Weight Loss Exercise

Pilates Abdominal Device

Pilates exercises focus a lot on developing core strength, balance, flexibility, and posture. Exercises that build the abdominal muscles and back help strengthen your core. While many Pilates exercises are done on the mat, there are some exercises that make use of Pilates devices to intensify the workout. Some of the most popular Pilates abdominal devices are the Swiss ball, Pilates Ring, and the Reformer.

Using a Pilates Ring for Abdominal Exercises

A Pilates Ring is an inexpensive device that can enhance your abdominal workout. Pilates rings are lightweight and flexible. They come in different sizes and provide varying degrees of resistance.

Pilates Abdominal Device

Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through.Check out my Six Pack Abs review now.

This Pilates device can be used in some abdominal exercises. To tone your stomach muscles and buttocks, lie on the floor flat on your back. Bend your knees and keep your feet hip-width apart on the floor. Place the Pilates ring between the knees. Position your arms on the floor slightly away from your sides with the palm facing down. Squeeze the Pilates ring between your thighs. Exhale as you squeeze and inhale as you release. Repeat 10 times. This exercise engages your abs and buttocks.

Pilates Abdominal Exercises with a Swiss Ball

A Swiss ball is another inexpensive device that can be used with a Pilates abdominal exercise. It increases the challenge of your Pilates workout.

To perform the Swiss Ball Saw with Hamstring Stretch, start by sitting up straight on a Swiss ball. Both feet should be flat on the fall, knees bent and in line with the ankles.

Hold your arms straight to your sides at shoulder level, palms facing forward. Rotate your upper body to the right. Straighten your right leg and reach your left arm towards your right foot. Bend forward from the waist. Sit back slowly, one vertebra at a time. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This exercise targets the muscles on the abdomen, obliques and lower back. It also stretches your hamstrings.

The Swiss Ball Pyramid is another Pilates abdominal exercise that uses a simple device to provide a challenging workout. In this exercise, your body moves from a plank to a pyramid position. The ball challenges your balance and core strength because your lower body is being supported by this movable surface.

To begin, lie face down on the ball. Walk your hands forward until the ball is under your shins. At this point, your body should be straight from head to toe. Keep your arms perpendicular to the floor. Raise your hips toward the ceiling. The ball will roll slightly forward. Your body will now form a pyramid, with your hips as the top of the pyramid. Lower your hips back to the plank position to complete the routine.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Ab exercises to get that six pack

I just found this Ab weblog for improving your abs.

I was out on the weekend at a water park with the kids and noticed that there is a huge difference in the overall shape of a person with good abdominals or bad ones. I have lost some flab over the spring but still need to get in some crunches, situps.

Ab Blog

To expand on that weblog the best schedule for doing abdominal work is to do an abdominal workout three days a week so that you can recover between workouts. Do crunches which are just situps with your lower legs up on a chair alternated with sets of leg raises. do each for 3 sets of 25 and just to make things easier you can do leg raises by just lying on the floor on a mat, pulling your knees up toward your chest while holding onto something solid with your hands up behind your head.

Ab exercises to get that six pack
Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through.Check out my Six Pack Abs review now.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Spring Into Fitness Week – Day 3

Spring into Fitness Week

Spring into Fitness Week

I have been thinking about what people are telling me in emails and today I wanted to hit on a couple of things. I want to talk about Outdoor health and I also want to talk about losing fat on your stomach. See how this goes.

Outdoor Health

Whenever we go outside we are bombarded with everything that the non-constructed outdoors has to offer and as great as it is it is also dangerous. I have a wrecked knee right now to prove that care is needed. Here are a few things to think about

Shoes – Make sure that when you are exercising and travelling around outside that you are wearing good shoes with grip on the bottom. Winter and the slippery sidewalks are over but there is also a problem with rain now and just bad footing on the dirt and grass. Also if you have been running on a treadmill indoors it is much easier on your knees so you have to be careful with how you run outside.

Skin Care There is wind and there is UV (ultraviolet) outside from the sun. To be careful you NEED to wear sunscreen. Suncreen will trap the moisture in your skin to protect against the drying effect of the wind as well as protecting you against the sun. Remember that if you are going to be outdoors for the day even in Spring you can get a sunburn so wearing a hat and loose clothes that cover your skin is a good idea.

I like to suntan in the Spring and Summer but if you do that as well it is a good idea to control the amount of sun you are getting. You can’t be running around in the sun underprotected all day so that hat and lotion are critical

Losing Stomach Fat

OK, I want to be clear about this stomach fat issue. If there is fat on your stomach you need to lower your fat level through diet. You know lower your white carbs, drinking more water, eat more fruits and veggies, and try spacing out your meals more. Have 5 or 6 small meals instead of two giant meals a day. It is just a lot better for you.

I wrote an article a while back on How to get 6 pack abs a while ago that may help you out.

The other thing that you need to do is follow some great exercises for your core. Do crunches and leg raises 2 sets of 20 or 30 three times a week. Don’t neglect the rest of your core as well. I make sure that I exercise my lower back and  my lower sides. If you have weak muscles then you will have a lot more flabbiness.

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