Weight Loss Exercise

Looking back and forward

Just wanted to shoot out a quick email today to give you a maybe tough but really important weekend task.

After a long Summer of fun and vacations I am back online and at the gym hard and heavy. Personally I have been looking this Summer at what works, what motivates people and what makes the difference between success and failure. And wanted to share a bit of that with you today.

Looking back and forwardYou probably know exactly what I am talking about. You start a workout plan, or a diet, or a job search and after a few days you lose interest. It is not only disappointing but I think it weighs down on you the next time you try something new or challenging and right off the bat wonder if YOU can in fact achieve.

How I once Quit Smoking

I remember back when I smoked cigarettes it was the same thing. You try to quit and after a few days nothing seems to have changed and you lose interest. Eventually some trigger in your brain switches and you succeed. It happened to me w2hen I quit smoking, that was a lot of years ago but just want to tell a bit about that story.

I would quit and start, cut down and start, research the best methods and quit and start. Nothing worked and I hated myself for failing. The real change that came was when I just decided that quitting was not important but changing my life was.

So here we are entering the weekend after labor day and I have to wonder if you are looking back on your Summer like me and getting ready for the fall and Christmas (107 shopping days left).

What You Have to Do Now

So maybe this weekend, or even today look longer out. I am sure you do not want to get in shape or lose weight for a dress, some clothes, or to run through the malls faster and more effectively. Look deep down instead, what is your real motivator? Once you have a motivator then sacrifice is not sacrifice. Skipping a chocolate bar, going to a gym, grabbing a smoothie instead of a hamburger is a lot easier.

I started my blog and these posts years ago just to help people get in better shape and it has turned from trying to help 100 people to now being something that consumes me. I know why I do this and wake up in the morning wondering how I can affect the lives of more people. I want to know how I can help you. But first, look deep and see what you really want.

Weight Loss Exercise

How Can You Stop Smoking

How many times have you asked How can you stop smoking and yet here you are still smoking and still trying to quit!  Quitting smoking isn’t easy and most of us who have smoked found it difficult giving up.  Some of us try over and over again and we might stay off the smokes for a few weeks but before we know it we are back smoking a pack a day again.

How Can You Stop Smoking

How Can You Stop Smoking

There are so many health risks from smoking and yet that doesn’t seem to deter many people from starting the habit and often the cravings when you try and quit are just too strong that it is easier to give in to them than to think about the health problems it could bring.


If you successfully answer “How can you stop smoking now” then by quitting smoking your body will have a chance to regenerate and heal from the damage caused by smoking.  If you have a family then your health doesn’t only affect you but it affects all of your family members also.  Not to mention the cost of cigarettes these days is incredibly high!

So if you’ve thought about quitting then there really is no better time than now.  Let’s take a look at our top ten tips that might help you to quit successfully.

10 Tips – How Can You Stop Smoking

How can you stop smoking now Tip 1 – You really need to WANT to quit.  I know you want to quit but do you REALLY WANT to quit.  There is a difference you know!  If you want to quit just because your wife is nagging you or because you can’t afford it, then these reasons often just aren’t enough, you really need to want to do it, deep down inside you need to want it.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 2 – When you know that you really want to quit then you need to believe in yourself and have a positive mindset.  Although you will be fighting cravings when you quit a lot of the issue is mind over matter.  You need the right mindset to be able to fight through those cravings and win the battle.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 3 – Get yourself a small whiteboard or blackboard and write on there the reasons that you want to quit.  Whether you want to quit for health reasons, financial reasons or any other reason, write them down and hang it somewhere that you are going to see it every day.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 4 – Ask your friends and family to support you in your quit smoking journey.  It can be difficult to do it on your own and having someone to support you and encourage you can help you out quite a bit.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 5 – Set a date that you will give up smoking for good.  It could be a month away or three months away, decide on a date and write it in your diary or on your calendar that this is the day you WILL quit.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 6 – Between now and your ‘quit date’ start cutting back on how many cigarettes you smoke.  Cut back in strength as well as the number of cigarettes you smoke each day.  Whenever you feel like a cigarette just tell yourself that you are going to see how long you can go without one and just try to go that little bit longer each time.  Gradually cut back more and more as you get closer to your quitting day.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 7 – Start doing some exercise each day.  Introducing exercise into your routine will give you something else to look forward to and it will also help you to feel healthier which will encourage those positive thoughts that you need for giving up.  Exercise is also a stress relief and your body will be under some stress with the nicotine withdrawals.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 8 – Avoid certain situations where you might have smoked a lot.  For example, if you always have a smoke with a coffee then you might want to either give up coffee too or change your coffee routine.  Perhaps you can try a different brand of coffee, drink your coffee in a different room or something to change the routine so you can drop the old routines in which you would smoke.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 9 – Try to avoid alcohol while quitting as it can be difficult to drink without smoking if you have always been a smoker while drinking.  You might want to avoid pubs and nightclubs for a while until you are confident you can be in those places without smoking.

