Weight Loss Exercise

2013 Goals and Plans

I sent this email out to the subscribers of the blog (sign up is below this post). I got a great reception for this and I think it is probably becasue people like to see other peoples goals to see if they are going in the right direction or if they are pushing hard enough.

So I thought I would share it on the blog so you could see it as well.

2013 Goals and Plans

Here we are in 2013 and it probably looks a lot like last year. But I hope after the last few emails that I sent that your head is in a great place to make changes in your life and to expect and push for more this year then last.

I expect this year to be a great one for me as well.

The key is to make sure everything you do is in manageable chunks. You have to break up different parts of your life, have S.M.A.R.T goals for each of those parts of your life, and finally your next task to get yourself towards these goals.

This shouldn’t be complicated and it should make sense but I find so often that people just lose interest or get scared of the change that will happen in their lives.

So here are my goals for this year – see if they make sense

Career/Money – Build up the fitness website to be world class and earn a full time income so that I can concentrate on just helping as many people as possible and not get distracted by things that don’t help and are just busywork.

Family – Cut my time online in half so that I spend more, and better time with my family, more outings, more camping, and more experiences

Mental – Read more books. Break this up to reading a book each for Fitness, social media, and family/relationship book a month. Also I want to pick up a new skill every month so that I can keep growing and using my brain. Learning guitar is one of the first for me.

Physical – Move away from just weights and cardio and more Yoga, crossfit, tennis and more other sports. Clean up my diet more with more raw food and less junk. And really I suspect I could probably lose a bit of fat but expect that if I do it will come off with changing up my exercise and eating schedule

Social – For this I am the worst. I don’t get out enough and spend too many nights at home. I am going to push myself to get out one night a week actually being social with others!

I have been reading John Acuff’s blog quite a bit lately and he has this whole thing broken down into 7 things for 52 days which also seems to be a great idea

I know that this is more about me than you. Sorry. I just feel like if I get this information out there is keeps me grounded to what I really need to focus on and at the same time give you some ideas of how easy and important it is to make changes to improve yourself.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to Cure Constipation

I got this article from Dr Charles and Lori and the Fat Loss Factor and usually wouldn’t bother publishing it but it is actually a really good article of four easy tips to get rid of constipation. I can vouch for these as they help me as well to stay “regular”

A case of constipation usually means that you’ve had one or fewer bowel-movements in a typical day. This might happen because you’ve just changed your diet from bad food to good food. Your body has to adjust to the different food, so you have to give your body time to get used to it.

Another common cause for constipation is dehydration. If you don’t take in the proper amount of water every day, you will have trouble with your colon being unable to push waste out.

What is so bad about being constipated is all that awful stuff that your body naturally gets rid of stays in side you. This causes discomfort, fatigue, and even weight retention. This condition is like a buildup of poison inside of you: it can cause problems if you let it go too long. So what can you do when you’re constipated to correct the situation? I have some natural and healthy suggestions for this.

Drink more water. You should be taking in about half your body’s weight in fluid ounces of water. This means that if you weigh 230 lbs, you should be drinking 115 ounces of water daily.

Use flaxseed as an additive to your meals. You can mix a tablespoon of it into your food to give you more fiber ( to help get you moving) and Omega 3s as well.

Raw food is important. This means you should eat one piece of fresh fruit or raw veggies. Your system will benefit from the natural ingredients in raw foods that are usually lost when they are cooked.

Begin your day with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix it in water and add some Cayenne. This mixture will stimulate your system and help clear out your colon.

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Weight Loss Exercise

History of the Paleo Diet

The history of the Paleo Diet is also referred to as the Paleolithic Diet or Caveman Diet. This concept of eating natural, raw food is not new when it comes to diet books. Back in the 1970′s this theory was discussed by Walter Voegtlin in his book, The Stone Age Diet. His idea was similar to the popular Atkins diet of that time period.

This caveman theory was based on the fact that people were hunters and simply ate what they found in the wild. This included meats, fruits and vegetables. Animals were not domesticated at that time and so there was no milk, butter and cheese available. Only natural foods in their raw state, this is the basis of the Paleo Diet today.

The Paleo or Caveman concept was overshadowed by popular diets such as the South Beach Diet, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and other dieting methods.

The History of the Paleo Diet

The modern history of the Paleo diet began in 2005 with a new book published by Loren Cordain’s The Paleo Diet for Athletes: A Nutritional Formula for Peak Athletic Performance. This book caught the attention of many professional athletes who began to follow the methods described. They began publicly endorsing the concepts and the Paleo Diet came to the forefront of the diet revolution.

Today the Paleo Diet is based upon what we assume cavemen ate. This is based solely upon research done by scientists. Cavemen ate any animal which they could hunt and they foraged for fruits and vegetables. These three things became the staples of their diet.

If you do any research on the Paleo diet you will find that there are different versions available. Some versions state that you must only eat grass fed animals while other versions allow you to have dairy products. One thing that you must take into account is that our farming methods have evolved over the centuries.

Humans raise their animals to be eaten not to be hunted. They are fed chemicals and nutrients to improve the quality of the meat. Milk and other foods are pasteurized so they stay fresh longer. So it can be difficult to truly eat a Paleo Diet.

However you can eat on the notion of the Paleo Diet and include whatever foods you are comfortable eating. If you want to include milk and cheese do so, but remember that they contain fat and are high in calories.

Foods that might have been available to cavemen were potatoes, hard grains and certain legumes. The reason why these foods were not eaten was because they did not know how to cook them. Most of these foods are inedible in their raw state and so were never used.

As cavemen evolved it can be assumed that these foods were added to their diet. The problem with eating foods like potatoes and grains is that they are not a food that man is accustomed to eating. In fact grains can be linked to a whole slew of health issues including digestive problems. Scientists have shown that whole grains are extremely difficult to digest and many people have sensitivities to this food group.

Looking back over history and watching how diets changed, the introduction of not just potatoes and grains, but sugars and oils have caused major health problems. As these foods became available more instances of medical concerns were seen. People began to become overweight, they started having heart attacks and strokes. Even cancer could possibly be linked to the introduction of unnatural foods into our diets.

Another consideration is that cavemen would eat different foods depending upon where in the world they lived. Certain fruits and vegetables would only be available in certain areas. So knowing exclusively what you should and should not eat on the Paleo Diet can be a little challenging.

So What Should You Eat on the Paleo Diet?

History of the Paleo Diet

How strictly you follow the Paleo Diet concept is up to you. It would be best to choose as many natural and organic raw foods as possible. If you want to add foods like potatoes and milk then do so carefully. These foods tend to have lots of carbohydrates and calories in them. It may be best to lose weight first and then slowly incorporate them back into your diet.

Health wise you can’t go wrong with eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables along with lean protein choices. You should see and feel improvements in your health very quickly.

There are many Paleo Diet books and resources available so choose one that fits into your way of thinking and stick with it. Remember if it works and you are comfortable with it then use it. You can see from the the history of the Paleo Diet that these ideas are not new but are very natural

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