General Weight Loss Tips

Gorilla Munchies

gorillaunch Gorilla Munchies

I woke up this morning starving! Do you have mornings like that? Where you wake up like a crazed person and want to yell, GIVE ME FOOD! Knowing that I’m having lunch at noon with my girlfriend, I went for a bowl of Josh’s Gorilla Munch  and a handful of blueberries on top. I may never eat cereal without blueberries again. Gorilla Munch has only three ingredients and tastes a lot like Captain Crunch.

blueberries Gorilla Munchies

Blueberries are so photogenic!

springcleaning Gorilla Munchies

Okay, let me tell you something random about me. I am not a good housekeeper. I never have been and lord help me if I ever will be. Don’t get me wrong, when I clean, I clean. It takes me hours and I start scrubbing corners with a toothbrush and get really anal retentive and scary about it, but as far as day-to-day put things back where they belong- that is totally lost on me.

But yesterday, with a pending task list and emails to return and work to do that pays the bills, I could think of nothing else to do, but clean out this room. This is a form of productive procrastination. Am I alone here?

Anyway, the rabbit room as we call it because it’s home to our little bunny Oliver (who will now be living outside! in a bigger rabbit house!) has been filled top to bottom with stuff for two years. Stuff that we (I!) wasn’t using and just sitting there. And now we have bags and bags of stuff waiting to head off to goodwill today. I can’t tell you how good it feels in there. I find myself just going in and having a sit next to the open windows, for no reason at all.

We have a whole new room that could be anything! First line of business will be to pick out some paint, get curtains, a side table and a new lamp for the room. Maybe the official reading room?


lorrie2 1024x618 Gorilla Munchies

Here is another sneak peek from my Wear it Well Spring 2012 e-course. I love this denim pencil skirt, I got it at Coldwater Creek about three weeks ago and doesn’t appear to be on their website anymore, but I’ll post if it comes for sale again. The first and third blouses are from Target (they should still be there) the belt is from Old Navy, and the middle blouse is from Avenue. And the bag is from Eitienne Aigner.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Sunny Monday

fruitsaladbreakfast Sunny Monday

Good Morning! Today’s breakfast includes: oatmeal toast with organic butter, one fried (over hard) local egg, and a quick fruit salad of mandarin oranges, frozen blueberries and almond slivers. I need more of these one minute fruit salads in my life.

Mondays and most weekdays often feel like I’m playing catch-up and trying to run a marathon while juggling design projects, house work, cooking, blogging and all of my other project deadlines.  I always feel most productive on weekends.  I think this is because no one wants anything from me on Saturday or Sunday. When Monday hits, I feel like I am debating what to do and where to start and making sure I meet deadlines. Breathing!

fruitsalad Sunny Monday

I’m writing out my successful week task-list right now and continuing to eat well and exercise are top priorities. My urges to overeat or eat outside of hunger have weakened these past couple of days. It’s a nice relief.

Time to get busy!

What does your successful week look like?

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