How can you stop smoking now Tip 10 – Give yourself a reward every now and again.  It is hard work giving up smoking but you can do it and when you do you deserve a reward.  With the money that you are saving on cigarettes, go out and buy yourself something nice.  You have worked hard and deserve a reward for that hard work!

How Can You Stop Smoking
So what if it is really that easy? What if all your beliefs about how hard it is going to be to quit are completely false? What if, after just one session of hypnotherapy or NLP you find it incredibly easy to become and remain a happy, confident non-smoker for life? The reason why hypnotherapy NLP are so successful is because both our beliefs about smoking and our habitual smoking behaviours reside within your unconscious mind. So whilst consciously we may wish to quit, all too often our all powerful unconscious mind simply would not let us.

Check out Quit Smoking Today now.

Start enjoying the many health benefits from quitting smoking.  Although it is difficult it is possible if you are determined enough to do it.  Smoking kills – there is no doubt about that – don’t let it kill you, take action now that you know How can you stop smoking.

Weight Loss Exercise

Is the Zyban Quit Smoking Aid a Good Option for You?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a pill to help you kick the cigarette habit? Well, here’s some good news for you. If you are mentally ready to stop, the Zyban quit smoking aid can be an enormous help to you. Let’s take a quick look at this useful medication.

What is Zyban?

The smoking cessation drug Zyban was originally developed to treat depression, and it is still used for this purpose. However, doctors soon realized that it was also a good treatment for smokers who wanted to quit. This discovery had important implications for those battling to stop their smoking habit once and for all.

How does the Zyban quit smoking aid work?

The Zyban quit smoking aid activates certain hormones in the brain, essentially affecting the brain’s chemistry. When this happens, the cravings that plague smokers are reduced or eliminated. Zyban helps put an end to withdrawal symptoms, making it much easier for smokers to give up cigarettes without feeling deprived.

Zyban is a powerful drug that is not available over the counter. If you are interested in trying the Zyban quit smoking aid, you will need to visit your doctor and get a prescription. Don’t try to borrow this medication or take drugs that were prescribed for another person.

Zyban has a few side effects that can be quite serious. Some people react badly to the drug, and the drug should not be taken with certain other medications. In other words, it is not a safe treatment for every smoker. That’s why it is important to consult your doctor and find out whether you are a suitable candidate for this drug. The Zyban quit smoking aid should only be taken under a doctor’s supervision.

What should you expect from Zyban?

You will need to have realistic expectations about what the Zyban quit smoking aid can do for you. This medication is intended to treat the physical withdrawal symptoms and cravings that you normally experience when you stop smoking. However, it will not really affect your psychological urge to smoke at certain times of the day or after certain activities. You will still need to rearrange your lifestyle and find new activities to replace the behavior of smoking.

Is the Zyban Quit Smoking Aid a Good Option for You?

So what if it is really that easy? What if all your beliefs about how hard it is going to be to quit are completely false? What if, after just one session of hypnotherapy or NLP you find it incredibly easy to become and remain a happy, confident non-smoker for life? The reason why hypnotherapy NLP are so successful is because both our beliefs about smoking and our habitual smoking behaviours reside within your unconscious mind. So whilst consciously we may wish to quit, all too often our all powerful unconscious mind simply would not let us.

Check out Quit Smoking Today now.

Zyban is not appropriate for everyone, and it is not effective for everyone who uses it. However, if you are mentally ready to stop smoking and you are willing to go to your doctor for help, this medication can be of great benefit.