lean pork loin

Other meat choices can include organ meats such as liver, kidney and heart.

Poultry Choices

Here you can choose from chicken, turkey, duck, quail and goose. Plus don’t forget that eggs are a good source of protein which you can add to your diet.

Fish and Seafood Choices

You have lots of choices when it comes to fish and seafood including:

* Shrimp

* Bass

* Trout

* Mackerel

* Salmon

* Crab

* Lobster

* Prawns

* Red snapper

* Pickerel

* Scallops

* Mussels

If you are feeling a little adventurous then game meats are on the list too! This includes choices such as elk, kangaroo, venison, pheasant and alligator.

Vegetable Sources

When choosing your vegetable the Paleo Diet recommends staying away from starchy choices as much as possible. Some great choices would be:

* Beets

* Green and red bell peppers

* Cucumber

* Carrots

* Onions

* Leeks

* Mushrooms

* Swiss chard

* Zucchini

* Summer squash

* Sweet potato

* Cabbage

* Celery

In addition to these choices there are lots of leafy green types of vegetables which you may not be familiar with. Some examples are:

* Seaweed

* Collard greens

* Beet greens

* Chinese cabbage

* Chicory

* Radicchio

* Dark green lettuce choices

Fruit Choices

Fruit is not restricted on the Paleo diet so this leaves you with your choice of the following fruits:

* Strawberries

* Blueberries

* Grapefruits

* Bananas

* Apples

* Oranges

* Pineapple

* Rhubarb

* Mango

* Lemons

* Limes

* Watermelon

* Cherries

Nuts and Seed Choices

* Sunflower seeds

* Sesame seeds

* Walnuts

* Almonds

* Hazelnuts

* Pecans

* Brazil nuts

* Pumpkin seeds

* Cashews

Fat Selections

Good fats are allowed on the Paleo diet and they should be taken in the form of:

* Avocado

* Olive oil

* Flaxseed oil

* Avocado oil

* Nut butters

* Fish high in Omega 3 such as mackerel, sardines and salmon

This list selection is just a sample of what you can now eat on the Paleo diet. Obviously it is missing in things like rice, pasta, flour, refined sugars and white potatoes and bread.

At first you might be wondering how you will manage without these foods. In fact many people find that they do not miss these foods as much as they thought they would. It is more a mental state of mind. Your body will feel full consuming these healthy choices. By eating more protein you will feel less hungry especially in between meals. You should find that your sugar cravings will disperse as well.

So instead of worrying about what you cannot eat anymore, think about your new choices and how you can be creative with them. Have fun starting a wonderful healthy lifestyle!

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