Weight Loss Exercise

Is Running Healthy?

Is running healthy? There are many reasons why people start running. Some run in order to become fit or lose weight. Others like the challenge of competing in a race. Running is one of the best cardio activities and provides many health benefits.

I know that we all know someone that hurt their knees or hips running but really these drawbacks to the sport are usually due to just using poor form Ask any of these people that have hurt themselves is running healthy and they will tell you that is certainly is.

Why is Running Healthy

Running makes you healthy and fit. It is a great way to strengthen your cardiovascular system and keep your heart and lungs healthy. It reduces your risk of having a heart attack. When combined with a healthy diet, running can help normalize your blood pressure and lower your cholesterol level. It also improves your immune system so you don’t get sick easily. To get the best cardio benefits, run at least 30 minutes a day for four or five days a week.

Running helps you lose weight. When you run, your body burns a lot of calories. Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise and helps you shed excess weight. It also builds lean muscles and boosts your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories.

Is Running Healthy

Is Running Healthy

Running give you more energy. When you’re feeling tired or physically drained, a good cardio activity like running can give your energy level a boost. This may seem counter-intuitive but if you feel sluggish after sitting at your desk all day, running will give you back your energy. Running in the morning can also improve your energy level during the day.

Running relieves stress. One of the best reasons to run for health is to remove stress and even mild depression. Running lowers your stress levels. It provides a sense of accomplishment and makes you feel good inside. Studies show that people who exercise regularly are generally happier than those who don’t.

Running improves your mood. When you run, your body releases endorphins. These are hormones that make you feel good and provide a sense of euphoria, commonly called “runner’s high.”

Running keeps you young. High impact activities like running help you prevent bone and muscle loss as you age. Running is a physically demanding exercise and will allow your bones and muscles to grow stronger. It is better than an anti-aging product or procedure. Cardio exercise improves blood circulation and gives a healthy, youthful glow to your skin. Staying young is one of the top reasons to run for health.

Running is cheap. Many forms of exercise for health reasons require expensive equipment and/or a gym membership. Running, on the other hand, is one of the cheapest forms of working out. All you need is a pair of running shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt.

These are all great reasons to start running or to continue running. This is a great sport that will help you improve your health and fitness and make you proud of how you are getting better all the time.

Weight Loss Exercise

Is Running Good for Weight Loss?

Is Running Good for Weight Loss? When coupled with a sensible diet, any form of exercise can help you lose weight. However, running is recognized as one of the best workouts for weight loss. You can burn more calories by running for half an hour than walking for the same length of time. If you’re wondering whether or not running is good for weight loss, the answer is yes.

An aerobic exercise like running elevates your heart rate and strengthens your cardiovascular system. When working out at your aerobic threshold, your body will go into fat-burning mode. Even after you stop running, your body will continue to burn calories as a faster rate. This will help burn more fat and aid in weight loss.

Is Running Good for Weight Loss?

One pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. This means that if you want to shed one pound, you have to burn 3,500 calories more than you consume over a given period of time. Health experts recommend a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week, or up to 8 pounds in one month. Depending on your weight loss goal, you would have to burn an extra 500-1000 calories per day.

Is Running Good for Weight Loss?

Is Running Good for Weight Loss?

On average, an individual weighing 150 pound who runs one mile burns about 100 calories. If you weigh more, you’ll burn slightly more calories. If you weigh less, you’ll burn fewer calories running the same distance. For example, a 120-pound person running at a 5 mile-per-hour pace will burn approximately 88 calories.

In practical terms, a person weighing 180 pounds who runs 5 miles a day will lose around 5 pounds in a month’s time. This weight loss can be achieved without making any changes in the diet.

Not a Fast Solution

While health experts agree when asked is running good for weight loss, it will take time and patience to shed pounds. This can be a problem if people want to see results right away.

Fitness experts also caution that a 10-minute run will not do much for weight loss or cardiovascular health. In order to get the full benefits of cardiovascular exercise, you need to workout and maintain your aerobic threshold for at least 30 minutes.

Long and Slow vs. Short and Fast

Studies show that the best weight loss results take place when people burn 2,800 extra calories per week through exercise. This means that long, slow runs (at least 30 minutes duration) 3 to 4 times a week burn more calories than short, fast runs.

Running is good for weight loss, but keep in mind that it will take time before you reach your desired weight. The good news is that running will also help improve your cardiovascular and overall health.

So you ask is running good for weight loss? And in fact it is although the weight will not come off right away but you will become healthier and lose the weight.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Should You Limit Carbs on the Paleo Diet?

No two people lose weight in the same way. This is why it is hard to determine how many carbs each person should consume every day. Some people may find that they can lose weight while eating 40 grams of carbs each day, while others have to limit their choices to fewer than 20 grams.

In order to find how many carbs you should be consuming you will need to track your weight loss results. Start off by keeping a food and exercise journal. This way you can review it each week and see exactly what you ate and how many pounds you lost.

You should also take into account your exercise level as well. If you are an athlete training for a sporting event you can eat more carbs than a person who is trying to lose weight.

Even though you have your list of recommended foods for the Paleo Diet they each contain different amounts of calories and carbohydrate levels. Just because a food is listed doesn’t mean you can eat them all day in huge quantities. You should take your overall calories into consideration as well.

A good example of this would be nuts. Yes they are allowed on the Paleo diet but they are also very high in calories. Nuts are best used as a snack and limited to a small handful, around 10-12 nuts each day.

Another area to be careful with carbs and sugars is with fruit. Again fruits are healthy and good for you, but some fruits contain large amounts of sugar. If you are trying to lose more than just a few pounds limit your fruit to one or two pieces per day.

Sweet potatoes are another recommended Paleo food but are also high in calories. Eating a sweet potato is a good choice for lunch if you are planning on an afternoon of high activity, such as gardening. Your body needs energy to perform this task and by eating before exercising you can burn off the calories. It is best to avoid eating sweet potatoes for dinner. You are less likely to be active in the evening and the calories will just sit on your body.

When starting out on the Paleo diet limit your choices of high carbohydrate foods and choose those which are rich in fibre such as vegetable. This will help maximize your weight loss efforts.

By keeping track of how many carbs you consume you can see how your body reacts. If you aren’t losing each week then cut back on your carbs and fruits. As you reach your desired weight loss goal you can slowly add these back in.

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