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Health Risks of Childhood Obesity

There is a lot of concern over the growing rate of childhood obesity today.  In the United States, at least one child in every five is overweight or obese.  Genetic factors play a role but the primary causes of obesity are consumption of high-calorie foods and inadequate physical activity.

Due to the rising rate of obesity, weight-related diseases are becoming common among children and adolescents.  There are many health risks of childhood obesity, including the following.

Health Risks of Childhood Obesity

Type 2 DiabetesType 2 diabetes is a chronic disease linked to childhood obesity.  An increasing number of overweight children and teenagers suffer from this medical condition.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in three children in the United States will develop diabetes in their lifetime.

High Blood PressureChildren who are obese or overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, which can lead to other health risks such as heart disease.

Cardiovascular Disease – Overweight children often suffer from high cholesterol levels as well as high blood pressure.  These two medical conditions are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.  Hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis is linked to high cholesterol levels in the blood, and is the most common cause of heart disease.  It can begin as early as childhood in overweight children.

Health Risks of Childhood Obesity

Health Risks of Childhood Obesity

Breathing Problems – Other health risks associated with child obesity are asthma and sleep apnea.  A large number of overweight children suffer from asthma.  Obese children can also have trouble sleeping as a result of obstructive sleep apnea.  This is a serious breathing disorder wherein the sufferer’s breathing is briefly interrupted during sleep.  If left untreated, apnea can lead to heart failure.

Gallstones and Liver Problems – Children and teenagers who are obese are likely to have gallstones.  Obese children are also at risk of fatty liver disease and liver problems that could lead to cirrhosis.

Orthopedic and Other Complications – Excessive weight bearing down on the body can cause orthopedic and joint problems.  Obese children suffer more often from fractures, muscle problems, arthritis, joint pain and bone deformities.

Metabolic Syndrome – It is estimated that 25% to 40% of overweight children will develop metabolic syndrome that could lead to diabetes and heart ailments.  Metabolic syndrome linked to weight problems include high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and abnormal lipid levels.

Future Health Risks – Child obesity carries health risks not only in the present but also in the future.  Children and teenagers who are overweight or obese are more likely to become obese adults.  Obesity in adults has a direct negative impact on their health and well-being.  In addition to increased cardiovascular risk, adults who are obese are more likely to suffer from diabetes and to develop certain forms of cancer.

What You Can Do Now

Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that should be dealt with as early as possible.  There are treatment options for obese children, such as diet and gastric bypass, but health professional believe that prevention is the best way to combat childhood obesity.  Parents should provide a balanced and healthy diet for their children.  They should also set a good example by leading a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious foods, and encouraging their children to participate in regular physical activities.


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What is Sytrinol?

Multiple clinical trials have demonstrated that Sytrinol acts synergistically to significantly improve total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides up to 30%, 27%, and 34%, respectively, compared to placebo. Sytrinol has also been shown to increase HDL levels. Additionally, Sytrinol is a powerful anti-oxidant with numerous heart health benefits including the reduction of arterial plaque, improved glycemic control and reduced blood platelet aggregation.

What is Sytrinol?

Multiple studies show that Sytrinol decreases total cholesterol by 30%, low density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad cholesterol, by 27%, and triglycerides by 34%. In addition, high density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol, increases four percent.

Sytrinol works by decreasing the oxidation of the bad cholesterol, a factor in plaque formation and narrowing coronary arteries. Sytrinol also decreases inflammation of arteries, which is believed to be associated with increased risk of coronary attack. And by lubricating platelets, the small blood particles responsible for blood clot formation, there’s less chance of one forming in coronary arteries.

The dose of Sytrinol is 300 milligrams once a day and well tolerated with no reported complications, even when 50 times the regular dose is prescribed. Preferred Nutrition Sytrinol is available at most health food stores.

Studies show that Cholesterol-lowering drugs can decrease Co-Q10 by as much as 40%. It’s like draining the car’s gas tank. Moreover, the higher the dose of CLD, the more Co-Q10 is removed for the heart’s muscle. A number of authorities believe that by continually robbing the heart of Co-Q10, doctors may be setting the stage for a future epidemic of congestive heart failure.


