Weight Loss Exercise

Juicing Recipe Ideas

For many people looking for juicing recipe ideas and starting to get into the benefits of juicing there is always two things they look at, juicing fruit and juicing carrots. I thought it would help to have a large list of juicing recipes so that it is a lot easier to get some good juicing recipe ideas

Potassium Power House

Juicing Recipe Ideas

Juicing Recipe Ideas

  • Combine cucumber, lettuce, celery, kale, and tomato.
  • For taste, add ½ carrot and 1 green apple, or ¼ lemon

Take advantage of the metabolism-stimulating effect of grapes and the fat-fighting properties of lemon with this recipe:

Juice a handful of grapes, 1 apple, ½ lemon or 1 lime.  To spice up the taste, add ¼ or ½ inch ginger.  Add cold drinking water to taste. V8-Like

Vegetable Juicing Recipe

  • 2 organic carrots
  • 2 organic Roma tomatoes,
  • ½ cup spinach
  • 1 or 2 celery stalks
  • To taste:
  • a handful of parsley bunch or cilantro
  • Optional: add 1/10 cayenne (red) pepper after juice is done to your glass and stir with a spoon.

SuperCleanser Juicing Recipe

  • 4 celery stalks
  • ½ small beet
  • 1 cilantro bunch
  • a handful of spinach

Breakfast Juice Fast Recipe

  • ¼ head of cabbage
  • 3 stalks of carrots
  • 1 apple with skin

Lunch Juice Fast Recipe

Combine the same ingredients above and add asparagus.

Juicing Recipe ideas for Weight Loss

Often people will ask me what is a good combination for juicing recipe ideas for weight loss and detox and I have come across this list of a sample day of juicing. Remember that as much as juicing seems like it is a snacky kind of food it is giving you lots of nutrients and being liquid based it is low in calories.

Test some of these weight loss juicing recipe ideas and see how they work out for you.

Morning Detoxification and Weight-Loss Recipe

  • ½ apple
  • ½ pear
  • 3 stalks of carrots
  • ginger

For lunch:

  • Brussel sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • 3 stalks of carrots

For dinner:

  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Any fruit

Here is another list of a whole bunch of different juices that you can try anytime just as a pick me up or to get more nutrients into you body.

Simply Green Juice

  • 1 cup of spinach
  • 2 cups of kale
  • 2 cups of parsley
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 celery stalks
  • Optional:  a little garlic or ginger

Apple and Cucumber

  • 2 ½ apples, with stems removed
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 inch ginger

Alkaline Juicer Recipes

  • 1 cup of spinach
  • ½ cucumber
  • 2 stalks of celery, including leaves
  • 3 carrots
  • ½ apple

Green Heaven Detox Juice Recipe

  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 4 large spinach leaves
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 shot of wheatgrass
  • Note: This is a strong green juice, so start small to minimize detoxification reactions.

There are lots of options out there for juicing recipes and really there is a lot we can get our of juicing. I have a very comprehensive juicing article here on the blog but there are also lots of other ideas that you can find depending on what you would like to focus on in your health.

Have fun juicing and experimenting with fruits, vegetables and herbs. I hope these juicing recipe ideas are a help to you.

Juicing Recipe Ideas

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Weight Loss Exercise

Vegetable Juicing For Weight Loss

When you gain so much weight and you want to lose some, you might think that it is not an easy thing to do. There are so many ways to lose weight but do you really know the most effective way?

Juicing for weight loss has been around for years and has been widely discussed in magazines, the internet, and other forms of media. Vegetables are known to be a very healthy and detoxifying food. Many people use vegetable juices to detoxify and help then in their weight loss journey.

Several research studies show that you can actually lose weight efficiently by drinking vegetable juices. Some people can lose as much as 3 to 4 pounds a day. As the fast continues, the average loss is one pound per day.

Vegetables are proven to be very effective in weight loss. Vegetable juicing for weight loss also offers a wealth of health benefits for the body. It is a good replacement for water detox regimens. Water fasting may soon be phased out and vegetable juicing will be the primary way to lose weight or an alternative when you do not have time to work out in a gym.

Exercise is still recommended if you want to achieve the best and fastest weight loss results. Vegetable juicing and exercise can melt down unnecessary pounds and make your body look great.

Vegetables To Juice For A Start

Turbulence Training

Vegetable juicing may not be easy especially when you are not used to eating vegetables. The following vegetables will help give you an easy start:





These vegetables are a good start and as you get used to vegetable juicing you may want to add more nutritious ones.

Best Vegetables To Juice

You will get the most benefit from intensely colored vegetables. Dark green leafy vegetables are best for juicing. You can start with the following green leafy vegetables:




Cabbage juice is considered one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer repair because it is a good source of Vitamin U. Vitamin U stimulates the production of mucin, the protective layer that coats the digestive system.

Do not use the same vegetables every day. For a better juicing experience and wider variety of nutrients, rotate your vegetables. Use carrots to add sweetness to your vegetable juices. Carrots are rich in antioxidants and the sweet taste makes the process more enjoyable.