Weight Loss Exercise

And My Favorite Diet Plan? Weight Watchers

OK I get to finally talk about which plan I support for weight control. Over the years I have seen all the diets come and go. My dad years back did the Mayo Clinic diet, my wife joined Jenny Craig, and I have a bookshelf full of books starting with Susan Powter’s ‘Stop The Insanity’, Atkins Diet books, the GI Diet, Dr Phil’s Diet books and even more that I can even think of without standing in front of the bookshelf.

So what’s my favorite? It’s Weight Watchers. My wife joined Weight Watchers a few years back before getting pregnant with our second and I was more than a little skeptical. Over the years we learned so much about our diets, exercise and the role that weights cardio, carbs, fats, protein, and water played in our lives that I was pretty sure we could do it ourselves. Lastly I was nervous about how my wife Michelle was going to do as Jenny Craig had not gone well and she was talking about gastro banding surgery¦.this is something that I am not a big fan of at all unless as a last resort.

Well I was apparently wrong. Weight Watchers has a very simple system for weight loss by giving a point value to every food based on the calories, fat and fiber. Weight Watchers also has people mark down in a journal all of the fats and water taken in as well as number of servings of fruit. One really important factor to me is that weight watchers does not ban certain foods but instead preaches portion control and the ideals of healthy eating. This means that you will not get bored of the food and stray off of your diet, in fact it never feels like a diet to us but just a responsible way of eating.

Although the weight loss that Michelle has experienced is not like on The Biggest Loser TV show it is consistent and it has been really great to see the results. One of the really great things about Weight Watchers is the support that they give, Michelle goes to a meeting every Saturday morning where she weighs in and then a leader talks about holiday eating or motivation or what to replace problem goods with and at the end of the meeting Michele will often come home with a great new recipe.

Our family is definitely a Weight Watchers family with her watching the way she eats every day but more importantly we have great meals that are easy to make and not to strict and the whole family eats the same meal for dinner instead of us having a diet meal and three regular meals.

There are Weight Watchers meetings in practically every city in North America and there is great online support as well with an extensive website and numerous internet message boards.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Jennifer Hudson on Oprah

Jennifer Hudson on Oprah

Jennifer Hudson after the weight loss

I have to say that I don’t often watch Oprah but today Jennifer Hudson was on and it was interesting to see many of the interesting spots. Oprah showed Jennifer Hudson’s journey from a bit flabby to fab  after losing 80 pounds. Jennifer Hudson also talked a lot about her life including the tragedy of the family murders that happened last year.

Jennifer Hudson Loses Along With Family

Just as we see with many families where one person is overweight the rest of the family was in the same spot and many of the Jennifer Hudson family lost weight. 75 of Jennifers friends joined her on the weight loss journey. Wow

Jennifer Hudson lost weight on Weight Watchers as a spokesperson for the company. I always think that this must be terrible pressure, lose weight and have people critique you while you are on TV commercials. It was funny too to see one of the commercial breaks have a Jenny Craig commercial.

Of course they had the bra fitting for the family. What is it with Oprah and proper bra fittings on the episodes? Being a guy maybe I will never understand but my wife gets it.

Also Tim Gunn was on and said that Jennifer was among the best dressed in Hollywood already before but now she is even more qualified to be best dressed with her new hot bod. Tim Gunn also redressed a bunch of family and friends on the show which was a crowd favorite

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Diet Pills

Fat Loss for idiots: My own experience

I faced the hump for the past 20 years something of my life. In college and high school children around me were particularly cruel as they called me names that I prefer to forget. I have always lived a normal life, laughing It Off or telling rude remarks about myself as well which kind of mechanism has become my fight, but the words still hurt to this day.
  And it's not like I've never tried to make me lose weight. I read a review idiot proof diet after another review idiot proof diet, in the hope of any products mentioned could let me know that the system idiot proof as I expected. I tried low calorie diets, diets low in carbohydrates, diets low in fat, diet after 6, the scheme Herbalife, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. All these seemed to get me to lose like a pound or two, after a week of grueling sacrifices food but I can not stick. The diet low in calories and low in fat, I felt weak, I had to miss a day of work, diet low in carbohydrates made me miss the bread so I was already dreaming about it and the others were just so darn expensive to continue. So I had to stop.
  Then, as I was doing my weekly review idiot proof diet, I finally read an article about Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The article was a man who tried it and it changed his life so that I thought I better check the website of the so-called idiot proof system and see for myself if it ' is really for my money.
  The website itself was fun to see and all the facts I'm interested. Thus, feeling excited and a little nervous because I am embarking on another diet plan, I purchased the Fat Loss 4 Idiots access.
  Basically, how the plan works is that I get to eat 4 times a day, eating food I like and after 11 days, I get a "break" in the plan and I am authorized to eat whatever the hell I want (understandable in moderation of course). Certainly a system idiot proof, right?
  It may not sound like a desire to lose weight but how the plan works, it "shocks" your body by eating beyond the usual activities at intervals of 2 and a half hours drive from the other, so that your body will burn calories faster than it did before.
  And the results? Absolutely, totally FANTASTIC! I'm afraid it seems to be overselling the product, but after 2 months in the plan, I lost 30 pounds, I had to do an overhaul of my wardrobe and I believe continue to flow the bulge.
  I suppose the secret why this idiot proof system works is the third day "free to eat this" day you can have some fun guilt free, then return to your diet the next few days after.