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What to Avoid on the Paleo Diet

Now that you know what foods you can eat we should discuss those that aren’t recommended and why.

Cutting out dairy products may seem strange but it is one of the principles of the Paleo diet. This includes foods like ice cream, butter, milk, yoghurt and cheese. Now some people on the Paleo Diet do eat diary but on a very limited basis.

The reasoning behind not eating these sources of dairy is that they were not available 500 generations ago. The majority of these products are processed and therefore not a ‘natural’ food. Again some dieters will drink raw milk occasionally.

Another more technical explanation is to do with the way your body treats the calcium in these foods. This is to do with alkaline and acid levels in your body. All food is processed through your kidneys and excessive amounts of calcium are excreted by your body.

There is no need to worry about becoming calcium deficient on the Paleo diet, you won’t. Plus many of the leafy green vegetables contain high amounts of calcium!

A little sea salt added to your foods will not affect your dieting attempts. On the other hand salt found in processed foods can. Too much salt makes your body retain water and when this happens you will feel bloated and puffy. Unfortunately food manufacturers put high amounts of salt in foods as a preservative. This is not natural and can have adverse results on your health.

Potatoes are other starchy vegetables should also be avoided on the Paleo diet. The thinking behind this is that they are supposed to be cooked and not a true raw food. There is lots of debate over this.

Another level of thinking behind starchy vegetables is the effect they have on your blood sugar levels. Potatoes are known to cause high spikes in your blood sugar level and this is why they should be avoided. High spikes are what causes you to have sudden and acute hunger pangs along with feelings of weakness.

No processed foods should be consumed at all on the Paleo diet. This includes grains, crackers, cookies, breads and canned foods. They all contain huge amounts of bad fats and sugars. These products can be linked to being a cause of heart attacks, stroke and diabetes.

Processed foods like ketchup, sauces, sugars, oils, margarines, hot dogs, bacon, soft drinks, muffins and fruit juices are to be avoided at all costs. They are chock full of chemicals, fats and other ingredients that you cannot pronounce.

All types of legumes and grains should be avoided as well. The reasoning behind eliminating these foods is that they must be cooked to become edible.

When you take a look at the foods you can eat and compare it to those on this page you will see that the difference is in the state of the food. Allowable foods on the Paleo Diet are in a natural form while the others are all artificial and have been manipulated in some way by humans. When you honestly think about it which would you prefer to eat?

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Detox Diets ? For a Healthier Lifestyle

Detox diets are designed to flush out poisons and contaminates from your body in a healthy and gentle manner. Many use a detoxifying diet plan to begin a weight loss regime and some use the plan periodically to maintain health and vigor. Detox diets should not be thought of as fads ? they’ve been used for centuries in a belief that they promote a healthier and longer life.

A detox diet is restrictive, allowing only fresh and natural foods that are fibrous and that will help your immune system and those filtering organs like the kidneys and liver to work properly. There are detox diet plans for everyone, including the following:

· Clean Diet ? This detox diet plan lasts for 21 days and is especially designed for those who enjoy a bustling lifestyle.

· Raw Food Only ? Those choosing this diet plan are only allowed to consume raw and uncooked food.

· Super Cleanse ? Dieters can choose from several unique plans designed for cleansing the body, including juice fasts and vegetarian plans.

· Weight Loss Cure ? This diet plan uses cleansing techniques as a way to begin a weight loss program.

· Martha’s Vineyard Detox Diet — Strictly a plan to lose weight ? up to 21 pounds in 21 days.

· Swiss Secret ? A detox plan to improve health as well as help you to lose weight.

· Fruit Flush ? A 3-day plan to flush out your system and get you on the track to losing unwanted pounds.

Most of the detox diets you’ll find advocate drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, ingesting various herbs that help the detoxifying process (milk thistle, Psyllium seed and Licorice root, for example), avoiding food and drink that are processed or were grown using pesticides and fungicides and eating lots of organic vegetables, fruit and unprocessed foods such as seeds and grains. You’ll also be asked to avoid caffeine, smoking and certain drugs or vitamin supplements.

Our lifestyles and environmental issues today simply beg for a detoxifying diet plan to keep our bodies healthy and rid them of the harmful chemicals, toxins, pollution and other elements that contaminate our lives. In the past, we often thought that “detox” meant a treatment for dependence on drugs or alcohol, but now we know that detoxifying our systems is a method that we can use periodically to keep our bodies working properly so that we can enjoy health and longevity.

There are many detox diets available and you can find an abundance of information about them online. Research the various detox methods and decide which is best for your lifestyle and that will help you achieve your goals.

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Begin Weight Loss With a Clean Slate – Fast Diets

Preparing your body for weight loss by choosing from the many available fast diets can give you a clean slate that will ensure the foods you eat on a diet plan are absorbed into your body the way they should. Valuable nutrients and vitamins can’t be properly distributed in a body that’s clogged with contaminates.

These pollutants inhibit the filtering organs like the kidneys and liver and restrict their effectiveness, causing the good food that you eat to be less effective in your weight loss program. But, when you begin a weight loss plan by fasting for awhile, these toxins are flushed from your body in a natural manner and the organs will be working faster and more effective when you begin eating normally.

There are many types of fast diets available, for almost any type of lifestyle. Some of the most popular ones include:

· Juice fasts ? Drinking only fruit and vegetable juices is a form of detox diet. No food is consumed during the fast ? only juices and water. Juice fasts are used for fast weight loss and stubborn pounds that you’re having difficult losing.

· Raw food fast ? A great alternative to strictly liquid diets, you can munch on raw veggies and fruits during the day and of course drink plenty of water. Sometimes juice is allowed on a raw food fast, depending on which one you choose.

· Tea fast ? There are certain types of teas that promote body detoxification and help you lose those stubborn pounds. Just be sure that you choose organically grown teas that are free from additives.

There are several different ways you can fast ? or make up your own. Fast on the weekends if you wish or fast one day and eat healthily on the next. When you’re attempting to lose weight, it sometimes helps to lessen caloric intake drastically for awhile. Your taste buds will be ready and willing to accept healthy foods that are free from chemicals and additives.

When fasting does its job, your entire system will be cleansed of most of the harmful side effects of eating what most of us are guilty of eating ? fast foods, processed foods and too much starch and sugar. The cravings for these foods will eventually disappear as you replace a “normal” diet with a healthy one.

Since your organs are more effective after a fast, they can do their jobs better and weight loss will be rapid. There are so many health benefits when you fast, but you also have to be careful about which fast you choose. For example, if you’re pregnant or suffer from a disease like diabetes, fast diets probably aren’t something you should try. Before any type of diet change be sure and get a complete checkup from your health care provider.

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