Weight Loss Exercise

Portion Control Tips

Portion Control Tips

Portion Control Tips

This post of portion Control tips is a long time coming and I hope it helps me as much as it helps you.

Damn,  tonight I overate…again.

Once every two weeks my family and I go out for dinner. We were finding that we were going out too often so we decided to only og out once every couple of weeks to eat better (restaurant and fast food tend to be bad) and to save money. One side effect is that we have complete control over what we eat.

Well tonight I blew it.

We went out for Vietnamese food and as always we order a few plates for all of use to share. I sure wish I would have written these portion control tips before I went out. I out did myself and ate twice what I should have.

I tend to graze throughout the day and my major meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner are fairly small but when I get to a buffet or get a chance to share food I do not share very well. My portion control without fixed portions is tough. I never really portion like my wife does, no measuring cups or anything but without a plate to gauge myself by I tend to be terrible.

Here are 5 Portion Control Tips

1. Drink 1 large cup of water 30 minutes before you meal – The water will fill your stomach a little and start you thinking about the size of your stomach.

2. Dish up all food at once – The problem with how I ate today or any buffet style meal is that you do not know how much you are eating. 1 plate for 1 meal will make you know what you are eating without getting distraction.

3. Eat slowly and concentrate on all the fork or spoonfuls of food – We are supposed to enjoy our meals but I know that when I watch my kids or even myself I will catch us not enjoying but instead racing through eating a meal. Food is not to be sprinted through but enjoyed. Take your time, enjoy it with you and your family.

4. Eat only until you are satisfied – Know when to stop. Having that water before and eating slowly will help you understand how much food you need and to stop on time. No reason to eat to much.

5. Remember that this is not your last meal – Enough said. You can eat again in a few hours.

I am hoping that these portion control tips will help you. None of them are very inspired or earth shattering but as 5 tips go they are great to help you to eat better, enjoy your food and never have an excuse to overeat.

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Bacteria on Shopping Carts

Bacteria on Shopping Carts

Bacteria on Shopping Carts

I just ran across an article on MSNBC  that wrote about a study that found that Bacteria on Shopping Carts is so bad that there is more bacteria on them than in the restrooms in supermarkets themselves. I am not really surprised since all the food going in and out of a supermarket is from farms and storage facilities, and other very dirty places.

Researchers from the University of Arizona swabbed shopping cart handles in four states looking for bacterial contamination. Of the 85 carts examined, 72 percent turned out to have a marker for fecal bacteria.

E.Coli Bacteria on Half of All Shopping Carts

The researchers took a closer look at the samples from 36 carts and discovered Escherichia coli, more commonly known as E. coli, on 50 percent of them — along with a host of other types of bacteria.

“That’s more than you find in a supermarket’s restroom,” said Charles Gerba, the lead researcher on the study and a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona. “That’s because they use disinfecting cleaners in the restrooms. Nobody routinely cleans and disinfects shopping carts.”

The study’s results may explain earlier research that found that kids who rode in shopping carts were more likely than others to develop infections caused by bacteria such as salmonella and campylobacter, Gerba said.

Bacteria on shopping carts handles aren’t the only thing you need to worry about when you go to the local supermarket, Gerba added. In other research, he’s found that reusable shopping bags that aren’t regularly washed turn into bacterial swamps. “It’s like wearing the same underwear every day,” Gerba said.

How To Avoid Bacteria on Shopping Carts

So what should we do about the problem of bacteria on shopping carts? Well I know that the bright colors and mostly clean floors in a supermarket as well as the really bright lights seem to give an image of cleanliness – false sense of safety. So here are things that you should do when you are in shopping.

1. Never touch your face – As you are probably aware, anytime that you touch your face you are giving a very easy access for bacteria to enter your body.

2. Know that you hands are dirty – Sure you can’t see the dirt but the bacteria can live a while on your hands so make sure that anything that you touch; keys, kids, shopping cart, car, steering wheel,food boxes, meat. Are all dirty.

3. Keep baby wipes or antibacterial wipes with you – I know that some people will say that these wipes will not kill all bacteria but they still do a great job. We keep these in my wifes purse as well as have them in the car (my wife is a bit of a bacteria paranoid.).

So you can see that even the most common areas of society, a place of shopping is really dirty with unseen bacteria. Keep the above tips handy to help make sure that you stay safer. And remember that bacteria on shopping carts is something that you have to be careful of for yourself.

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Weight Loss Exercise

What to Eat To Lose Weight

What to Eat To Lose WeightWhat to Eat to lose weight?

I get this question all the time so I sent this email out to the members of my Get fit Now fitness list and thought that I would post it on the blog as I wanted to answer the question that I see a lot.

Anyway to get ready for Spring and getting out in shorts and a t-shirt many people think now about losing some weight. Trying to lose weight be it 10 pounds, 20 pounds or even 30 pounds or more can be difficult for you.

I know for a fact (from the emails I get all the time) that if you are finding that you are losing and gaining the same 20 pounds year after year that you are not alone.

The question that people just like you are always asking is:

“What to eat to lose weight?”

The answer that I keep giving time after time is to try out Fat Loss for Idiots.

What to Eat To Lose Weight

What to Eat To Lose Weight

You are probably wondering why I keep writing about fat loss for idiots and you do deserve an answer. Well I wrote an article a few years ago about this diet and was really surprised to find that lots of people were really successful with. First I was really surprised but after a while after 100′s of the same comments I realized why.

What to Eat to Lose Weight

  • The online “Diet Generator” asks you what you like and don’t like and then tells you exactly what to eat
  • The diet is high in fruit and even has a day dedicated to it
  • Fat Loss for Idiots uses Cycled Eating which means that you follow a diet for 11 days and then eat what you want for 3 before getting back on.

Online Diet Generator – The online generator is a 11 day diet where you answer what you like to eat and what you do not like to eat and it will generate a diet of exactly what to eat to lose weight.

High Fruit and Vegetable Diet – Again this is put right into the diet and will raise the amount of nutrients and water in your diet which will give you better energy and feel better about yourself.

Cycled Eating – Don’t you hate it when you are on a diet and don’t knwo exactly what to eat to lose weight so you keep eating the same thing day after day? Well this diet will give you different foods (although sometimes strange combinations) and after your 11 days you have a three day off cycle where you can eat whatever you want. This confuses your body and helps you lose weight easier.

Lots of people had the same problem of wondering what exactly to eat just like you and you can see in the comments to the post that I wrote that they have been very successful in losing weight.

One of the best things about this diet as well is the price. For $39 you get a lifetime membership. Super cheap, effective, and you can lose your weight before Spring if you start now. And look and feel fantastic for the Summer this year.

You can probably tell that I think this is Awesome. If you have any questions let me know. Also if you buy the diet just email me to let me know and I have a few exercise and fitness ebooks that I will send you as a thank you to help you jump start a newer lighter lifestyle.

I know that this is not the answer that some people are looking for but having a diet generator that will tell you exactly what to eat to lose weight is a big help in getting to your goals.

What to Eat To Lose Weight

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