Weight Loss Exercise

Fat Loss Mistakes to Avoid

I got this article about fat loss mistakes to avoid from Craig Ballantyne, the creator of turbulence training and I wanted to pass it along.

When it comes to fat loss, I feel like I’ve been everywhere and seen everything. I’ve watched 95% of people in the gyms struggle with weight loss and make no progress, but I’ve also watched the weirdest and wildest regimens work for others.

And in dealing with thousands of people on the Internet and through the Men’s Health website, I’ve been able to pick up on the

Fat Loss Mistakes to Avoid

Fat Loss Mistakes to Avoid

Fat Loss Mistakes to Avoid

Here they are to help you avoid these fat loss mistakes…

1. People simply fail to consider the consequences of their actions
Alwyn Cosgrove (one of the top trainers in the business) once told me, “I get my clients to think, ‘Will this help me or not? Is this a positive step or not?’ If you can see that every action that you take is either helping you lose fat or stopping you from losing fat, then you will start to make better choices.”

So remember that everything you put in your mouth is either for or against fat loss. And every exercise choice you make is either for or against fat loss. “Get that”, Alwyn says, “and you’re a hit.”

2. People neglect to control their insulin and blood sugar levels – 2 key factors in determining whether or not the body fat will come off

If you eat processed foods you are guaranteed to elevate your insulin blood sugar levels. If you do that, your body sends the message, “Store fat!”, and you won’t make any progress. So avoid white-flour based bakery products, sugary drinks, and almost any carbohydrate snack that comes in a bag or a box.

3. People train like it’s the 80′s
Yes, I know. Eighties music is popular again. But that doesn’t mean ineffective training methods from the 80′s like light weights, low intensity steady state cardio, and endless low-intensity ab work should also make a comeback. That type of training should stay buried in the back issues of cheesy muscle magazines. Stick to strength training and interval training for efficient and effective body changing routines.

I know that the “fat-burning” zone and “morning cardio on an empty stomach” has been drilled into your heads by well-meaning trainers and articles, but science just doesn’t support this.

The latest on fat loss research from Australia has shown that a 20-minute interval program led to significantly more weight loss than 40-minute aerobic sessions.

We must adapt our programs to the science in order to succeed. Don’t be left behind!

4. People don’t take 30 minutes to plan their next day’s food intake
If you fail to do this, you will set your fat loss efforts back by a minimum of 72 hours. Without a good meal plan, you are left to hunt and gather food in the modern world. And that’s a recipe for fat loss disaster. You are bound to eat something processed if you aren’t prepared. You will lose the fat burning benefits from yesterday’s workout and it will take until the end of the following day to get back on track. An entire 72-hour period wasted.

5. People don’t eat enough vegetables
We can thank John Berardi for making it common knowledge that you should eat fiber-rich vegetables at every meal to assist your fat loss efforts. By doing so, you’ll control your blood sugar and insulin – thus supporting the optimal hormonal situation for fat loss.

6. People screw up their hormones with poor lifestyle choices
If you are out boozing and staying up late on the weekend, you are shutting down your fat loss and messing up the optimal hormonal environment for fat burning. I will talk a lot more about the optimal hormonal levels for fat loss in the future, as I believe this is the underrated key to building your best body ever.

7. People don’t plan and monitor their training sessions
If you are still going to the gym without a plan, then you are going to have a hard time losing fat. And if you aren’t recording your workouts and eating habits, then you aren’t losing as much fat as you probably can. To fix this mistake, start by getting on track with strength training and interval training. It’s guaranteed to get you lean.

I know that your motivation is high at this time of the year. So grab a good program based on science, add to that a nutrition PLAN (that is actually planned out on paper – like the TT Nutrition Guidelines from Dr. Chris Mohr), and get some social support on your side and you will succeed this year.

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training the Nutrition Guide here:

Become a TT Success Stories just like these men and women

“TT Training has revolutionized my workout routine–NO more excuses! No time for the gym…NO problem, can’t go outside…No problem! The bodyweight workouts kept me strong this fall.” Mary Iverson


“Hi Craig, I am enjoying Turbulence Training. I am a personal trainer, so I’ve incorporated much of it into my sessions. Though I used some philosophies from TT, your program has added a world of new ideas, methods, and techniques to my client sessions. And for that, I thank you so very much. Even my wife loves it, ha! So much more to read and implement, so TT reading will keep me busy for many months to come. Make it a great day!” Loren Salas

To learn more fat loss mistakes to avoid get your very own copy of Turbulence Training the Nutrition Guide here:

“The things I like the most in the TT program:
a) Large number of different exercises allowing for ever new combinations, which prevent boredom and routine.
b) Different approaches to strength training (dumbbells, own body, simple implements).
c) A lot of precise information about pacing, timing and choosing effort levels.
d) Sound and solid information on kinesiology and physiology of training.” Peter Tancig

Now that you know the fat loss mistakes to avoid it is time for you to put them into action.

