Weight Loss Exercise

Quick Workout For Women

Who says getting flat belly and getting physically fit are only for men? Workout plan for women  are also popular. Maybe back in 1950’s and the years before that where women weren’t really into physical fitness, but not anymore. More than ever, women are into working out.

Getting Fit

Today, women are into staying healthy and physically fit and this is evident by the number of women we see who devote some of their time going to the gym and other fitness center. This change is the result of the strong influence of the media. Women see those actresses and models show off their nice flat belly and strive to have that kind of body too. And that is where the problem starts.

Women start to ask around how they can lose weight, get rid of those excessive body parts and finally have those flat belly. They start searching online to find workout plans and other weight loss strategies that will help them with this dilemma. Luckily, after years and years of fitness training and studies, fitness experts have come up with workout plans that will suit the needs of women specifically.

Although women are very different from men, physically and mentally, the things that they have to consider when it comes to working out are not far from men. Men require having a proper diet while working out, so do women. Men need a good workout plan that can provide the required results, same is required in workouts for women. The only big difference women have when it comes to working out is the intensity of the workout plans that each group follows. I said that because while most men seem to have the endurance required to do heavy trainings such as the popular heavy weight lifting exercise, most women just don’t have that kind of endurance. I said most, not all, as there are women that are much stronger and are able to take more than your average man.

Quick Workout, Just A Few Minutes Per Day

The following are some exercises to include in your workout or you can just do these alone. Before you begin though, make sure you hydrate. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will not only help you get toxins out of your body faster and help lose more fat but also will help you prevent bad breath by keeping your mouth moist. This is convenient because as you work out you tend to breath hard through the mouth and if there are people around you, it could turn into a social problem for you.

Lets get started.

1. The ab crunches.

The ab crunches are not some kind of snacks. It is in fact a form of exercise that is done by bending the knee, with your hand at the back of your head (or cross them in front of you if you prefer) not touching your head with your hand, slowly lifting your head and shoulders up and leaning forward until your shoulder are off the ground for a few inches, and then, slowly lowering yourself back down, but not letting your head touch the ground. Repeat the process as many times as you want. This exercise targets the fats in your abdominal muscles, legs, and makes the backbone and arms strong.

2. Do the Quadriceps.

To do the quadriceps you need a dumbbell. This type of exercise is performed by holding a dumbbell in the right hand next to the shoulder, with the arm bent. Stepping forward with your right leg, lower your body until your right knee is bent close to 90 degrees and your left knee almost touching the ground. Then push yourself back to the starting position. Repeat the steps from the beginning, but this time, use your left hand to hold the weight and your left leg to step forward. This kind of exercise benefits your hips and abs, help improve your body balance and help burn your excessive fats.

A Few Things to Remember

These exercises are ideal for every workout plan for women. Fitness experts believed these to be the most essential exercises that can produce fast results in the minimum amount be done alternately by every woman  to get nice and flat belly. And the good thing about them is that they can be performed in the comfort of your home. But you should know that these great exercises won’t be effective without a proper diet.  Thus your workout plan and a proper diet should always work together.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Tips for Ab Fitness

For those seeking ab fitness to tone, firm, or lose weight around the midsection, abs are one of the hardest areas to workout. Due to the fact that many people do not work them out properly, and also that it is an area of the body which is prone to high body fat, make sure you know how to workout, and what exercises to do for ab fitness. Here are some things to keep in mind to attain the desired results. These are 7 tips for ab fitness which will help you slim down, and see the results you are hoping for.


Whether it is crunches, sit-ups, reverse crunches, or planks, you have to mix things up. In order to see the muscle transformation, and in order to workout all muscle groups in the abs, you have to mix things up. Changing up the exercises you do, and throwing in new exercises will help you to see the changes, reduction around the waistline, and the definition you seek.


In order to build muscle, you have to add weights to your abs routine. You can hold a weight across your chest, above your head, or with your ankles (depending on the routine you are doing) but, adding in weight is going to help build muscle, and will allow you to do more challenging exercises down the road. This will in turn lead to the definition, due to the fact that you are doing new exercises, and working out different muscle groups.


You will notice that if you do 20 reps properly, with the right weight thrown in, and done from different angles (exercises), you are going to get a much better workout than if you do 200 reps of crunches, where you are simply working the spine. When done properly, you only have to do a small number of reps for each exercise, to see the results when you are working out the core muscles.


