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Fat Loss for idiots: My own experience

I faced the hump for the past 20 years something of my life. In college and high school children around me were particularly cruel as they called me names that I prefer to forget. I have always lived a normal life, laughing It Off or telling rude remarks about myself as well which kind of mechanism has become my fight, but the words still hurt to this day.
  And it's not like I've never tried to make me lose weight. I read a review idiot proof diet after another review idiot proof diet, in the hope of any products mentioned could let me know that the system idiot proof as I expected. I tried low calorie diets, diets low in carbohydrates, diets low in fat, diet after 6, the scheme Herbalife, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. All these seemed to get me to lose like a pound or two, after a week of grueling sacrifices food but I can not stick. The diet low in calories and low in fat, I felt weak, I had to miss a day of work, diet low in carbohydrates made me miss the bread so I was already dreaming about it and the others were just so darn expensive to continue. So I had to stop.
  Then, as I was doing my weekly review idiot proof diet, I finally read an article about Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The article was a man who tried it and it changed his life so that I thought I better check the website of the so-called idiot proof system and see for myself if it ' is really for my money.
  The website itself was fun to see and all the facts I'm interested. Thus, feeling excited and a little nervous because I am embarking on another diet plan, I purchased the Fat Loss 4 Idiots access.
  Basically, how the plan works is that I get to eat 4 times a day, eating food I like and after 11 days, I get a "break" in the plan and I am authorized to eat whatever the hell I want (understandable in moderation of course). Certainly a system idiot proof, right?
  It may not sound like a desire to lose weight but how the plan works, it "shocks" your body by eating beyond the usual activities at intervals of 2 and a half hours drive from the other, so that your body will burn calories faster than it did before.
  And the results? Absolutely, totally FANTASTIC! I'm afraid it seems to be overselling the product, but after 2 months in the plan, I lost 30 pounds, I had to do an overhaul of my wardrobe and I believe continue to flow the bulge.
  I suppose the secret why this idiot proof system works is the third day "free to eat this" day you can have some fun guilt free, then return to your diet the next few days after.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Program

Do you want to learn more about the Fat Loss 4 Idiots very popular program for weight loss? The thing I personally found the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program is that you can lose a few pounds simply by following a diet. You do not need to exercise. You've probably heard that it is not possible to lose weight without regular exercise, but it is likely that the same people who told you this has yet to discover the Idiot Proof Diet Plan. That said, here's a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this system online.

So what is so special about this program can work for almost everyone who tries?

The particularity of Fat Loss 4 Idiots makes it different from other diet programs online is their way of shifting calories.

Most people know all about diet low in calories that are popular. The truth is that diets low in calories usually only for a few weeks. During the first weeks of these programs, you will lose weight, and then you will probably regain all the weight you've tried so hard to lose. Why this happens so regularly? The human body maintains its energy as fat. If something like this could threaten our deposits of fat, the body will slow down our metabolism. When our metabolism is slow, our ability to burn fat is considerably reduced.

On the other side of this problem is the high heat problem. When you eat many foods that are high in calories, your metabolism is not able to burn all the calories as fast as you take them in. While some of the calories will be converted to energy, the rest of the calories stored in fat cells of the body.

The displacement method is a calorie feeding method in which you must eat a variety of foods depending on the number of calories each food. You eat a variety of both low-calorie foods and foods high in calories at each meal. In doing so, your body will keep your metabolic rate up. Another plus for fat loss 4 Idiots program is that instead of two large meals you eat four small meals each day.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan has drawbacks and advantages. The main advantage of this program is that you do not have to buy special foods or dietary supplements to lose weight. With this program you do eat ordinary food – you just have to make sure you regulate the amount of calories you intake each day.

The program's main drawback is that it does not help you build or tone your muscles. Leaner muscles help keep the process of rapid weight loss stay. The program does not require exercise, but it's a good idea to at least a little cardiovascular exercise a few times a week. You will be able to lose weight with Fat Loss 4 Idiots, but exercise can help speed the process along! It can be as simple as going for a walk 3-4 times a week. It can really multiply your results.