Weight Loss Exercise

Simple Walking Tips

Everyone would like to get some exercise and I have walking Tips to help you out. Who of us won’t love to have all of that stubborn fat melt away quickly and easily? But if only it could happen. The fact remains that while you can burn sugar and calories really fast, the same cannot be said of fat, even though it is formed from calories and sugar.

Simple Walking Tips

Simple Walking Tips

That said, there are still simple ways to burn fat and lose weight, and when I mean ‘simple’, I obviously don’t refer either to starving for several days on end or doing long boring cardios for hours. Believe it or not, if you are prepared to walk everyday, you cannot but get rid of fat.

Many would argue that it would take several years for an overweight person to lose fat solely with the help of walking, in sharp contrast to intense workouts such as interval training. That might be true, but then again, how many of us have the stamina to bear the strain of intense workouts. The answer is, very few.

Walking Tips to Use Today

If you have never worked out in life, it is silly to even imagine that you would be able to manage those hard workouts with ease. On the contrary, walking is easy to do and it is not true that you cannot burn fat with it. You just need to be steady and patient and never lose heart. Here are a few walking tips for you to help you gain the maximum mileage from this exercise.

1. It is very important that you wear the correct shoes while walking, or you would be in danger of injuring your feet badly. I would recommend a pair of decent tennis shoes for this purpose, and you can buy them from your local store at an affordable price. With tennis shoes, the sole of your foot rests comfortably, thereby making walking easier for you with no fear of injuries

2. We often set fixed schedules for almost all the important activities of our life except that of looking after our health. This is a rather strange behavior as a one’s health comes before even his most important activity. It is easy for you to forget about your daily walking routine if you don’t schedule it like your other important tasks. Make walking your top priority, because it really IS

3. To burn even more fat from this exercise, you can carry one pound of weight in each of your hands. While walking, you can raise your arms over your head and then gently let them fall on the side. As you repeat this exercise while walking, it would make your heart beat faster and consequently you would be burning more fat

If you wish to carry the weight in your legs instead of hands, you can buy leg weights instead. They are available for varying amounts of weights, and are quite cheap too. You can get them for as low as $5 or $6, depending on the amount of weight you are buying

4. If you feel a bit impatient, you can add half-an-hour of extra intense workout along with your regular walking schedule
. The reason I left this tip for the last is that you should do it only when you are fully comfortable with walking. This can tremendously accelerate the weight loss process for you and you would be able to get rid of those annoying pounds quicker than you would with just plain walking.

Walking Tips – Apply Them Today

So my advice to you is to get started today. There is not better time to get started walking then this very day. Let me know how much these walking tips are helping you out.

Weight Loss Exercise

Lasik Surgery Fears

For many years now people have had Lasik Surgery Fears. Back early in the industry in the 80s there were problems. You have probably seen the news stories over the last few years about the FDA and Lasik eye surgery. As a lifelong contact lens and glasses wearer I thought that it would be important to look at why this is important and what you should think about when considering any corrective eye surgery.

Many People Do Have Lasik Surgery Fears

Lasik Surgery Fears

Lasik Surgery Fears

First of all the FDA does have a site dedicated to Lasik surgery and the benefits as well as the risks of the quick and easy surgery. One of the criticisms by consumer groups was that the FDA was not stressing hard enough the bad side effects that are possible with Lasik surgery.

Another issue that is often overlooked is regular aging of people and of eyesite. Any reputable ophthalmologist will agree that most men begin losing near sitedness in their 40s so the idea that Lasic or any other corrective surgery will get rid of glasses for life is not very realistic.

What the FDA did Say

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration should take more steps to advise LASIK patients about potential risks of the laser eye surgery, an advisory panel said on Friday, following pleas from those who suffered from glare, dry eye and even suicidal tendencies.

“I think we need better screening, better information and in some cases better doctors,” said panel chairwoman Jayne Weiss, a Kresge Eye Institute ophthalmologist in Detroit.

The panel’s recommendation followed hours of testimony by some LASIK patients who said that blurriness, double-vision and other problems led to depression and in some cases suicidal tendencies.

Panelists agreed with the FDA that LASIK is safe and effective, but said the agency could offer clearer information about side effects. They also suggested the FDA provide photos on its website to give patients a better idea of what halos and other visual complications look like.

How common is Lasik surgery

Millions of Americans have successfully undergone LASIK, or laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis, which cuts a flap in the eye then uses a laser to reshape the cornea, making people less dependent on glasses or contact lenses.

Roughly 700,000 Americans have had LASIK since it was approved in 1998, according to industry estimates.

Still, the FDA is taking another look at the procedure after a 2006 internal review concluded that while available data did not point to widespread problems, there was not enough information on rare but serious complications.

Should out have Lasik Surgery Fears?

The agency also is set to begin a LASIK study on patient satisfaction next year along with the National Eye Institute and two groups: the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

The panel urged the FDA to take more action upon the study’s conclusion, although some patients pointed to the medical groups’ involvement as a conflict of interest. So you see there is a lot of governement oversight and you do not need to have Lasik Surgery Fears