As with any other workout routine, if you want to see results you have to incorporate the proper diet. So, you are going to want to eliminate refined sugars and carbs, increase protein, and add in the healthy fats like nuts. Additionally, eating super foods like berries, legumes, nuts, etc, you are going to notice you remain fuller longer, due to the high fiber content in these foods. So, you will reduce calorie intake, and the calories you are eating are high in protein and fiber, making for a slimmer midsection. For more on healthy diet see muscle building foods.


Depending on the exercise and muscle group you are using, and on the amount of weight you are including, you should vary the speed of each exercise. This will not only workout different muscle groups, but it is also going to shock the muscles, which is something that is required when you want to see the changes in body composition, and when you want to see the ultimate results with your ab fitness workout.


Due to the fact that your abs are part of the core muscle group, they take much more effort to work them out. For this reason, you should do cardio, and workout larger muscle groups first (when weight lifting), to ensure you will have the strength you need to complete your workout. Even if an abs routine seems easy, it is more draining than doing squats or bicep curls, because you are working the entire core.


Although it seems trivial, stretching prevents injury, and it helps you to elongate the ab muscles. This is going to make for a more defined look, will help you get the slimmer look you are after, and will help you see the definition in your abs far quicker than with individuals who do not stretch with their workouts.

You may also wish to see the article on top 3 abdominal exercise workouts or also the review on the popular Six Pack Shortcuts fitness program.

Keeping each of these factors in mind, and making sure you know how to do the movements properly as opposed to trying to do hundreds of reps, are some things which are going to help you see the ab fitness results you are after, and will help you attain the best looking abs in a shorter period of time.

Also check out Top 3 Abdominal Exercise Workouts or Six Pack Shortcuts Review

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Weight Loss Exercise

BodybuIlding Tips for Faster Results

Men who are into bodybuilding and strength training often wonder if they are doing everything they can to achieve optimum muscle growth. In order to get rock hard abs, big biceps and strong muscles, you have to do a multitude of things for faster and better results. There are things you have to do inside the gym while others need to be done outside. If you want your muscle building program to succeed, pay attention to these bodybuilding tips.

1. Proper diet

Your body needs proteins and other nutrients in order to build muscles. Unless your diet provides the nutrients needed by your body, you will never be able to develop bigger muscles. Your diet is an important factor for bodybuilding success.

2. Sleep and rest

Your body grows big while sleeping and resting, not while you are working out in the gym. When you lift weights, minute tears occur in the muscles. The body rebuilds itself while you sleep, making your muscles bigger and stronger. If you don’t give your body time to rest, your hours at the gym will be totally wasted. Use this bodybuilding tip to give your muscles a chance to grow.

3. Overload your muscles progressively

The human body learns to adapt quickly. If you keep on lifting the same amount of weight for weeks and months, your muscles will become conditioned to handle that much weight and will stop growing. Continually challenge your muscles by increasing the weights you lift or doing more reps. This will push your body to build more muscles.

4. Perform compound exercises

Hit two birds with one stone by doing exercises that stimulate more than one muscle group at a time, such as deadlifts and squats. Compound exercises have a positive effect on the entire skeletal system as well as the muscles.

5. Warm up and stretching

BodybuIlding Tips for Faster Results

BodybuIlding Tips

This bodybuilding tip is often ignored by men who want to get started on their workout right away. Warming up your muscles and stretching surrounding tissues can help prevent injuries. Be sure to stretch before, during, and after your bodybuilding workout.

6. Avoid overtraining

Too much weight lifting can be bad for muscle development. Many men who workout long and hard in the gym end up frustrated because their muscles refuse to grow. You will find many bodybuilding tips telling you to back off if you cannot gain muscle mass because of overtraining. Take a break and let your body rest for a few weeks.

7. Workout with free weights

Serious bodybuilders rely on free weights rather than machines to build muscles and gain weight. The reason is that machines do the work of stabilizing the weights, leaving the stabilizer muscles unchallenged. If you want bigger muscles, exercise with free weights and maintain proper form to develop your stabilizer muscles and support muscle growth.

8. Drink water

Water transports nutrients and helps flush out waste and toxins from the body. Athletes require 8 oz. of water for every 10-12.5 pounds of body weight. This bodybuilding tip may seem simple but it is a very important one.

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