Weight Loss Exercise

How and Why to Keep An Exercise Journal

Sticking to a fitness or weight loss program is never easy. However, you’re far more likely to keep going if you can see that you’re making progress. This is where an exercise journal comes in. It’s a great way to keep yourself motivated through those times when you’re just not feeling it, and it’ll also help you to form great habits.

How to Create Your Own Exercise Journal

wordartThe crucial part about keeping an exercise journal is that it needs to become part of your daily routine. This means that it needs to be simple enough so that you’ll actually bother with it! This is why you’ll probably want to avoid creating something overly complicated.

If it helps, go out and buy a brand new notebook in a design you really like, along with some brand new pens for writing in the journal. You don’t need to do this, but it could give you that extra excitement you need to get going!

You could also purchase a journal designed specifically for this purpose. There are a number available, and they are basically designed as fill-in-the-blanks diary books. It’s something you can do yourself, but buying one ready made will save you some money.

What To Note In Your Journal

If you’re into strength training and bodybuilding then it makes sense to note down your sets and reps. Every week or month you can go back over this information and see how you’re able to endure more and more as time goes on. You can also use this information to get bigger by using a technique known as progressive overload, which basically means you’re always using heavier and heavier weights.

For cardio and stretching sessions an exercise journal can be used to note down what you did and how long you did it for. If you’re using gym equipment, you can note down some of the top stats from your workout. You can then use this information to motivate you when you’re not feeling it, or to help you overcome any plateau in your workouts. If you’ve gotten lazy lately, use your journal to find out a way to push yourself just higher than you’ve ever worked out before.

In short, an exercise journal is a perfect tool to keep you aware of your previous goals and to give you something to work towards. It can be a huge boost to your motivation, and could mean the difference between success and failure!

Weight Loss Exercise

How To Create Weight Loss Goals You Can Really Stick To

How many of us have created a weight loss or fitness goal that we gave up on just a few weeks, or even days, later? Most of us create weight loss goals that are not realistic, and give up when we don’t see the results we want.

Here are some things you should know when you are trying to lose weight:

First of all, it’s important to know healthy weight loss means losing up to two pounds a week, give or take. This is likely the amount that your body will be losing on a weekly basis.

There are diets that may promise you a loss of ten pounds a week or something along those lines, but those are diets that will mostly rid you of water weight, and sometimes muscle. Why muscle? When your calorie count is too low, your body will feed on muscle first before it will feed on fat. So, don’t ever go on a very low-calorie diet unless supervised by a doctor.

There are many ways you can lose weight, but the best would probably be by combining a low-calorie diet with exercise. This way, you don’t have to eat too little, and at the same time you will be getting fitter.

How To Set Healthy Goals

Setting healthy goals is simple. Before you start, think about your lifestyle now. What is it that you can cut out that will reduce your calorie count? Are there foods that you are not yet willing to stop eating? Also, can you incorporate exercise into your daily routine? How much are you willing to reduce when it comes to your calorie count? These are some of the things you should consider.

If you are taking things slow, which you should, then you should aim for a loss of about one pound a week. If you are working out heavily though, you can aim higher, for about two to four pounds a week. If you see a bigger loss than that on the scale, then that’s a bonus!

Setting realistic weight loss goals is important so that you don’t end up disappointed and give up altogether. Indeed, weight loss is a slow process, but in the end, it’s definitely worth the effort. So eat healthy, exercise regularly, and change your lifestyle to a healthier one, so that the weight slips off, and stays off, in the long run. Start your journey, keep at it, and don’t give up!

Weight Loss Exercise

30 Day Fitness Challenge

Today I am starting a 30 day fitness challenge. I know that it may seem strange that the owner of a blog dedicated to fitness is starting a fitness challenge with himself but it is high time.

We all move forward in lurches, making changes small and large and then coasting a bit until the next go round and I am the same as anyone. This Summer I have been doing a lot of coasting, exercising randomly, eating only so so and just letting myself enjoy Summer in a somewhat lazy way.

Not Anymore

We got back from camping a few days ago and now I have decided that it is time to do a 30 day fitness challenge to get myself back in tip top shape. I weighed myself last night and I am sitting at 203.4 pounds and my daughter took before pics of me (not sharing those till later) and so today I am getting everything cleaned up as far as diet and exercise are concerned.

30 Day Fitness Challenge Starters

Preplanning meals – I will be preplanning the weeks meals so we don’t eat take out as much

Portion control – This is a big one for me. My wife cooks very healthy stuff but I don’t always say no when I should

Junk Food – I am not very good lately. I have more than my one allotted treat per day but at least I have given up the coke and coffee that were such a problem over the years

Everyday Exercise – I am not exercising daily and I can feel it in my strength, agility, energy, and concentration on tasks. Also I get tired easily (sleepy tired I mean)

Prioritize Rest and Fun – I have not been prioritizing much lately and it is starting to show. I need the “To do” and “Not to do” lists to come back into my life

Keep my mind sharp – I have to start trying new things and getting my mind sharp by doing the things that I am not familiar with, maybe a new sport but at least changing a few things up in my regular daily routine.

So that’s me. how about you? Are you interested in following along or taking part? I will be posting lots of my findings, feelings, and frustrations, so we can all go through this together.

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