Weight Loss Exercise

Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss

Using Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss can help you achieve your goals in a variety of ways. It can reduce cravings, jumpstart your metabolism, support your bodys fat-burning processes, reduce your bodys acidity, and detoxify your fat cells.

The modern diet is lacking in many of the nutrients that our bodies desperately need. That is why we have so many cravings as our body attempts to take in the nutrients it needs. Oftentimes we crave for sweets and we tend to eat larger portions. This is one reason why so many people these days are overweight.

Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss

Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss

Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss

Juice cleansing is a detoxifying technique used by health-conscious people. It is not only effective for weight loss but is also good for staying healthy inside. Cleansing also gives you shiny hair and clears your complexion.

It is ideal to combine fresh carrots, celery, beets, spinach and apples for a cleansing juice diet. You must avoid juices like tomato because these are too acidic during fasting.

Adding other ingredients to your juice is a creative way to help you enjoy your juice fasting. There are many recipes you can browse on the internet to keep you motivated while cleansing through juicing.

Juice can be consumed throughout the day as needed. However, drinking less juice will speed up the detoxification process. More juice will only slow it down. Drink just enough. For juice cleansing, remember this: less is insufficient, more is close to dangerous.

Juice Cleansing Benefits

Other than weight loss benefits, juice cleansing also provides the following benefits:

You will feel renewed and more energetic physically and mentally.

Juice cleansing is simple, easy, inexpensive and versatile. You can tailor it to your needs and preferences and you can use fruits and vegetables that are readily available.

Juice cleansing is a great way to break bad habits and start all over again with a natural and cleaner diet.

It will speed up your metabolism and prepare your body to lose weight in the long term. Juice cleansing also cleans your liver.

Juice cleansing helps with drug, alcohol and nicotine addiction. It shortens the duration of symptoms by accelerating the detoxification process.

Feel free to change the ingredients in the recipes you have seen on the internet. The most important thing is to find juice cleansing recipes that suit you and that you are comfortable drinking. Juice cleansing for weight loss will indeed help you out.

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Do it Anyway

This poem by Mother Teresa has been on my mind lately…

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

I read this a few weeks ago and thought it was profound. It’s not directly related to weight loss, but I think we all worry too much about what other people think. We know people who will dissect every word and every action- do them anyway. I love that. Do it anyway. Take care of yourself regardless of what anyone may think. Find your own path.

Yesterday was another good day of food and exercise. I feel good that I’m building a little army of good days behind me. They will stand behind me on the days when I want to eat my weight in pizza. I will say that I’m glad I started this post PMS. It’s not a particularly unstressful time either, it’s just less of a struggle.

I realized this week that the hardest thing about eating less and counting calories is me. I had to get over my stubbornness, my unwillingness to admit that I needed to do this to lose weight. I had to arrive, yet again, to this conclusion on my own.

I’m eating anywhere from 1,200-1,700 calories a day and I’m not hungry- I thought I would be. I’m not deprived. I’m not unsatisfied. I’m not just eating salads and carrots-I’m eating what I truly want to eat. I’m full on less. And I think it’s important for me to remember this. That I can get by on less and I’ll be better for it.

Last night I really wanted to eat out. Even after having lunch out with a friend. I tried to use the excuse of chicken still being frozen. I kept going back and forth mentally and I knew, deep down, that if I ate out again I would go over my calories for the day. It’s so much easier to eat more quality food at home with less calories. When I’m in a restaurant I often find it too hard to stop eating the giant portions put in front of me.

And now on to yesterday’s food:

Quiche again. I ate about half of what you see here. And 6 oz. or so of orange juice. 363 Calories

Lamb burger from Natasha’s here in Floyd. So good! It felt pretty light to me, and was of course, very flavorful. I ate all of the burger and about half of the crisps. 650 calories

Chicken on mixed greens with cucumber, feta, bacon and vinaigrette dressing. About 400 calories.

Not pictured:

1 serving cashews- 160 calories

Glucosamine chews- 70 calories

Total calories: 1,643

Exercise: 45 minutes of Insanity Workout (400-500 calories)

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I’ve written this sort of post before, but I just haven’t had a lot to say this week. So I’m posting to say that I’ve been exercising every day as well as counting calories (staying around 1,600 a day) and things are going well.

I’m in a groove. My food posts wouldn’t be very interesting because I’m eating the same meals over and over again right now. It’s just comforting to eat 1/2 c meusli with 1/2 C of milk and know that it will be good and keep me full for hours with only 255 calories.

For lunch, I am eating a hot sandwich using my panini press. Usually chicken and muenster on whole wheat. Maybe a side of spinach or carrots.

And for dinner you will find us eating rice with either a lentil/onion indian dish or thai red or green curry with shrimp or chicken and vegetables. Coconut milk and basmati rice are in regular rotation around here.

After my workout, I break out the food processor for a frozen fruit smoothie. One banana, one cup strawberries, one cup blue berries, juice of one tangerine and one cup milk. If I have it I’ll add mango, or vanilla almond milk.

Sometimes it varies, but right now, this is good, healthful, comforting food for me. It’s predictable. Something I usually hate. I love variety and I’m sure next week I’ll switch to eating something else every single day. But this week, I know what I’m probably going to eat. And I know that I am most definitely going to exercise and push myself.

I feel good. I feel a vibration of health running through me. I don’t even know what that means, but I was at the grocery story last week, several hours after yoga and I just felt whole and balanced. Standing there in the aisle, I unexpectedly felt whole. Things are happening, and I feel like I’m on my path.

I realized in an almost alarming way that I am content right now. Not settled, not stunted or too comfortable, but content. I don’t want for anything at the moment. I don’t feel a push to be more than who I am being right now. I know it’s because of exercise and eating well. I know it’s because I have 10 bags of stuff to donate to goodwill today. I know it’s because I’ve hit a balance that I am pleased with.

I feel good.

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