Weight Loss Exercise

Fitness Tips for Men: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you concerned about the extra pounds on your belly? You should be. Studies show that overweight men whose waistlines exceed 40 inches are at greater risk of suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. Fortunately, it’s not that difficult to get back in shape.

The following fitness tips for men will help you lose excess weight, develop muscles, and make you healthier than ever before.

1. Shed extra weight

As you grow older, your metabolism starts to decline. Men who are in their 40′s or older are more likely to gain weight. Shed those extra pounds by exercising regularly and eating a sensible diet. Keep in mind that diet and exercise go together to help you burn fat faster.

2. Improve your cardiovascular health with aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is one of the best fitness tips for men. According to fitness experts, aerobic exercise can help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

Aerobic exercise elevates the heart rate, improves blood circulation and boosts your endurance. If you are a beginner, it’s best to start your exercise regimen by walking. Later on, you can include jogging, swimming, or biking as your fitness level improves.

Aim for 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise five times a week.

3. Build muscles

Fitness Tips for Men: A Beginners GuideMost men love exercises for muscle building. Strength training is important for men because muscle loss is inevitable as you age. Weight lifting helps prevent muscle loss and keeps you strong.

For beginners, start by lifting dumbbells and lighter weights. Choose weights that you can lift to exhaustion after 12 reps while maintaining proper form. Exercises that make use of your body weight for resistance are also recommended, such as pushups and pull-ups.

Perform weight-training exercises at least three times a week, and be sure to work out all major muscle groups every week. Muscles increase your metabolic rate so you burn calories faster.

4. Eat healthy

Proper nutrition is a fitness tip for men that should never be ignored. You cannot become fit if you do not eat properly. Look for diet plans that will help you lose weight while increasing muscle mass. This means your diet should be rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, whole grain cereals, beans and healthy fats.

5. Drink plenty of water

People often forget that the human body needs water to stay healthy and function properly. Plain water is what your body needs, not soda or sweetened fruit juices. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily.

The best fitness tip for men who are serious about their health is to exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, and live a healthy lifestyle.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Benefits of Weight Training Exercises

Once confined to bodybuilders with huge muscular physiques, weight training is now gaining acceptance from men who want to bulk up their body and women who want toned muscles and stronger bones. People who go to the gym or work out at home find it beneficial to add weight training exercises to their fitness regimen.

While fitness experts recognize the importance of cardio workouts, the consensus in physical fitness these days is to include strength training for overall fitness. Cardio workouts increase the oxygen levels in the body and helps burn fat.

However, weight training exercises are also important if you want to firm up your abdomen, thighs, arms, and hips. Cardiovascular exercises can cause your body to sag, but when accompanied by weight training exercises you will have a wonderfully toned and firm body. Strength training exercises offer the following benefits:

* Improve your muscular strength and endurance- Weight training exercises will make you stronger and help your muscles work longer.

* Improve functional capacity and ability- Working out with weights will improve your coordination and balance and help you avoid injuries. For example, you’ll find it easier to climb stairs and reduce the risk of falling.

* Lower blood pressure- People who lift weights experience normal blood pressure levels.

* Prevent osteoporosis- Studies show that strength training exercises lower the risk of osteoporosis especially in women. Lifting weights will help make your bones stronger.

* Increase your resting metabolic rate- Weight training exercises help raise your metabolism. Because muscles burn more calories than fat, if you have more muscles your body will burn more calories throughout the day.

* Improve psychological wellbeing- When you exercise, you will feel good about yourself. This will increase your confidence and self-esteem.

* Reduce lower back pain– People who exercise have less body fat and stronger core muscles. This helps minimize the risk of lower back pain.

Choosing a Weight Training Exercise Routine

For all-around physical fitness, your workout program should include exercises for cardiovascular endurance, strength training, and muscular endurance. You should also include routines to enhance your body’s flexibility.

Weight training exercises for men and women differ slightly. Women usually work out with lighter weights and lesser sets. Also, men go through weight training exercises to bulk up while women prefer to tone their muscles without putting on too much bulk.

You can do weight training exercises at home if you do not have access to a gym. When working out at home, you will need basic exercise equipment such as dumbbells, weight bench, resistance bands, etc. Some weight training exercises like leg extensions and lateral pull-ups require exercise machines that you can find in a gym. You may want to buy some exercise equipment for your home gym, or do other weight training exercises that will work out the same muscles without the use of an exercise machine.

Diet Pills

2 Things You May not Know About Fat Loss

It is a sad and very unfortunate fact that many people and companies take advantage of the lucrative weight loss industry, by convincing people that their latest gadget will do wonders for their weight problems. These unscrupulous people and companies fool the public into believing that their gadgets really work. The truth is, abdomen flatteners or thigh trimmers really do not work and tests prove they don’t, but still people fall for the lies some companies tell them. In nearly all cases these gadgets do not work for people and are just a complete waste of money.

Now the time has come to put these so called wonder gadgets to bed and tell the truth so that people will gradually learn and stop buying these useless machines. People who seriously want to lose weight are being fooled into purchasing these wonder machines and it does nothing to help them. So, here are two things you need to know about fat loss in order to make sure you do not become another victim.

Exercising in the morning will not help you burn off more fat than exercising at any other time of the day. Let’s face it, physical activity is going to help you burn fat and it really doesn’t matter when you exercise as long as you exercise. Don’t be fooled by companies that tell you to use their exercise machines first thing in the morning. It really doesn’t matter when you exercise one bit.

Alongside that, it is not possible for many to exercise first thing in the morning. Most people have to go to work or have other things to do. These people need to do their exercise in the afternoons or early evenings.

Some people though will have more energy in the morning of course and for these people they should go ahead and exercise first thing, but please do not believe that you will get the most benefit from exercising in the morning before you do anything else.

There is no such thing a spot fat reduction. It is fitness experts who fool people into believing this foolish notion so that they can sell a gadget or something to them. Do not believe this myth or you will end up buying something that says it will help with spot reduction of fat for special areas of your body, like your stomach or thighs. The only thing you will spot reduce with these gadgets is your bank balance!

No matter how or where on your body you try to lose weight, ultimately it is your body that will decide which fat to burn. It will always win no matter what you do. Some people will lose fat around their buttocks or thighs, while others will firstly lose it around the waist or face area. Don’t be fooled into believing that doing hundreds of sit ups each day will burn fat around your abdominal area. Just doing abdominal exercises will simply help you to lose your abdomen muscles and lose no fat!

I hope this article helps you to understand important things about fat loss. Check out more of my articles here to help you with your fat loss desires.