Weight Loss Exercise

6 Reasons Why You’re Gaining Weight While Working Out

Are you concerned because you’re working out and gaining weight at the same time? Many people work out and diet in order to lose excess pounds, but sometimes they gain weight instead. Before you start to panic or have doubts about your weight-loss program, let’s find out why you’re putting on more pounds.

Why Weight Gain While Working Out

Muscle is Denser Than Fat – If your workout routine is focused on strength training, you may have noticed an improvement in your muscle tone. Strength training builds stronger and bigger muscles, and this is actually a good thing for both men and women. Men want to have big biceps and washboard abs. Toned muscles on women flatter the figure.

When your body starts to replace fat with muscles from working out, you may experience a weight gain. Working out and gaining weight can happen because muscle tissues are denser than fat. As you develop more muscles, you may get heavier but your body will become sleek and trim. You may gain weight, but your figure will look great.

6 Reasons Why Youre Gaining Weight While Working Out

Can Workouts Lead to Weight Gain?

Too Many Calories – Just because you are working out is no excuse to eat more than you should. Sometimes, people consume more calories without knowing it. If your goal is to lose weight, dieting and exercise should go together. In order to lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you burn in a day.

Eat foods that are rich in nutrients, including lean protein. Proteins provide amino acids required by the body to build muscles. You want to lose fat and gain muscles, because muscle tissues burn more calories compared to fat. Building more muscles will increase your metabolism, allowing you to burn extra calories even while resting.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

Not Enough Cardio Exercise – If you want to lose weight faster, incorporate cardio or aerobic exercise into your workout program. You need at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise for your body to get into a “fat-burning” stage. Perform cardio workouts at least three days a week to get the best results.

Not Getting Enough Sleep – You may be surprised to learn that lack of sleep can be the reason why you’re gaining weight while working out. Lack of sleep puts extra stress on your body, and it will cope by storing fat more efficiently. Besides, your body won’t be able to function properly if it’s not well rested. You’ll have low energy levels and will not feel like working out.

Try to get 8 hours of sleep each night. Keep in mind that regular exercise will help you sleep better.

Medical Condition – If you’re working out regularly but still gaining weight, you may want to consult a doctor and check for medical conditions that could be causing the weight gain. Hypothyroidism is a common medical condition that affects the metabolism and causes weight gain.

Medications – Certain medications and prescription drugs can make you gain weight, including steroids, diabetes medications, antidepressants, high blood pressure medications, and oral contraceptives. Some drugs cause fluid retention, which appears on the scales as weight gain.

When it comes to weight gain as a side effect of medication, you’ll have to balance the increase in weight against the health benefits offered by the medication.

6 Reasons Why You’re Gaining Weight While Working Out, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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Weight Loss Exercise

Tips for Ab Fitness

For those seeking ab fitness to tone, firm, or lose weight around the midsection, abs are one of the hardest areas to workout. Due to the fact that many people do not work them out properly, and also that it is an area of the body which is prone to high body fat, make sure you know how to workout, and what exercises to do for ab fitness. Here are some things to keep in mind to attain the desired results. These are 7 tips for ab fitness which will help you slim down, and see the results you are hoping for.


Whether it is crunches, sit-ups, reverse crunches, or planks, you have to mix things up. In order to see the muscle transformation, and in order to workout all muscle groups in the abs, you have to mix things up. Changing up the exercises you do, and throwing in new exercises will help you to see the changes, reduction around the waistline, and the definition you seek.


In order to build muscle, you have to add weights to your abs routine. You can hold a weight across your chest, above your head, or with your ankles (depending on the routine you are doing) but, adding in weight is going to help build muscle, and will allow you to do more challenging exercises down the road. This will in turn lead to the definition, due to the fact that you are doing new exercises, and working out different muscle groups.


You will notice that if you do 20 reps properly, with the right weight thrown in, and done from different angles (exercises), you are going to get a much better workout than if you do 200 reps of crunches, where you are simply working the spine. When done properly, you only have to do a small number of reps for each exercise, to see the results when you are working out the core muscles.


