General Weight Loss Tips

Home Again

Yesterday (tuesday) we were back on our home schedule. We ate at home and did our usual insanity workout. As much as I love to eat out, it gets tiresome and is never as healthy (or as cheap) as eating at home. I like knowing exactly what’s in my food.

Yesterday morning was my usual banana nut muffin (a commenter asked if I make these and the answer is yes) 200 calories

Lunch was a boca burger with whole wheat bun, 1/2 t mayo, dark lettuce, and 1/2 oz. jalapeno cheese. 400 calories.

Dinner was a vegetable burrito: black beans, tomatoes with chili peppers, spinach, avocado. Used lots of cumin on this with a little sea salt on a spinach wrap. 570 calories (the wrap had 340)

snack: muffin with local/organic strawberries, 220 calories

Total calories for the day: 1,390

Exercise: 40 minutes of insanity workout (400-600 calories burned)

I went grocery shopping with a goal and budget in mind: all organic, as much local as possible and under $55 dollars. I spent about $48 on this:

1 pound local ground beef

2 organic avocados

bunch of organic/fair trade bananas

basket of local/organic strawberries

1 package organic/nitrate-free bacon

4 local/organic yams

2 lbs. organic basmati rice

1 package all natural spinach wraps (vegan)

1 bag local/organic spinach

1 bag local/organic lettuce

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General Weight Loss Tips

What is Enough?

Yesterday’s breakfast was a banana nut muffin and hardboiled egg. Two breakfast items that I have ready for grabbing and eating in the morning. I love having healthy prepared food on hand for mornings that I just want to eat and not cook (most mornings). I almost always wake up hungry and this is enough food to keep me full until lunch time.

I’m always reminding myself that I can be full and satisfied on less food. By default, I always want to eat more. I hope over time my default will be “enough”. But, I have to remember that this is something I deal with and act accordingly. For now, I will want more muffins, more eggs…more. I don’t need it, I’m not hungry, it’s just a habit I’ve gotten used to. total calories: 270

I think about eating out and how most plates are filled with enough food for four meals. In a lot of ways we are conditioned to want more food. I find that I am scared of hunger. I’ve been known to order food on a menu that I think will give me the most food. Have you ever done that?

This meal was enough.

And around noon I was hungry again. It’s okay to be hungry.

Repeat from yesterday: boca burger on whole wheat with jalapeno cheese, spinach and a little mayo: 413 calories. Asian pasta salad, about 125 calories. total: 538

Mid-afternoon snack: muffin: 200 calories

More cranberry tea throughout the day:

Dinner was delicious. And honestly I was famished by the time I got to cooking.

One of my favorite quick and healthy meals. Spinach salad with 1/2 boiled egg, tomato, feta and vinaigrette dressing. Sweet potatoes cooked in the microwave until tender, sliced 1/4-1/2 inch thick and fried in a little olive oil on the skillet. Sprinkled with sea salt, garlic and cayenne. About 1/3 C rice noodles with grilled pork marinated in fish sauce, lime juice, garlic and sucanat. Total calories: 550-600

Another late night snack of a muffin: 200 calories

Total calories for the day: 1,758-1,800

No exercise! Boo to us! We really should have exercised before dinner. By the time we had dinner in us all we wanted to do was veg out. I ended up falling asleep on the couch to The Stand. I can’t make this stuff up.

We’re celebrating Easter with my family this weekend. My plan is to exercise before we hit the road this morning and again over the weekend. I want to be as active as possible. I’m even thinking about going to the rec. center for raquet ball.

I’m planning to make a big salad for easter dinner and fill up half my plate with it. I’m also going to make a carrot cake with natural sugar, whole wheat flour and lots of fruit and vegetables. And finally, I am reminding myself to drink lots of water, take photos and be mindful.

What are your holiday eating plans?

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General Weight Loss Tips


I’ve written this sort of post before, but I just haven’t had a lot to say this week. So I’m posting to say that I’ve been exercising every day as well as counting calories (staying around 1,600 a day) and things are going well.

I’m in a groove. My food posts wouldn’t be very interesting because I’m eating the same meals over and over again right now. It’s just comforting to eat 1/2 c meusli with 1/2 C of milk and know that it will be good and keep me full for hours with only 255 calories.

For lunch, I am eating a hot sandwich using my panini press. Usually chicken and muenster on whole wheat. Maybe a side of spinach or carrots.

And for dinner you will find us eating rice with either a lentil/onion indian dish or thai red or green curry with shrimp or chicken and vegetables. Coconut milk and basmati rice are in regular rotation around here.

After my workout, I break out the food processor for a frozen fruit smoothie. One banana, one cup strawberries, one cup blue berries, juice of one tangerine and one cup milk. If I have it I’ll add mango, or vanilla almond milk.

Sometimes it varies, but right now, this is good, healthful, comforting food for me. It’s predictable. Something I usually hate. I love variety and I’m sure next week I’ll switch to eating something else every single day. But this week, I know what I’m probably going to eat. And I know that I am most definitely going to exercise and push myself.

I feel good. I feel a vibration of health running through me. I don’t even know what that means, but I was at the grocery story last week, several hours after yoga and I just felt whole and balanced. Standing there in the aisle, I unexpectedly felt whole. Things are happening, and I feel like I’m on my path.

I realized in an almost alarming way that I am content right now. Not settled, not stunted or too comfortable, but content. I don’t want for anything at the moment. I don’t feel a push to be more than who I am being right now. I know it’s because of exercise and eating well. I know it’s because I have 10 bags of stuff to donate to goodwill today. I know it’s because I’ve hit a balance that I am pleased with.

I feel good.

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