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What is Gerd or Acid Reflux disease

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Gerd), also known as acid reflux is a condition in which the acid in the stomach is forced up into the esophagus often causing great pain and discomfort. There are several potential causes for this condition including such things as an esophagus that contracts abnormally or a stomach that empties slower than normal. These conditions could be due to a damages stomach and could cause severe damage and burns to the esophagus lining.

Acid Reflux is more prominent and painful when lying down at night. The body is lying down leaving behind all the hard work for the acid of climbing up the esophagus. It can easily creep up and make sleeping nearly impossible.

There are several ways of avoiding the burn of acid reflux. The one that is the most permanent and works most effectively is a change in the way you eat and in fact the way you sleep. To stop or lessen the effects of acid reflux when sleeping you should try to keep your head somewhat elevated. This will make the job of climbing up the esophagus more difficult for the acid thanks to gravity.

Diet and Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux disease

Acid Reflux disease

In addition to altering your sleeping positions many find results by changing their diet. There are several food types that seem to aggravate reflux due to a reduction in pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter. These foods include most caffeine, peppermint in any form, many chocolates and alcohol of all types. In addition foods high in fat content should be avoided for reduction of acid reflux symptoms.

In addition to choosing the appropriate foods you should also change your eating schedule. If you are used to a large meal at the end of the day you might consider a smaller meal earlier in the evening. The reason for this is that your body has a chance to move the food from the stomach to be digested thereby eliminating it as a pressure to cause the reflux.

Learning the process of avoiding the burn of acid reflux might take a bit of time but will be well worth the effort. Taking stock in what you eat both at home and when you are out is a vital part of reducing symptoms of acid reflux.

For those suffering from this issue, the symptoms of acid reflux can be debilitating. Understanding how the foods you eat affect your body is the best way to conquer the pain of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

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Tinnitus Maskers: What Are They and When Should You Use Them?

It is generally advised that when you begin looking for solutions to your tinnitus problem, you begin with masking. Why? For starters, it provides you with instant relief. It can be difficult to effectively research and investigate other treatment options if you can’t focus. Tinnitus maskers may provide you with the focus you need to find a more permanent solution.

So what are these tinnitus maskers anyway?

Tinnitus Maskers: What Are They and When Should You Use Them?

Tinnitus Maskers

Most often, they are devices by which very specific sounds are generated. These sounds, if effective, will essentially eclipse the terrible phantom noises in your head. There are a number of different types of sound that can do the trick, and each individual tinnitus sufferer will respond more favorably to some than to others.

Masking devices come in a variety of styles, and in all reality they don’t even need to be officially labeled as â??masking devices.â? There are the popular hearing-aid style maskers and sound generation machines. There are also devices that you can place under your pillow that will play white noise for you as you sleep.

Of course, anything that causes the ringing to stop for you is a great choice. More unofficial types of maskers include house fans, televisions, running water, music through headphones, and even an open car window. If it generates a sound that’s a better alternative to your tinnitus symptoms, then by all means, implement it until something better comes along!

Are Tinnitus Maskers the Be-All, End-All of Tinnitus Relief?

Again, masking your tinnitus is a great place to start, but it’s certainly not something you want to have to rely on for the rest of your life. Of course, if another solution cannot be found, then it’s certainly great to know that this is an option you’ve always got at your disposal. But by no means should you just â??leave it at thatâ? if you don’t have to.

You should always be on the lookout for a course of treatment that turns the ringing way down, if not completely off. Depending upon what’s causing your ears to ring (and the potential causes are many), you may be able to find a complete cure. It has happened on more than one occasion. However, officially, the condition has no known â??cure.â? This may be due, in part, to the fact that tinnitus is actually a symptom, rather than a disease.

A symptom of what? Well, that’s the million-dollar question. Answer it correctly, and your chances of living a tinnitus-free life go up dramatically. In any event, the use of tinnitus maskers can help to reduce the severity of your condition long enough for you to receive a proper diagnosis and hopefully do away with your tinnitus symptoms once and for all.

Naturally, not all cases of tinnitus will be treatable. If you have permanent nerve damage and surgery can’t fix it, then you’re stuck with a pretty miserable reality. But there is still hope for you to enjoy a somewhat normal life without having to be dependent on tinnitus maskers. It’s a coping mechanism that works like masking, but it’s actually your own brain that’s doing the masking!

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT):

It starts off as assisted masking with a counselor actually guiding you through the process. Through a series of tweaks and a process known as habituation, the goal of TRT is to render the uncomfortable phantom noises you’re currently being plagued by into something you don’t even notice.

It essentially makes your tinnitus symptoms as irrelevant as the sound of a passing car, environmental chatter, or any of the other thousands of sounds we filter out as unimportant each day. No matter if any tinnitus maskers you try are successful at helping you cope with your symptoms, TRT is certainly worth looking into as a viable, long-term treatment option.

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Causes of Insomnia

Although we all have trouble drifting off to sleep from time to time, it can cause more stress for some than others. Insomnia occurs when you regularly have a problem either getting to sleep, or staying asleep long enough to feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

Causes of Insomnia

Causes of Insomnia

Although you might assume insomnia is just an unlucky condition in itself, it’s usually a symptom of something else. This is why it’s vital you understand the causes of insomnia and visit a doctor to rule out something more serious.

Causes of Insomnia

Stress -We’ve all probably experienced short term stress-related insomnia at some point in our lives. You just can’t get to sleep as you have a thousand thoughts and worries running through your mind. For some, however, the insomnia stays even when the stress has gone. Some people learn to associate their bed or trying to get to sleep with being stressed or feeling “awake”.

Anxiety Disorders – Anxiety disorders will often leave people staying awake at night, either due to physical or mental symptoms. Other causes of insomnia include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and others. Treatment of the underlying condition will often help with the insomnia.

Medication – Believe it or not, even sleep medication can be one of the causes of insomnia once we become dependent on using it. However, there are a whole range of other prescription medications that can make a difference – from antidepressants to hormone treatments and high blood pressure medication. It’s always a good idea to discuss any medication with your doctor to make sure it’s not the cause of your sleepless nights.

Underlying Conditions – There are a whole host of physical conditions known to be causes of insomnia. This is why you shouldn’t just assume it’s in your head and that you can treat yourself. It could be a sign of something more serious, so take the time out to visit your doctor to rule other problems out.

Drugs and Stimulants – We all know that stimulants such as caffeine can keep us awake. But you may not realize that alcohol also negatively effects sleep, despite the fact that we initially feel sleepy and relaxed when we drink it. You should try to avoid these drinks before bedtime if you want to have the best sleep possible.

Remember, although you may recognize one of these causes of insomnia instantly, it’s still vital that you talk to your doctor before diagnosing yourself.

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