As with any other workout routine, if you want to see results you have to incorporate the proper diet. So, you are going to want to eliminate refined sugars and carbs, increase protein, and add in the healthy fats like nuts. Additionally, eating super foods like berries, legumes, nuts, etc, you are going to notice you remain fuller longer, due to the high fiber content in these foods. So, you will reduce calorie intake, and the calories you are eating are high in protein and fiber, making for a slimmer midsection. For more on healthy diet see muscle building foods.


Depending on the exercise and muscle group you are using, and on the amount of weight you are including, you should vary the speed of each exercise. This will not only workout different muscle groups, but it is also going to shock the muscles, which is something that is required when you want to see the changes in body composition, and when you want to see the ultimate results with your ab fitness workout.


Due to the fact that your abs are part of the core muscle group, they take much more effort to work them out. For this reason, you should do cardio, and workout larger muscle groups first (when weight lifting), to ensure you will have the strength you need to complete your workout. Even if an abs routine seems easy, it is more draining than doing squats or bicep curls, because you are working the entire core.


Although it seems trivial, stretching prevents injury, and it helps you to elongate the ab muscles. This is going to make for a more defined look, will help you get the slimmer look you are after, and will help you see the definition in your abs far quicker than with individuals who do not stretch with their workouts.

You may also wish to see the article on top 3 abdominal exercise workouts or also the review on the popular Six Pack Shortcuts fitness program.

Keeping each of these factors in mind, and making sure you know how to do the movements properly as opposed to trying to do hundreds of reps, are some things which are going to help you see the ab fitness results you are after, and will help you attain the best looking abs in a shorter period of time.

Also check out Top 3 Abdominal Exercise Workouts or Six Pack Shortcuts Review

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Weight Loss Exercise

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Being skinny or scrawny can be devastating especially for men. Fortunately, it’s possible to gain weight for men and develop bigger muscles. There’s no need to put up with being taunted or teased because there are many ways to add pounds and muscles to your body.

It’s true that some men are naturally skinny and have a hard time building a more muscular physique. Some people also have a fast metabolism, burning away calories even before they can be stored as fat. However, many men who cannot gain weight may simply not be getting enough calories and nutrients to sustain their body. A healthy weight gain plan and workout routine can help men who are struggling to add a few extra pounds.

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Add more calories to your diet – In order to gain weight, men need to eat more calories than they burn daily. You may think that you are eating enough but if your weight remains the same, you are not consuming enough food. If you want to gain weight fast, add 500 to 1000 extra calories per day to allow you to gain 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Your weight gain meal plan should include high quality protein sources such as beef, lean pork, chicken, fish, eggs and cheese. Milk is also an excellent source of protein. For a well-balanced meal, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and healthy oils to your diet.

Focus on weight gain foods – One of the fastest ways to gain weight successfully for men is to consume the right types of high-calorie foods. Fast food and junk food are high in saturated fats and calories but they are an unhealthy way to gain extra pounds. Instead of building muscles, junk foods will only make you fat.

Learn to identify nutritious, high-calorie foods. Eat plenty of dense, whole grain breads, chunky soups, nuts, dried fruits, whole wheat muffins and pancakes, pastas and sweet potatoes. Add healthy oils to salads and pastas. You want foods that pack a lot of nutrients and calories per serving.

Eat more often – When you are trying to gain weight, it can be challenging to consume all the calories you need in just three meals. Increase your calorie intake by eating snacks between meals and before bedtime. For your snacks, eat calorie-dense foods such as sandwiches made of peanut butter and whole grain bread, protein powder shake, dried fruits and nuts, trail mix, cheese, etc.

Lift big – Men on a weight gain diet need to exercise in order to avoid getting fat. A strength training program is the best way to stimulate muscle growth. Lift weights at least three time a week, and aim to progressively increase the weight to boost muscle development and add bulk to your physique.

Go easy on cardio exercises – Cardiovascular exercise is important but if your goal is to gain weight and increase muscle mass, it’s best to keep your cardio workouts light. Too much cardio can burn too many calories and prevent you from gaining weight. Limit aerobic workouts to brisk walking or a similar exercise a few times per week.