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Emulate Olympians – or at least cheer!

I am off on holiday this week and went camping for a few days with my family. A nice break at a lakeside campground that let me really recharge and get ready for the second half of this year.

Along the way lately I have found out I need a root canal, a new hot water heater, and during camping I realized I am not a very good camper. But I love camping anyway.

Now today I have been watching the Olympics. You just know that for these guys last week and this week their whole world has stopped and they all know that this is the most important time in their entire career to peak in their entire sports career.

My son Jaiden hanging in a hammock

My son Jaiden hanging in a hammock

So for me life goes on, for these guys life is at a stand still.

What can we learn from the Olympians?

Really I have to wonder how we all look for success in the bank, on the scale, at the workplace, in our neighborhood, and in the eyes of our family and friends on a daily basis when these Olympians gauge themselves on the public stage once every four years.

We have to stop looking at the short term so much and look at making lasting change. On my Facebook page I like posting success pictures and stuff saying things like “today matters most” or “Tomorrow doesn’t count – only today” and I always agree with that, todays actions really do lead to tomorrows results. But also it is easy to get discouraged looking at what you have gotten done today.

I think really we need to look at always getting better, it does not always happen today, but know that over time we are always moving forward.

So in all our struggles, me with my teeth and hot water heater, you with your own struggles, We really just always have to look forward and move forward. Be inspired by these Olympians and the sacrifices they make and the satisfaction and victory they all feel these two weeks. It comes again in four years but these days are magical for them and us.

Lets celebrate together

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Why People Smoke: The Apparent Benefits Of Smoking

Non-smokers and smokers alike may wonder why people smoke. It has been proved over and over to be a very unhealthy thing to do, both for smokers themselves and for those who are subjected to secondary smoke. In this article we will look at why people smoke as well as why it is so hard to quit.

Benefits of Smoking?

There are two aspects to the question of why people smoke. The first is why do people start, when they know that it is unhealthy and a difficult habit to break. The answer to this is that most people start smoking as teenagers when they are likely to want to push boundaries and do a lot of unhealthy things. Being still young they do not consider the future as much as an older person would. They do not think they will get addicted, and they think they will be able to quit later, which is true if they do not die of it first, but they do not think about how difficult it will be, or the damage to their health that they will do in the meantime – or they do not care, because they are only concerned with what is happening right now.

The second question is why do people continue to smoke? Why is it so hard to quit? Why do some people quit for a while and then begin again, even though they would say that they don’t want to?

The answer to this lies in the addictive qualities of nicotine. Smoking is not just a habit, as many non-smokers believe. Nicotine is a poison but like many recreational drugs it is something that you want more and more of until you become dependent on it. The body neutralizes its poisonous qualities by adapting to them (although they can still have long term health effects). So then when you suddenly quit, your body has a bad reaction and sends out panic signals telling you to please provide some of that nicotine again, fast.

Another reason why people smoke is the perceived psychological ‘benefits’ that many people experience. Maybe deep down a person likes to be thought of as a risk-taker, a ‘bad boy’ or girl. These factors are often motivational when a person starts to smoke, but they can also explain why people smoke many years later. A person aged 50 may feel that they are young and rebellious again every time they light a cigarette – and that can be a powerful feeling.

Why People Smoke at Work

At work, smoking can give you the excuse for a much-needed break from the office environment every hour or two. Smokers usually enjoy getting together with other smokers and they may chat to people that they would not otherwise have any contact with. More importantly, they probably have friendships, family relationships, perhaps even a marriage, with other smokers. They are afraid that they may lose those people if they quit smoking. This fear may be unconscious but it is still there, pushing the person to keep on smoking.

quit smoking today
Imagine if you could easily use the same method that allowed Paul Peyton, a heavy smoker for more than 14 years, ? to permanently quit overnight… Wouldn’t that be wonderful?Well, guess what – you can. In fact, ANYONE can do it.

But first, you need to understand where you’ve gone wrong in the past… Treating just the physical addiction to smoking. But it can only be removed completely by using targeted psychotherapeutic techniques. NOT by ignoring it and hoping it will go away. And CERTAINLY NOT by throwing even more nicotine at it, in the form of patches or gum. You MUST deal with BOTH parts of your addiction the right way, or you will keep getting those cravings forever…

Specific, step by step instructions ? we show you exactly what to do, so nothing is left to chance. You choose the timeframe ? implement the method at your own pace, as you feel comfortable. Tried and tested method ? this cutting-edge method has been successfully used to cure thousands of happy ex-smokers. Permanently removes your mental dependence at the subconscious level ? resulting in a permanent end to mental cravings.
Check out PermaQuit now.

So there are many factors that may seem like benefits to smoking. They motivate smokers to continue. Often, the smokers themselves are not aware of them. If you are a smoker wanting to quit, one of the best things that you can do is to sit down and make a list of the benefits that you get from smoking. Be specific: name other smokers that you like to spend time with, for example. Then think about how you can achieve those aims without smoking. Looking at why people smoke – and especially, why you yourself smoke – can actually help you quit.

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Top Tips For Stress Relief

Stressful situations are all around you; a deadline at work, an argument with a loved one, or a surprise bill in the mail all easier to handle if you have some tips for stress relief. These are considered temporary stresses and will come and go during your lifetime. To cope with any kind of stress, your best bet is to start off in “a better place”. By that I mean you should do things in your life to help you feel confident and good about yourself. That way you’re better able to cope with any stressful situations that come along, and you may even begin to calmly handle situations that previously stressed you out. Here are some tips for stress relief:

Top Tips For Stress Relief

Top Tips For Stress Relief

Top Tips For Stress Relief

Is your stress real or is it mostly created in your mind? Step away from the situation for a moment and ask yourself if you’re taking it too far and making a mountain out of a molehill. Sometimes it’s helpful to ask yourself, “What would Gandhi (or someone you admire who is laid back) do?” Calm yourself down and talk yourself through it as if you were having a conversation with that person you admire.

Sometimes you have to do something that you simply don’t want to do and this can make you feel stressed. If you must do this thing, don’t procrastinate because this causes the stress to build. Break the task down into smaller, manageable bites and start it. Sometimes just the act of starting can bring stress relief. When possible, get someone to help you or even pay someone to do it for you.

It’s also worth mentioning that poor time management can cause stress. Plan your tasks ahead of time so that you complete them without feeling rushed or forced. You may want to look into actively learning some time management skills.

When stressed, it can be helpful to talk to a friend who is centered, calm, and helpful. Chose someone who can help you put it all in perspective, not someone you can drag down with you. If you don’t know anyone like that, it’s okay to pay someone, i.e. a professional, to help you sort it out.

Can you change what stresses you? If you can, then take action to change it even if you’re afraid to. Taking action is a huge stress reliever. If you can’t change the stressful situation, then realize no amount of worrying about it will help.

Taking care of yourself is very important in preventing and dealing with stress. Learn how to do relaxation breathing, meditation, or yoga. Drink lots of water, get enough sleep, and eat healthy whole foods. Do what you can in these areas, but don’t stress about it if you’re not perfect.

Another big stress reliever is to volunteer and help others. This takes the focus off you and on other people with problems much bigger than yours. You feel good about helping, plus it puts your own worries into proper perspective.

Relief from stress can come from talking to someone who can help, taking care of yourself, taking action instead of dwelling on the problem, and helping others. By following these tips For stress relief you can learn to deal with the stressful situations that come your way.

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