Diet Pills

Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets Uncovered

I am doing this review based on my own experience. Just to give you a heads up on who I am, my name is Janet Carter, I am 35 years old, a single mom juggling PTA meetings and client reports. I have been on the chubby side for the most part of my life and for the rest, I was on the really heavy side (this was my post-pregnancy years).
I have tried countless fad diets that took me to a whole new level of yo-yoing in terms of weight, I have given up on exercising as it just could not fit into my schedule and I promised myself I will not use any one of those diet pills out in the market as they just make me feel very energetic for a few minutes, then they make me feel drained for the rest of the day.
I was working like a horse to feed my family and I act as a father and a mother to my 12 year old daughter which drains every ounce of energy that I have. I was a few pounds over weight, okay more than a few pounds at that and it makes me feel inferior in so many times.
This was me and this was my life. That is, before I discovered the top secret fat loss diet that jump started me to a better and healthier body.
The plan in itself is very simple. Once you purchase the program for a couple of bucks, you get the top secret fat loss meal generator that will make and plan your meals following your food preferences. Its 4-meal plan structure is done in such a way that you are never hungry because you get to eat every 2. 5 hours.
The reason why this fat loss diet worked for me is due to the simplicity of the plan. As was mentioned earlier, you get to eat 4 meals a day. 4 meals consisting of food items that you fancy, thus it is really easy stick to a diet plan. Then, you also get to eat every 2. 5 hours so you do not feel hungry and energy deprived. More so, you will feel that you are full of energy because you get your dose of calories every 2. 5 hours!
This fat loss diet promises that you can lose at least 9 pounds in 11 days. For me, I actually lost 11 pounds in 11 days! I was also surprised myself as I never felt this healthy and full of energy in my entire life.
And do you know what I did to celebrate this?
After 11 days, I ate a slice of strawberry pie. And yes, this is okay with this glorious top secret fat loss diet plan. After 11 days of dieting, the plan gives you 3 whole days to “cheat” wherein you can eat almost whatever you want, so long as you do not binge.
So now, after 1 month into the plan, I am down 2 dress sizes and I have never felt better.

General Weight Loss Tips

Tom Venuto Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Review

Trying desperately to lose that excess fat? So May I suggest searching the web for Tom Venuto. You're probably wondering who this guy is. Well, Tom Venuto is a fitness expert who has become popular in his 340-page ebook entitled "Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. It also has numerous articles for magazines bodybuilding and weight loss and is considered an expert in nutrition and bodybuilding.

The ebook has a step by step guide to lose weight without using drugs or any other supplement. One of the things I like about the guide is that it does not use it to recommend bodybuilding pills or weight loss.

I have read many other books of weight loss and many times, you will find recommendations to buy this pill weight loss or weight training equipment, etc. Tom Venuto makes no recommendations. It does not recommend that you take the diet pills and most exercises do not require you to have access to the gym.

Like many others I was skeptical at first because I had tried so many ways trying to lose excess fat for years. I have read several books on diet and exercise. I even bought several of the exercise equipment.

Ultimately, my body fat just continues to come back and the worst is that I even won several books. I tried several methods of power limiting your food preferences. Being a carnivore does not fit with my diet program. Exercise is even worse.

After my workout, I usually end up very hungry and eat more. Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle book will explain why this happens and why diets do not work. Book Tom to help me understand my body and how muscles and your metabolism are important for fat burning.

All this is explained in simple terms and it was easy to read. Tom presents a realistic and scientific way to lose weight. It does not guarantee you lose weight quickly, but his methods are well tested and proven.

The guide is very large about 340 pages and are not those of large font size either. It took me about a week to finish reading and begin to implement the exercise and nutrition routine.

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