Weight Loss Exercise

Health Risks of Obesity

Health Risks of Obesity

Health Risks of Obesity

One of the issues I deal with every day on this blog are the effects of obesity and I tried to help everyone by giving the fixes. Eat better, exercise, make sure you rest but also live an active lifestyle. The trouble is that I sometimes feel like the problems fall on deaf ears and people just think that tomorrow they will start working on making themselves look better.

Well tomorrow never comes, you have to work at improving your health today.

There are far bigger problems than simply your appearance. Being obese leads to lots of other health problems and this article is about these health risks of obesity. If you want to be scared into change these 10 health risks should do it to you.

There are many health risks of obesity. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a clear definition of obesity. A high BMI is bad for the health of an individual. It shows that the person has a poor, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity in their life. Obesity makes you weak and slows down your physiological functions. It can even lead to a very serious illness.

There are various diseases that are connected to obesity and they are:

Cardiovascular Problems due to obesity

Obese people develop congestible heart failure. This is a condition in which the individual’s heart is not capable of pumping enough blood to the different body organs. In turn, they cannot carry on with their normal physiological functions.

Some people also get an enlarged heart which is usually caused by the thickening of the heart muscle. This happens because of the increased workload of the heart which further increases its size. And this is all because of the excess fat in your body.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome due to obesity

Women who are obese have the tendency to develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The ovaries develop cysts due to high levels of the male hormone Androgen which is secreted in high amounts. The women end up missing their periods and suffering from menstrual disorders. Some females also develop fibroids, benign growths, in the muscles of the uterus. This disturbs their menstrual cycle, causing pain and heavy bleeding. At times most women also turn infertile due to obesity and this may end up ruining their life. That is why you should try to follow an active lifestyle to stay fit and in good shape.

Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease due to obesity

Obese people develop gastro intestinal problems. They may have growths that act as a valve between the esophagus and stomach. Sometimes they open up spontaneously and cause the stomach contents of the stomach, including its digestive juices, to rise up. The people end up feeling severe heart burn. This medical condition may cause more serious medical complications.

Fatty Liver Diseases due to obesity

The accumulation of fat can cause liver damage, inflammation and the formation of fibrous tissue in this vital organ. This can cause cirrhosis, which is irreversible liver scaring. This condition may also lead to cancer in the end.

It is always best for you to eat healthy food, drink adequate amounts of water and be physically active. In this way, all your body organs will perform their regular functions perfectly.

Choleithiasis due to obesity

This is the term used for development of gall stones. These usually form when the cholesterol levels in the body increase. The gall stones are formed by the hardening of the bile. This hinders the digestion of body fat.

Colorectal Cancer due to obesity

Obesity leads to colorectal cancer. It may promote the development of cancerous growths in the colon, appendix and rectum. This is the second most common type of cancer in the world and obese people fall victim to it mostly.

Chronic Renal Failure due to obesity

Obesity is the leading cause of many illnesses, as it weakens the organs of the body and their functioning and lowers immunity. Obese people may suffer from chronic renal failure. This condition is characterized by the gradual and progressive loss of the kidneys’ ability to filter the waste material in the body. This can lead to life threatening situations, if the condition is not treated in due time.

Urinary Incontinence due to obesity

Women usually end up with this problem, as obesity causes loss of bladder control. This lack of control results in mild urine leakages, but it can also turn into uncontrollable wetting. This surely causes great embarrassment. When you are unable to control your bladder, you might suffer from urinary tract infections too. For all these reasons, it’s best to do pelvic exercises that will help you improve your bladder control. These should be accompanied by a weight loss diet as well.

Stretch Marks due to obesity

Obesity causes stretch marks that make your skin look ugly and rough. That is why you should try to lose weight in a healthy way by adopting good eating habits and a regular exercise program. This will help you to stay fit and elegant.

Respiratory Disorders due to obesity

Many obese people also have difficulty breathing. Some suffer from sleep apnea. This is a sleep disorder in which the patients stop breathing for short durations of time while asleep and end up with an oxygen deficiency. In extreme obesity cases, patients also end up with Hypoventilation Syndrome. They can’t breathe normal levels of oxygen.

In order to avoid all these diseases caused by obesity, you need a healthy diet and exercise.

James has been writing articles about health issues for over 5 years. Please visit his latest website about Obesity at Obesity Articles, with information relating to Health Risks of Obesity, and with ideas and discussions that anyone suffering from this condition would be interested in.

I hope that these Health Risks of Obesity are a good warning sign to you