Weight Loss Exercise

Gratitude, Thankfulness, and Forgivness

This one thing has everything to do with the way you look at your life and how you treat others and I think that it can make a huge difference internally to the way you look at yourself and those around you

Gratitude, thankfulness, and forgiveness will change your life

We all live a life judging others, judging ourselves and trying to change people to conform with the views and opinions that we have. Well maybe not always but often anyway. We all know what is right and wrong for certain things and with others we are not so sure. That’s just human nature. The times I see that in myself are in the times that I “think” that I am sure of the truth and at the same time I find I don’t judge or try to change opinions in places that I do not have a hard and fast view.

I have found though that it is important to break down the ego and look at gratitude, thankfulness, and forgiveness as much as I can so that I can be open to change and learn  more from others, this brings me to a higher, better consiousness and a far better place to accept myself and see my own flaws.

The ego is the enemy more than anything. So how do we do these things?

Gratitude – To have gratitude we have to see where we are and what we have in our lives that is good. Everyone can harp on their weight, bad job, unsupportive people in their lives, but really this does not ever help us to move forward. Instead try and make sure that you are always and only looking at the best of things in your life. Sure you can change things in your life but if you are always looking at the crap in your life it is hard to move forward.

So always be grateful for the great things, situation, and people in your life as an anchor. Many people use a gratitude journal or just write down once a day the 10 things that they are grateful for at that very moment

Thankfulness – In all areas of your life you have to promote the people and situations that you are in at that very moment. This is really thankfulness. I personally look at gratitude as being the whole of my life and thankfulness at the little things at that instant to be thankful for. The sunny day, the guy that lets me in in traffic, the kids listening to me, and especially a big hug from my wife. Thankfulness is critical to making sure that you understand that life is not going through the motions but is instead a fantastic bunch of little situations and events that make a life full.

Forgiveness – This is a hard thing for most people, me included. Forgiveness simply means that no matter what happens bad in your life you are willing to forgive the person that did it. You can’t hold onto anger, fear and resentment in your life as it will harden you and suck out the great emotions in life and instead fill you with sadness and hatred.

So that guy that bumps ahead of you in line, he’s probably in a big hurry, forgive. The coworker that puts you down in a meeting, they have ego issues, forgive. The kids drinking next door and keeping the neighborhood awake late into a Saturday night, they are having fun and don’t even realize people are hoping to sleep, forgive them.

Forgiveness is the toughest of the three here because you are hurt by the situation and often the other person is not at all. Forgiveness as I said though is critical because you can never move forward if you are resenting others, believe me I tried.

For anyone that is a Christian or Jewish, or Muslim this is not news. Religion has taught these truths for thousands of years but that fact is that most people don’t actually practice these in their day to day lives. I am sure, actually I can promise you, that If you integrate gratitude, thankfulness, and forgiveness into your daily life if will really change you and help you move forward.

General Weight Loss Tips

Hand Me a Tissue

I don’t want to start this blog out by saying “I’ve been sick”, because that’s just not fun. It’s April and like clockwork, I’ve got a stuffy nose, itchy ears, piles of tissues everywhere and a cough to come. I haven’t tasted or smelled food in days. Many, many days. It takes the fun out of eating. Lately I just eat because I’m hungry and I have to. That’s a concept!

Last week I started emailing my daily food and calories to my dear friend of a million years and it felt so refreshing to say to someone “guess what? I had two smoothies and a subway sandwich today” without a return comment about balance, or how I should be eating more of this or less of that. Sometimes that’s all I want, peace with imperfection and less justification.

I know that for me, as soon as I start creating rules and rituals about what I should and should not eat, I get into obsessive eating trouble. Not that I don’t aim to have better eating habits, it’s just that so often I find that I create them more out of the approval of other people rather than my own belief system which is balance and moderation.

And that’s that. Moving on.

Edit: And of course, after writing this I go and read this wonderful post by Andie from Can You Stay For Dinner? Her post is so good, and so well written that I want to go to Seattle and give her a parade. Read: The Weight Loss Dilemma. 

My favorite line:

“Please know that there is nothing wrong with eating as cleanly as one can. (If you do and if you strive to- I applaud you.) There is similarly nothing wrong with having Skinny Cow ice cream bars in your freezer beside organic frozen vegetables. (Tell me you have Cool Whip?) There’s nothing wrong with any of it and my bottom line remains: Judging others’ eating styles and deeming food choices as inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’ only leaves us feeling and looking ignorant and unenlightened. 

The point of this post, as always, is to let you know that there’s middle ground. And also that I don’t want this blog to exclude anyone who’s hungry. My table serves Kit Kats and kale chips in varying amounts.”

Thank you Andie!

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