General Weight Loss Tips

Raw Fudgey Brownies

choppedsalad3 Raw Fudgey Brownies

Today’s lunch was a chopped salad using up all of the vegetables I prepared a week ago. I have to say (again!) that prepping vegetables for the week increased my vegetable consumption by so much. I was able to put this salad together in less two minutes. And best of all, it was delicious That dressing. Sigh.

rawbrownie Raw Fudgey Brownies

For dessert I enjoyed a raw (my cocoa wasn’t raw) brownie made using this recipe from Jenny Cornbleet. I substituted Majool dates for regular pitted dates and raisins for the cherries. I also added a little too much water to mine, but they were still really good. If you like fudge brownies, you’ll like these. Bonus: they take just a couple of minutes to make and they keep you full for hours and hours.

manwich Raw Fudgey Brownies

Dinner was a meat sauce that I made a big batch of for the week served on oatmeal bread. It tasted a lot like a better manwich (manwich? is that it?). A side of carrots with the last of my dressing.

And now I watch the Grammys to see this pretty lady perform:

adele Raw Fudgey Brownies

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Weight Loss Exercise

Vegetable Juicing For Weight Loss

When you gain so much weight and you want to lose some, you might think that it is not an easy thing to do. There are so many ways to lose weight but do you really know the most effective way?

Juicing for weight loss has been around for years and has been widely discussed in magazines, the internet, and other forms of media. Vegetables are known to be a very healthy and detoxifying food. Many people use vegetable juices to detoxify and help then in their weight loss journey.

Several research studies show that you can actually lose weight efficiently by drinking vegetable juices. Some people can lose as much as 3 to 4 pounds a day. As the fast continues, the average loss is one pound per day.

Vegetables are proven to be very effective in weight loss. Vegetable juicing for weight loss also offers a wealth of health benefits for the body. It is a good replacement for water detox regimens. Water fasting may soon be phased out and vegetable juicing will be the primary way to lose weight or an alternative when you do not have time to work out in a gym.

Exercise is still recommended if you want to achieve the best and fastest weight loss results. Vegetable juicing and exercise can melt down unnecessary pounds and make your body look great.

Vegetables To Juice For A Start

Turbulence Training

Vegetable juicing may not be easy especially when you are not used to eating vegetables. The following vegetables will help give you an easy start:





These vegetables are a good start and as you get used to vegetable juicing you may want to add more nutritious ones.

Best Vegetables To Juice

You will get the most benefit from intensely colored vegetables. Dark green leafy vegetables are best for juicing. You can start with the following green leafy vegetables:




Cabbage juice is considered one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer repair because it is a good source of Vitamin U. Vitamin U stimulates the production of mucin, the protective layer that coats the digestive system.

Do not use the same vegetables every day. For a better juicing experience and wider variety of nutrients, rotate your vegetables. Use carrots to add sweetness to your vegetable juices. Carrots are rich in antioxidants and the sweet taste makes the process more enjoyable.

General Weight Loss Tips

The Clouds Have Parted

Oh my goodness gracious to pieces Betsy. Today is a cause for celebration, I feel like a human again! No coughing, nose is only moderately stuffy, ears have popped, and my energy is back. After seven weeks of feeling like crap, I can now say with confidence that I’m back.

I would like to thank the following for my feel goodness:

Neti Pot. Gross,kinda, yes. Awesome and pain-free? yes indeed.

Natalia Rose and her morning elixers of organic fruit and vegetables. I’m on day three of eating more fruits and vegetables, no sugar, no white flours, no beef/chicken. And I feel really good.

Our new Juiceman juicer that helps turn celery, carrots, kale, lemons, strawberries and apples into one delicious juice.

The Mill Mountain Zoo which provided a much needed walk outdoors.

I look forward to returning to my regular daily blog posts! No more “I’m sick, I suck” posts. At least until next year

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